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I'm 27, I left college at 19, I'm a freelancer, I met Medium and I'm happy

The moment I changed my life

By Casimiro Filipe Published 4 years ago 7 min read
Etty Fidele's photo at Unsplash

Life is a paradigm that sometimes causes various aspects to be influenced, in the life of each human being during their journey from childhood, until reaching adulthood. The time has finally come to write about what many say when they achieve success in their lives.

I was born in a country where it is almost impossible to succeed, due to the lack of opportunities, the poor quality of teaching, learning, the educational system itself, the evolutionary problem of the nation and much more.

I was born, grew up and live in Angola, a country plunged into an unprecedented crisis, a country where opportunities are scarce, the market is closed to the world public, the financial system is totally chaotic, education is of poor quality and practically non-existent.

My name is Casimiro Filipe, I am a 27 year old young man, I took a technical course in computer science in high school and gave up in the second year of college in Technologist in Systems Analysis and Development, to follow my freelance career as a digital entrepreneur .

What motivated me to drop out of college?

I was always a young man very applied to studies, so much so that I studied until college without repeating a single year, that is, I don't know what it is like to repeat the class, I never tasted that flavor. When I studied, the teachers were so shallow that I was forced to spend more time online to research the topic studied to swallow more subjects, as I was not satisfied with what the teachers taught; it was then that I started to drink a little more subjects from the internet, the more I researched, the more things I knew and the more my mind opened up to the digital world, and as I already studied computer science for me, it was something even better for the my evolution.

Until 2013, I was already hearing a little bit about making money online, but I didn't know a little about Freelancers, but something very strange was confused in my mind: it was that the richest guy on the planet had left college to pursue his business, it was then that I started to research more on the subject, when I saw my brother, leaving college in the fourth year, to become a digital entrepreneur, this made me even more curious. At the end of 2013, with my mind fully rooted in the idea of ​​finding a job, I started recording videos for Youtube, while looking for a job vacancy.

In March 2014, I get my first job and, moments later, everything was going so well because I saw my fellow engineers earning a good salary, so I said: I also have to earn well, that's when I learned that my brother left college I earned $7000 a month, my head kept spinning, how does he do it?

I investigated further and see what I discovered

Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, had left Harvard when he was two, to focus on a tool that, years later, would be the largest social network in the world; and become one of the richest young entrepreneurs in the world. And not only did I discover that, after two years of studying at one of the most prestigious universities in the world, Bill Gates abandoned everything and went to dedicate himself to the company that, years later, would be one of the world references in technology. And the company made billions of dollars, and I can say that it is not every day that someone refuses a place at Harvard, but the owner of Microsoft is there to prove the contrary.

Not to mention the many other stories I was reading, about successful people who dropped out of college, it started to influence my life, of course it wasn't because of the money, but I wanted to be valuable, to be a person who could do that without depending on a governmental system that closed everything to a population that could evolve without having to depend on state jobs in which wages were a pity.

My total abandonment of the Faculty and my first trip to the world.

At the end of 2015, I started planting the idea of ​​preparing money and changing countries, and that thought was realized, I went to Brazil to experience life and, when I got there, I started studying strategies that could change my mind about the point and when I thought that if I stayed here, I would be in a huge struggle, 95% impossible to get a place. It was then that I came back and started putting together the Casimiro Designer project.

With the project, I created a YouTube channel where I give tips on how young people can survive creating businesses, both digital and physical, and manage to earn extra money without having to depend on the state, because in my country the state has alienated people so much that they don't they have nowhere to go besides using them, so I decided to create what I call "a new way of viewing the internet in Angola" because, through my project, many young people have changed the way they think, look and analyze things. Many learned to work online, and I was able to have a lot of influence in my country through the lectures I give, the free training and the courses I make available to the general public.

My rise.

I can say that I started to have my rise in the life of entrepreneurship in 2018, when I started studying crypto currencies, because I started as a freelancer on work-on-demand platforms, where I did jobs as a designer, writer, translator and editor, everything that seemed like- me, it was an asset because I would have something in my pocket, it made me grow a lot and be more applied, because every day that you know something new, you want to work more.

Today I managed to leverage my life in two aspects: first in online jobs, because that is where I sometimes receive my biggest income and, secondly, in physical work that I do internally in my country in consulting, editorials in companies, lectures, personal training, newsrooms etc.

Today, I get a higher salary than the engineers I coveted when I worked for a company that paid me $ 199.25 a month to do hard work for 30 days. There is no question of wanting to speak ill of companies, but you need to know my country.

There is a saying or perhaps a popular tale that says: "the world turns" and the same goes for my brother, I consider my brother, the greatest freelancer in my country, although people consider me, because of my social action. But in terms of points, my brother works as a trader, and he dominates like the back of his hand, earning about 73 thousand dollars a month and I don't even get to the middle of that amount, but I do good numbers too, maybe because I'm a Russian salad, I dominate almost all areas of freelancing.

The moment I met Medium.

I am in the habit of falling in love whenever I know a good platform to be able to work and earn extra money, and Medium is perhaps my new coronavirus, that is, it caught me because it is exactly what I was looking for to dedicate myself to writing and where people could look at and value my writing.

What maybe for me is the only platform in which writing is only worth, in which the commitment to write something of quality is worth gold, because when I met Medium, I had a simple idea: it is more of a social platform, a little different from the others , because my first impression that it was founded by the co-founder of Twitter, I only had an idea that Medium would be a social network, until I investigated further and found out what the platform was. Then the moment comes when I say: I'm 27, I left college at 19, I became a freelancer, I met Medium and I'm happy.

Why do I say that?

I say this because I found it on Medium, what I was looking for for years, I wanted to be able to show what I know, writing and in a place where my writings could be valued, and then I found Medium.

But how happy am I?

• First, because I understood and I am getting everything I wanted to do in my country with youth.

• Second, I am succeeding even without having to live in a country where the economy is powerful around the world.

• Third is that every effort I make, every night I lose writing, preparing a story for a lecture or job, is a victory for me, today I am happy to see many young people waiting for me to finish recording a video for that I can give you tips on how to do well in your professional life without the need for intermediaries that will make your life difficult.

Achieving happiness is achieving what you wanted to achieve, without having to be put by anyone, I believe that today you talk to Bill Gates or Mark and discover what they left to pursue a career, it was the best choice for them. But I intend to tell you that if you fell here and read this far, don't be influenced only by life experience, start working while doing the things that will help you grow.

I didn't leave it all at once to be a freelancer, I was already a freelancer when I still worked for a boss, I was a freelancer when I thought about leaving college, after finding a little stability, that's what I did. Decision to leave everything, to pursue my solo career.

Whatever your thinking after reading this, note one thing: this is just sharing my experience as a person who has been successful working independently.


About the Creator

Casimiro Filipe

Startup Entrepreneur, Investor, Content Writer, YouTube Business Influencer and Podcaster.

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    Casimiro Filipe Written by Casimiro Filipe

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