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Moldavite: Dangerous Stone That Blows Up Your Life?

The powerful green stone that blasts away blocks is attracting wild claims, but you got this

By Amethyst QuPublished 3 years ago 7 min read
Art by under license from Deposit Photo / Full links & license below

Author's Note: This article is a reprint of a previously published Medium story.

As the author of The Moldavite Message, I’ve had some pretty off-the-wall experiences with this mysterious green tektite. Is it a powerful stone? Yes. Can it help the metaphysical student blast away emotional and psychological blocks? Also yes.

So, here’s the million-dollar question: Is Moldavite safe to use? Or will it blast through your life like a wrecking ball knocking down everything in its path?

My gut reaction to the question is a laugh. C’mon. What’s more relaxed and patient than a freaking stone? Of course, Moldavite is safe and effective and all that good happy stuff.

And yet I’m seeing people share warnings on social media like this:

“Be ready to lose your job, your cheating husband, and all your friends.”

“Sure, it’ll clear away everything that holds you back, but I didn’t know everything included my career and my family.”

If you’re interested in Moldavite, you’ve likely seen the same comments.

So what’s that about? I figure it’s high time to speak up.

People Often Fear Power

There will always be people who spread rumors about objects of power. It goes back to our strong animal instinct to be cautious about new things. After all, the new food might be a poison mushroom. The new kitten might be a saber-tooth tiger.

We especially tend to fear the unexplained. When some of us — including me — first encountered Moldavite, we experienced an odd tingling sensation. This sensation isn’t explained, merely labeled as a vibration or an energy. I suspect it’s a metaphysical reaction, not a physical one, which means this sensation is destined to remain unexplained by science.

Lots of us instinctively react with fear to the unexplained. I’m no different. But, in my experience, these fears are vastly overblown. The ghost that touches an icy finger to my neck may be creepy, but it can’t hurt me. A stone that touches my heart isn’t going to hurt me either.

If you are drawn to working with Moldavite, I believe you should. Scare stories shouldn’t be allowed to frighten you away from a magical experience. But you need a better explanation than, “A lady on the internet said it’s safe,” so let’s go deeper.

“Moldavite (Miocene, 14.5–14.8 Ma; Ries Impact Crater’s tektite strewn field, Bohemia) 3” by James St. John is licensed under CC BY 2.0 / links below

What Is Moldavite?

I’ve addressed this issue many times in my previous writing, including an article previously reprinted here on this platform. To summarize, Moldavite is not a crystal. It’s a natural glass formed like so:

“When the Nördlinger Ries meteor fell to Earth in Bavaria some 14.8 million years ago, it smashed into a layer of sand with great force. The sand, which melted instantly, was blasted high into the atmosphere as a liquid. Of course, gravity pulled it back, and the liquid began to fall to earth again.

Rain is almost always falling water. This rainfall was different, for it was melted sand — and melted sand cools to form natural glass.”

A photograph of a droplet’s splash pattern should help you visualize this:

“Artistic splash” by Omar.Bariffi is licensed under CC BY 2.0 / colorized by the Author /links below

While nobody was around to witness this event almost 15 million years ago, plenty of people have seen shooting stars fall over the years. They usually figure it out pretty quickly when they’ve got evidence of an old impact crater complete with collectible stones in a nice splash pattern. Thus, Moldavite has become associated with power falling from a height.

There are different legends floating around. The Holy Grail, the sacred cup associated with the crucifixion of Jesus, may have been made of Moldavite. When Lucifer fell from heaven, the stone in the former angel’s crown might have been Moldavite. And so on. No need to recount them all here. The point is, this stone is associated with power.

Some of us feel that power very strongly from our first encounter with Moldavite. On an intuitive level, you may sense some strong beings went through some major things when they encountered this stone. I felt the same way.

But look: they didn’t go through those things because of the stone. Do you think Lucifer’s life got better when he dropped his Moldavite? That’s a total nope. This is the guy famous for living in the fiery regions, after all.

The legends aren’t trying to warn us Moldavite is mad, bad, and dangerous to know.

They’re trying to tell us Moldavite is useful.

A very different moral to the story.

My Most Important Warning About Moldavite

It’s the same warning I would give you with any stone. I like how ESP Lab old-timer Al Manning used to put it:

“Spirit won’t do your dirty dishes.”

