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Mental Health and Healing

n this stride of life, We often succumb to the pressures of this strife, Life seems to come to an end, But remember what often looks an end is just a bend.

By Hridya SharmaPublished 5 months ago 9 min read

Mental health and healing

In this stride of life,

We often succumb to the pressures of this strife,

Life seems to come to an end,

But remember what often looks an end is just a bend.

Humans are the most powerful creatures on earth, they hold the power to manifest their desires into reality. Although we are minuscules of the wider universe that surrounds us, we are the creators of the world we live in. In this era of digitalization, where we can contemplate the future of our existence, we become more powerful day by day. Evolution is the growth of the human mind from a simple matrix to the most complicated machine on the planet.

As humans grow and evolve into the beings of mortality that behold the might to change their destiny, their minds are subjected to tenacious situations that demand resilience. The human mind is the most powerful yet the most fragile asset of a man. In the fast-paced and growing world, Humans are facing problems related to their emotional and mental state of well-being. In this article, we are going to discuss in detail mental health and how we can deal with these problems.

Mental Health Situation in the current era.

After the hit of the covid 19 pandemic, the world came to a standstill. Many people lost their jobs, and the virus lead to serious health issues, loss of loved ones, the downfall of the economy, and an increase in poverty. These all were the surface-level issues that we all faced. But there was something we felt beneath, beneath the superficiality. Mental health issues were on a rise during the pandemic. Isolation led to people being deprived of the touch, feel, and warmth of other humans, and many sleds into depression, and anxiety. Man is a social animal, and when kept in isolation for too long. It is detrimental to his health.

The recent pandemic was one of the worst health crises we all faced. The number of deaths by suicide increased rapidly during the pandemic. As a result the number of people who remained isolated developed social anxiety when the lockdown was over. Mental health problems have always existed but after the pandemic, the surge has been unbelievable. It is high time we should talk about this openly.

Mental health problems

What mental health needs are unashamed conversations. Let us first understand what exactly mental health is What is mental health? The major problems around mental health. It is the balance of cognitive, emotional, and mental well-being. The way a person behaves and acts is credited to her mental health. Emotional and psychological wellness are the key factors that affect daily life. We classify our happiness based on our status, money, romantic relationships, or social lives.

Oblivious that these are only the external sources of validation, not the sources of happiness. Happiness is not a feeling. Rather a state of mind which can be achieved with practice and self-realization. People often run after materialistic things and confuse them with contentment. And this forges the root cause of mental health issues. Not being content with oneself and seeking happiness from external sources.

The main categories of mental health issues that people deal with are




4)Dissociation and dissociative disorders.

5)Eating disorders.

6)Obsessive-compulsive disorder. …


Let s discuss some of them here.


Generalized anxiety disorder includes disorders like phobias, particular phobias (such as agoraphobia and claustrophobia), panic disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and post-traumatic stress disorder. Anxiety disorders, if left untamed and undiagnosed can have a severe impact on a person’s life.


Depression is a mood disorder characterized by low energy, a negative mood, and a loss of interest and enjoyment. This illness is more than just a case of sadness. It has a greater number of symptoms that aid in its disorganization. There are many levels of severity and symptoms associated with depression. Suicidal thoughts or behaviors can be exacerbated by depressed symptoms.


Bipolar is often characterized as a disorder that accompanies a series of mood swings, that make people irritable and easily prone to breakdowns.

4)Eating disorders

Eating disorders are also one of the most common kinds of mental health disorders. Seen most commonly in teens and young adults. The root cause of eating disorders is self-image and body-imaging issues.

What are the key factors that affect mental health?

The key factors that affect mental health are

1) Self-esteem

The way one perceives themselves is the key factor in how society views them. If one doesn’t love himself and is not comfortable in his skin, it leads to low self-esteem.

Low self-esteem is often characterized by the following factors

1)Body Image issue

2)Constant need for validation

3)Low self-worth

4)Low confidence in oneself.

Self-esteem issues root the problems concerning mental health. If a person doesn’t value himself, he will always be motivated and discouraged by external factors.

2)Feeling loved.

If a child is brought with hostility, he learns to live with convolution, If he is brought up with love, he learns to live with kindness. Kindness and empathy are rare values that are the need of the hour. The person who feels loved and appreciated is confident in his abilities and grows up to become a successful individual. His validation is in the sense of his worth and feels strong enough to stand on his own feet. The locus of his control is in him inside. She/he turns out to be a strong individual. With a well-balanced emotional and cognitive state.

