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How to Become a Successful Entrepreneur with a Billionaire Mindset

Manifest your dreams and achieve a highly accelerated level of wealth and success!

By Silena Le BeauPublished 6 years ago 7 min read

Do you dream of leaving your 9–5 job and becoming your own boss? We sit back enjoying the various millionaire lifestyles we watch on TV and social media, not thinking that the same success can be achieved.

But there’s a vast difference between those who dream of reaching millionaire status and those who do. And it begins and ends within the mindset.

If you don’t work on developing that mindset, you will continue to spin your wheels, working just as hard, but never going further than where you are.

There's nothing stopping you from achieving the same great success as others. You are the only one who stands in your way by the things that your mind tells you.

In addition, successful entrepreneurs and business owners have a “now” mentality.

Knowing why you started, and why you're doing what you're doing is the key. Also being a “now” kind of person will push you to get what you want.

Rather than putting things off, billionaires cultivate a mentality to do what is necessary now, no matter how scary or impossible it feels.

If you want it bad enough, then it will surely come to fruition with dedication and the will to never give up.

"The secret to success is found in your daily routine."

Develop millionaire habits.

Is becoming a millionaire just a matter of developing some good habits?

In this article you'll find tips from self-made millionaires as well as myself that can help you reach millionaire status in less than five years. But you have to be willing to have a new awareness of self-motivated discipline!

The fastest, most clear-cut way to replicate success is to emulate the thinking of successful people. With that in mind, I collected a set of quotes from a dozen incredibly successful millionaires.

You don't just need to be a master in your field, you need to be a well-rounded genius capable of upgrading your knowledge and skills yearly or whenever it suits your business field, proclaims Tucker Hughes, who became a millionaire at the young age of 22.

  • A billionaire mindset alone has never made anyone rich.
  • In order to become a billionaire, you must think like one.
  • Create a brand around your business. Build a website, (tons of free options). Sell merchandise.
  • Billionaire status won't be guaranteed if you've given up in your head and don't have full belief in your capabilities.
  • The first step and requirement for business success is the habit of planning thoroughly. Go to school, take a course, and educate yourself from others who have mastered success.
  • You must get organized before you get started. If you're going to do it, do it wisely, and connect with people who match your drive and hustle. Inspect whatever you expect, and then measure what gets done.

Hone these eight habits of billionaires.

Developing a billionaire mindset requires you to stretch your thinking. Start by developing the following attributes.

If you aspire to be a millionaire or billionaire at some point in your life, or you aspire to have a seven-figure business, you must start with a vision. Once you’ve got it, you have to get really clear on why you want it.

  1. Invest in yourself
  2. Be decisive.
  3. Set big goals and believe in them.
  4. Don't fear failure.
  5. Develop multiple streams of income.
  6. Save to invest, don't save to save.
  7. Invest wisely.
  8. Develop a written financial plan.

If you sincerely want to retire as a self-made millionaire, nothing will stop you from adopting these eight success habits, and you'll lay the groundwork now to cross that million-dollar milestone yourself.

Financial planning can make or break your business.

One of the top reasons someone can never become a millionaire is because they didn't take the time to write a financial plan.

When you develop a financial plan it forces you to take action, instead of just bringing all talk. It will also guide you in making the right decisions in order to achieve all of your dreams and goals.

When planning for a more secure future, there are two inputs that are indispensable: "how much money you have, and how much money you spend," says financial planner Scott D. Hedgcock.

The basic point that can't be stressed enough is that it is absolutely fundamental to have a clear-cut precise financial plan before you even set out on your business venture, regardless of how well you think you know the direction you want to go.Below you'll find two categories of 25 quotes each. One is based on motivational quotes, and the other set of quotes is geared towards more of a disciplined mindset for success.Most will start at the first one and work up their mental ability to be ready for the second set. It truly is a process, and one must be willing to commit to their dream in order for it to actually become a tangible reality.Don't allow yourself to get discouraged easily. Every successful entrepreneur was once a beginner.Try again and don't stop til your signature becomes an autograph. One bad chapter doesn't mean that your story is over. Use it as fuel to keep pushing through any roadblock you have allowed your mind to create.