Before you work with any stone or any object of power, you need to ask yourself honestly if you’ve done the work on the physical plane. Your stones aren’t going to step up if you refuse to do the work your physical body was put here to do.

We live in a world full of technical marvels and amazing medical resources the ancients would kill for. Are you using those resources? Are you sure?

Because I’m seeing an awful lot of so-called spiritual people who aren’t. It’s lazy, and it’s also counterproductive. Knowing a little about how physical science/ consensus reality works won’t spoil your magick.

If anything, it makes it more magical because you can appreciate the miracle when something truly out-there happens.

Author's wire-wrapped Moldavite specimens photographed by the Author

When It’s Safe to Wear Moldavite

Honestly, it’s safe to wear Moldavite whenever you durn well feel like it if you bought it just for pretty. However, if you’ve acquired your Moldavite specifically for the purposes of meditation and metaphysical work, you’ll want to follow some spiritual best practices. Disaster won’t rain down on your head if you don’t, but everything goes more smoothly if you do.

  • Purify the stone on a metaphysical level to cleanse the stone’s aura. You want it open to your intentions, not the intentions of some passing guru who handled it in the crystal shop. Here’s how if you need detailed instructions:

  • Purify yourself. White light, moon bath, or the usual meditations or prayers you always use depending on your practice.
  • The first time you wear your new Moldavite, you may want to be alone or in a supportive space with people who understand. Strong emotions can well up. It makes no sense to put on a stone to connect with your long-blocked emotions in a setting where you then feel constrained to pretend everything’s all business as usual.
  • Consider purifying the Moldavite after every wearing or use.

See how easy that is? Relax. You’ll do great.

It’s dealer’s choice about where to start opening blockages in your life. Most people probably start at the heart to soften emotional blocks. I started at my throat to break blocks to expressing myself. (Considering how much I write, you may think I broke those blocks a little too well.) You could try the third eye to open up blocks to insight and hidden wisdom.

I’ve heard people say their Moldavites gave them a headache. All right, then, take it off. This isn’t rocket science. But, if that happens to you, I invite you to consider the following questions:

Did you ever get a headache because you were fighting back tears? Is it not possible you’re facing a similar situation here?

In other words, the Moldavite didn’t cause the headache. You caused the headache by resisting when it opened the flood of emotion, memory, or insight.

Maybe you’re not ready to open that block. That’s fine. Moldavite will be here when you are.

A Couple More Thoughts

Is it safe to wear Moldavite in your sleep?

Some people do, and some of them report receiving helpful communications in their dreams. It’s a valid path to bringing truth to light.

I don’t. Some of my blocks arose as a result of childhood trauma, and I’d rather not meet that stuff in a nightmare.

Some highly sensitive people keep Moldavite out of the bedroom entirely. They prefer to work with it only when they’re in a state of calm awareness.

Whatever works for you is fine. Let intuition be your guide.

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Author’s Notes & Disclosures

I am not currently selling stones, although I have very occasionally sold Moldavites in the past and may do so again. I do sell a book, The Moldavite Message. This isn’t a hastily scribbled volume written to cash in on TikTok or Twitter rumors. It’s an experience-based book that I’ve offered for sale since 2017.

If you're interested, you can borrow the digital ebook from public libraries via Hoopla or from the subscription service Scribd. You can also buy it at pretty much every ebook retailer you can think of worldwide. A small paperback is available via Amazon US. While I don't control which international markets offer the paperback, you can check your own country's Amazon market by doing a search for ASIN: 1546839305.

Photo Credits

Feature Photo: Meteor strikes Earth, artist’s conception based on elements from NASA / Art by under license from Deposit Photo

Moldavite Specimens:Moldavite (Miocene, 14.5–14.8 Ma; Ries Impact Crater’s tektite strewn field, Bohemia) 3” by James St. John is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Artistic Splash: Photo by Omar.Bariffi is licensed under CC BY 2.0 / colorized by the Author

Pendant Photo: My pendants were photographed by me, your humble narrator

Don't miss my previous story with a full introduction to working with Moldavite:

self help

About the Creator

Amethyst Qu

Seeker, traveler, birder, crystal collector, photographer. I sometimes visit the mysterious side of life. Author of "The Moldavite Message" and "Crystal Magick, Meditation, and Manifestation."

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    Amethyst QuWritten by Amethyst Qu

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