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More Words of Wisdom

Inspirational words from a higher source

By John LedgarPublished 5 years ago 3 min read

Being a kindergarten teacher, everyone seems to say to me, “You must have a lot of patience.” At work I generally was very patient, but in my private life I wasn’t always the same.

“Being patient is not being complacent.

Think of patience like water.

Water can be gentle and soothing when all is calm.

It can also be firm and creative like the waves crashing on the shore, moulding the landscape.

The challenge is to choose the style of patience for the situation you are facing.”

I cannot say exactly where these words came from. In my life at this time, I had been through a lot of things and I would say that I was contemplating whether I had been patient or complacent with things in my life.

The following revelation came about through my ever-evolving Spiritualist belief or faith.

“To follow God, to have faith in a Supreme being, does not require you to put faith in a book made by man.

To follow God, is to follow that divine spark within.

To live a life inspired by love, truth, honesty and humility.

To carry Charity in your heart for all those you come in contact with.

To strive to be the best you, you possibly can.

Live up to no ones expectations but your own and have faith in that Great Spirit.”

To be spiritual or religious does not mean blindly following what a book says. Or what a leader tells you the book says. Having free will means we all have the right to question things. If it doesn’t sit well with you, ask yourself “Why?”

I love this saying:

“This is my simple religion.

There is no need for temples

no need for complicated philosophies.

My brain and heart are my temple, my philosophy is kindness.”

Dalia Lama. Need I say more?

“Why is it so?

That the way time goes, depends very much upon what you are doing.

During times of stress, fear and despair, a day can seem like a year.

During times of happiness, joy, and celebration days can feel like second.

Why is it so?”

Time is funny like that, and I remember that as a child the school holidays, particularly the Christmas holidays, seemed to go on forever and ever. Whereas days at school seemed to drag on. Our concept of time changes not just with age, but also the circumstances. I think back over the last year and sometimes it feels like time had stopped, was frozen. Whilst at other times, there was nothing I or anyone else could do to slow time down.

“Blind faith is false faith.

It is a poison on our society.

Blind faith teaches one to follow blindly without question.

Blind faith leads to hate, jealousy, conflict and rebellion.

True faith teaches us to question life. To ask questions about our beliefs.

True faith is evolving, as we learn, the more we understand and more flexible we become.

Blind faith holds us fast to what once was and stops our growth.

Choose true faith and grow.”

This can be viewed from the perspective of beliefs, religion, politics and even education. In the past it was normal for people to believe what they were told, whether that be by leaders, theologians, teachers, anybody in authority. However in our current world, it is important to question everything we learn and hear and make up our own view as to whether it sits right with us.

Until my next entry, I will leave you with these words. Que sera. None of us know what will happen in the future. So love like there’s no tomorrow, kiss your children and tell them you love them, call your mum and dad just to say hi. For a time will come when all you have are memories.

Today is the only day that counts. Make the most of it.

Much love and light,

John F Ledgar


About the Creator

John Ledgar

Father of 3

Energy healer

Spiritual healer

Studying Spiritualism and Holistic counselling

Love using essential oils, listening to music and a good camp fire

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    John LedgarWritten by John Ledgar

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