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How YOU Can Be a Little Better Than Yesterday

Without Spreading Negative Vibes Around!

By Bobby M.Published 7 years ago 4 min read
Not All Heroes Wear Capes, Sometimes They Wear Hoodies...With Swords

You know, sometimes when you think that the world just sucks and you just want to just scream and yell at your puppy for no apparent reason... don't. That puppy did nothing to you except pee on the carpet last week while you were at work but that's okay. Puppies do that. Or maybe because you just haven't potty trained them, who knows? The point is, taking out your negative feelings on an innocent life form is pointless. How about instead you just let them know "DON'T PEE ON THE CARPET!" until they get it. Things like that take time. Just like babies, you have to potty train them or else they'll pee on the carpet too, except in their diapers. But here are some ways that you can be a better person without exerting all that negative energy:

1. Throw away your trash.

The world may be trashy but we can make it less trashy and clean up after ourselves. Even the smallest things can make a difference like a candy wrapper or a led pencil, or picking up your trash from your friends car so they won't silently judge you when you leave your trash in their car on purpose. Plus, the environment is looking pretty bad in some parts of the world for the animals. Why do people care so much that an animal dies in a movie but not a person? Because humans are overpopulating the Earth while animals are becoming endangered, so pick up your trash!

2. Mind yourself.

Are you going through a rough day/night because you were so excited to see that new romantic, comedy movie that you can totally relate to because it sums up your life right now, but your friends cancel on you last minute because they're "busy" or "have work in the morning" or "I don't feel like it anymore" OR "......"(They just plain ghost you but text you the next day saying that they "forgot")? It's all good. Just don't go spreading your sadness around 'cause you can start a chain reaction of sadness. I mean, isn't that how the Trail Of Tears started? Bringing negative energy to the people around you won't make you or anyone else feel better. If you can't put a smile on, at least be considerate of others around you that are trying to get through their day/night.

3. Fight your inner demons.

So you repressed those feelings of sadness, depression, anger, hate, and fear inside of you? Well, let's try to fix that. Punch those little devils in the face and say "I look so cute today!" because everyone is a little cute inside. Give yourself some positive feedback like "I'm really feeling myself today!" "That salad I made was really good, I'm so healthy!" "I can do better than last time." Notice those exclamation marks at the end of those statements? That's because you should be screaming them out loud so that everyone can know how positive you are, plus it's an ice breaker if you wanna make new friends. People may think you're weird but that's okay. I'll be weird with you. Say whatever helps you destroy the evil spirits inside you and be reborn, like a phoenix except you're a struggling college student who's drowning in student debt but still has time to go out with friends.

4. Be honest (about everything).

It might be hard for some people, but honesty is just one of those keys in life that can make you a better YOU! Admit that you should've finished that essay last week when it was assigned to you but it's due at midnight tonight. Admit that you leave trash in your friend's car because you think it's cool with them and they'll clean up their car later anyway. Admit that you shouldn't have yelled at that three-month-old puppy for peeing on the carpet when you knew they weren't potty trained. Admit that you miss your ex even though you were the one that broke it off with them last month. Let's be honest about what we really want/need instead of beating around the bush and procrastinating.

5. Ask questions.

"Yes, of course I know how to do that thing even though I've only seen it done once six years ago," No, you don't. Do you really know how to fix the clogged toilet? Do you really know how or when to do your taxes even though high school doesn't prepare you for that kind of stuff? Do you really know how to swim? Some of you may say yes or no to all or some of these questions, but do you REALLY know what you're doing? What if you were only given that plumber license because know one else wanted the job? It's okay there's no shame in supporting yourself/your family. The point is, you have to ask the right question at the right time or whenever you're given the opportunity. Like when your teacher asks if there are any questions after going over the test review, take that chance to ask your question(s). Someone else might have that same question. Don't worry, if you weren't listening than you can always look up the answers online, BUT THAT AIN'T GONNA HELP YOU IN LIFE! YOU CAN'T LOOK UP ANSWERS ABOUT LIFE ON THE INTERNET. YOU GOTTA GET OUT THERE AND LET CURIOSITY TAKE OVER! QUESTION EVERYTHING, FIND ANSWERS! Unless you're a sentient being of the cosmos, KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!


About the Creator

Bobby M.

"There are always three sides to a story; your side, their side, and the truth " - Robert Evans

Speaking and writing the truth is very important for yourself and the people. It makes the story more realistic and less confusing. Lets get it!

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    Bobby M.Written by Bobby M.

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