25 Millionaire Quotes for Motivation

  • Believing in yourself is the first secret to success.
  • If you want to be successful, be prepared to be doubted and tested.
  • A goal without a plan is just a wish.
  • Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can.
  • Prepare while others play.
  • Not making a decision is actually a decision. It's the decision to stay the same.
  • All things are difficult, before they are easy.
  • Failure is not falling down but refusing to get up.
  • Whenever you see a successful business, someone once made a courageous decision.
  • If you can't stop thinking about it, don't stop working for it.
  • Instead of focusing on the pain of the setback, focus on who you are going to become.
  • Sometimes life is about risking everything for a dream that no one can see but you.
  • Every successful person was once an unknown person that refused to give up their dream.
  • Quit thinking. Hoping. Wishing, waiting, and start doing.
  • If you're not willing to go all the way, you won't go anywhere.
  • Stop getting distracted by the things that have nothing to do with your goals.
  • If you quit once, it becomes a habit. Never quit.
  • If it's still on your mind, it's still worth taking the risk.
  • Don't wait for the world to recognize your greatness. Live it. The world will catch up.
  • If you cannot manage stress, you will not manage success.
  • Focus on where you want to go, not where you are.
  • To gain much, we must first do well with little.
  • Hustle in silence, let your success make the noise.
  • Invest in your dream. Grind now. Shine later.
  • Be somebody nobody thought you could be.

25 Millionaire Quotes for Success

  • Motivation is what gets you started, habit is what keeps you going.
  • In order to succeed, we must first believe we can.
  • To change your life, you need to change your priorities.
  • Never let your fear decide your future.
  • If you can't control your emotions. You can't control your money.
  • Inside every self-made man is a poor kid who followed his dreams.
  • A goal is a dream with a deadline.
  • Your greatness is only limited by the investments you make in yourself.
  • Rich people plan for three generations. Poor people plan for a Saturday night.
  • If you can't handle stress you won't manage success.
  • Everything you need to be great is already inside you. Stop waiting for someone or something to light the fire. You have the match.
  • I know my future because I'm creating it.
  • Don't talk, just act, don't say, just show. Don't promise, just prove.
  • A man with no vision for his future will always return to his past.
  • I don't do drama. I do business.
  • Be mindful of your circle, who you spend your time with will determine your outlook on life.
  • Chase the vision. Not the money. The money will end up following you.
  • Instead of saying "I don't have time" try saying "it's not a priority" and see how that feels
  • Average people call me insane. Smart people call me for advice.
  • You should be addicted to bettering yourself.
  • If you're not gaining knowledge, connections, or money, you're wasting your time.
  • If you want to make everyone happy, don't be a leader; sell ice cream.
  • When someone tells me no, it doesn't mean I can't do it. It simply means I can't do it with them.
  • Successful people never worry about what others are doing.
  • Set some goals, stay quiet about them. Smash the hell out of them. Clap for your damn self.

It's free to get a card reader sent to you to begin processing payments and send invoices at your place of business or on the go. Even if you don't have a business yet, sign up and get one. These companies usually will change the policy so if you come back a year later you will miss the opportunity. Remember, don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today!

Stay focused.

As you venture out on your journey remember that every successful millionaire was once an unknown person who refused to give up on their dreams.

There will be naysayers that come along on your journey. They are just there to try to knock you off your game to see if you really want it. If you want it as bad as you say you do, you'll use that energy as fuel.

Don't ever let somebody who gave up on their dreams talk you out of yours.

Don't allow yourself to get discouraged easily. Every successful entrepreneur was once a beginner.

If you ever fail, that's proof that you are in fact trying. Try again and don't stop until your signature becomes an autograph. One bad chapter doesn't mean that your story is over. Use it as fuel to keep pushing through any roadblock you have allowed your mind to created.

If you're serious about wanting to become a millionaire, then you will take your investment in yourself as such. You most probably want to retire rich and not live scrambling paycheck to paycheck.

So keep that in mind as you keep your eyes on the end result. And there will be a reward at the end. You just have to not slack or get sidetracked and get started on your future today.


About the Creator

Silena Le Beau

She expresses her gift of writing through each piece. She studied writing in college and has been inspiring people for 20 years. She gives back to the community & enriches them with enlightenment. Philanthropist, Empath and Nature lover.

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    Silena Le BeauWritten by Silena Le Beau

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