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love is my strength

stories for love

By awan sudarmantoPublished 8 days ago 3 min read

Sophie always believed in love. Not just the romantic kind you see in movies, but the love of family, friends, and the simple things in life. To her, love was like a superpower—a source of strength that could get her through anything.

Growing up, Sophie had a close-knit family. Her parents were her biggest cheerleaders, always there to support her dreams, no matter how wild they seemed. Her younger brother, Max, was her partner in crime, sharing secrets and adventures from their childhood into adulthood. And then there was Emma, her best friend since kindergarten, who was practically a sister. They were inseparable, their bond only growing stronger over the years.

Sophie’s life wasn’t without challenges. During her senior year of high school, her mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. It was a tough time for the family, filled with hospital visits, treatments, and the constant worry of the unknown. But through it all, they leaned on each other. Sophie saw her mom’s unwavering strength and love, and it inspired her. They would have movie nights in the hospital, laugh at old family stories, and hold each other close. Her mom’s battle wasn’t just a fight against illness; it was a testament to the power of love and resilience.

When Sophie went off to college, she was nervous about leaving her family behind, especially with her mom still in recovery. But her family encouraged her to chase her dreams. She chose a university a few hours away so she could visit often. During her first semester, she struggled with homesickness and the pressures of a new environment. It was a lot to handle, but every time she felt overwhelmed, she remembered her mom’s courage and her family’s support. Phone calls with her parents, silly texts from Max, and late-night video chats with Emma kept her grounded.

One evening, Sophie was feeling particularly stressed about an upcoming exam. She was studying in the campus library when her phone buzzed. It was a picture of her mom, smiling, holding a sign that said, “You’ve got this!” That simple gesture filled her heart with warmth and determination. She took a deep breath, closed her eyes for a moment, and felt the love of her family giving her the strength she needed. She aced the exam the next day.

During her junior year, Sophie met Alex in one of her classes. He was charming, funny, and they quickly became friends. As they spent more time together, Sophie realized she was falling for him. They started dating, and their relationship blossomed into something beautiful. Alex was not just her boyfriend; he became her confidant and best friend. They shared a love of hiking, spent weekends exploring new trails, and had deep conversations under the stars. Alex admired Sophie’s strength and often told her how much he respected her resilience and loving nature.

After graduating, Sophie landed her dream job at a marketing firm. It was a new chapter, filled with excitement but also new challenges. The corporate world was demanding, and there were days when Sophie felt like she was in over her head. But she had a secret weapon—love. Her family, Alex, and Emma were her support system. They celebrated her victories and lifted her spirits when things got tough. Whenever Sophie faced a daunting project or a tight deadline, she drew strength from the love that surrounded her.

One day, Sophie was asked to lead a major project at work. It was a huge opportunity, but also a massive responsibility. She felt a mix of excitement and nerves. As the project progressed, there were moments of doubt and stress. But each time she felt like giving up, she remembered her mom’s battle, her family’s encouragement, and the love she shared with Alex. She pushed through, inspired by the strength that love gave her.

The project was a success, and Sophie was praised for her leadership and dedication. Standing in front of her team, accepting their congratulations, she felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude. Love had been her anchor, her driving force. It wasn’t just a feeling; it was her strength.

Back at home, Sophie called her mom to share the good news. Her mom’s voice was filled with pride, and Sophie could hear the love and joy in every word. Later that evening, she and Alex celebrated with a quiet dinner at their favorite restaurant. As they clinked their glasses, Sophie reflected on her journey. Life had thrown her challenges, but love had always been there to guide her through.

In that moment, Sophie realized that love was more than just an emotion. It was the strength that had carried her through life’s ups and downs. It was the foundation of her resilience and the source of her courage. Love was, and always would be, her greatest strength.

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About the Creator

awan sudarmanto

it may be difficult to explain in words, but by writing it will be easier to express and more understandable because writing can represent feelings that are sometimes difficult to express, writing is the door to opening truth and reality.

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    awan sudarmantoWritten by awan sudarmanto

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