3)Family environment

We are known by the closest people who surround us. If we live in an environment that fosters happiness and keeps us grounded, we become resilient. Contradictory if we are bought up in a family, where we are ill-treated. Our minds are already conditioned to see this world with a glass of hatred. Believing that the world will only give us grief and misery, we don’t let happiness enter us. Which is detrimental to our mental state.

4) Abuse

Humans though the strongest creatures are also the most vulnerable ones. Abuse verbal or physical inflicts wounds on the soul. The external ones still heal but take a long time to bounce back. The victim of abuse, whether it be emotional or physical finds it impossible to strive in the daily struggles. Abuse is the most significant factor that leads to anxiety or depression.

The stigma around mental health and how can be solved.

Stigmas are psychological biases that exist within the realms of society. These stigmas stop people from opening up and expressing themselves. As quoted by a famous person, “There is no greater happiness than to love and be loved.” Humans are social animals and we need to express ourselves to people or individuals whom we can trust. Mental health stigmas discourage individuals from seeking help. People suffer in silence because if they ask for help, judgments from the norms will follow. We can solve this problem with acceptance. Acceptance of ourselves, and accepting the people with mental health issues.

When we do that we allow individuals around us to embrace themselves without the fear of being judged or unheard. I am not denying the fact that yes there is change and the taboo about mental health is steadily declining. But how many of us are still comfortable sharing an episode of our life that we don’t talk about loud. There is still a fear of being misunderstood and judged that creeps in. We still cannot open up ourselves.

2024 and mental health

As quoted, “ Embrace every possibility”. We are going back to the normal world. Though there is no normal now, a new normal is now what we have to accept. But as we step into the open once again, let us not forget how the last two years are spent. The last two years have taken a toll on not only mental health but the confidence to be social situations. It is our responsibility to be kind to everyone around us. We all are fighting battles silently that no one knows about.

But as we are midway through this year, the conversations around mental health are becoming more acceptable. We realize the value of the physical state of mind and emotional well-being. The hustle culture is the norm, people are also talking about how important it is to let go.

Unwinding and taking frequent breaks are just as important as being productive. Allowing yourself to be vulnerable about your experiences not only lifts the burden off your chest but also gives others the courage to open up. Companies are now introducing 4 day work week and mental health leaves. Mental health leave days offer the right amount of rest to recharge and become energized for the next day.

Similarly, a work culture where you could work 4 days a week and get the rest of the week off. This work Culture of 4-day work is followed in most of the European countries which have witnessed a boost in productivity. 2024 has witnessed some positive changes in mental health.

Therapy and mental health.

Psychotherapy or talk therapy is a form of help offered by therapists or qualified professionals that assist the patient in controlling the symptoms of his illness and helping him heal. Therapy is a very effective way of dealing with mental health disorders, It gives you an insight into your emotions and helps you understand the grassroots of the problem. Why suffer in silence when you can break the defiance and actively choose to heal?

It has always been a saying people with mental health problems are fragile and cannot handle situations well. On the contrary, these people are stuck with a spiral of thoughts inside their minds and still, they try their best to keep up with the daily challenges of strife. And anybody who is not ready to give up no matter how difficult life becomes is a sign of strength in itself.

Life is a journey of ups and downs, highs and lows.

If we remain in our past forever, we carry a burden with us,

If we remain in the fear of tomorrow, we carry fear with us.

But if we remain in the present, we carry life with us.


It is the past wounds or traumas that make us the person we are in this moment. Every storm we walk into forges us into a different being once we walk out of it. Healing is a slow process. The scars that we carry are reminders of how valiantly we have fought our battles. Healing is a journey, a journey that is not linear or short-lived. It is the one who embellishes, where you understand the cycles, behaviors, and patterns you went through,

Imagine this

You are living the life of your dreams, living in the house you always wanted, with your loved ones. You are at this place where everything feels right and you are at peace with how far you have come and at peace with where you are headed. Imagine fostering a life like this. This is called visualization, a technique that helps you realize the power that your dreams hold.

Visualization helps you ground yourself with your progress while helping you move forward in life. Validating your own experiences is an integral part of healing. When you embrace every event of your life and liberate yourself from your past. That’s when the magic starts. If you will forever depend on the validation of others, you will be left wallowing in self-pity forever.

Give yourself all the time to heal, for healing is a slow process and it requires patience and consistency in it. You deserve all the time you need to heal and grow. Discipline and good habits will be the steering wheels of your healing journey.

Take it step by step.

Don’t let the wearies of the past blackmail the healing of the present for the beautiful joy of tomorrow.

-Hridy a

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Hridya Sharma

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    Hridya SharmaWritten by Hridya Sharma

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