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Elephant Graveyard: From the Legend of Elephants to My Inner Journey

Elephants, with their wisdom, powerful memories, and social structures, are among the most fascinating creatures in nature. They symbolize qualities such as strength, courage, wisdom, luck, health, and honor.

By Yasemin Yiğit KuruPublished about a month ago 3 min read
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Elephants, revered in various cultures, present an aesthetic appearance artistically as well. They live in herds, form deep family bonds, and are known as social creatures. One of the most striking indicators of these bonds is the legend of the elephant graveyard.

What is the Elephant Graveyard? Origins and Meaning of the Legend

The elephant graveyard signifies the belief that when elephants sense their impending death, they separate from the rest of their family and herd and go to a hidden place where they peacefully pass away. This legend has been passed down through generations and symbolizes the special bonds elephants have with death and the afterlife. Elephants are known for their massive memories and emotional structures. Their sensing of death and separation from their herds is based on deep intuition and instinct.

The Sacredness of Elephants and Their Importance in India

Elephants are sacred symbols in Hindu and Buddhist religions, representing loyalty, power, wisdom, and prosperity. In Hinduism, Ganesha is known as the elephant-headed deity, synonymous with “perfect wisdom.” He is worshipped as the remover of obstacles and provider of prosperity. Ganesha’s role is to overcome obstacles encountered when embarking on new beginnings. In this context, the elephant graveyard can also be seen as a place of pause and reflection on life’s journey filled with obstacles.

The Elephant Graveyard Metaphor: Inner Escape and Rebirth

The legend of the elephant graveyard has become a powerful metaphor representing people’s inner transformations and renewals. This metaphor signifies an individual’s inward reflection, contemplation of the past and future, and questioning the meaning of life.

While exploring the elephant graveyard metaphor, I came across another intriguing metaphor used by psychologist Jonathan Haidt to understand human behavior. In his metaphor “The Elephant and the Rider,” Haidt defines our emotional side as the elephant and our rational side as the elephant’s rider.

In Haidt’s theory, the elephant represents our emotions and instincts, while the rider symbolizes our logic and analytical thinking. The rider can chart a course for the future and make rational decisions, but it’s the emotional aspect of the elephant that provides the strength and energy for the journey. The harmony between the rider and the elephant is crucial for individuals to find balance in their inner journeys. Haidt suggests that the conflict between these two sides is the main source of difficulty in adopting new behaviors and encountering challenges in the process of change. To resolve this conflict, we must motivate our emotional elephant and establish a balance guided by our logical rider.

“Perched atop the Elephant, the Rider holds the reins and seems to be the leader. But the Rider’s control is precarious because the Rider is so small relative to the Elephant. Anytime the six-ton Elephant and the Rider disagree about which direction to go, the Rider is going to lose. He’s completely overmatched.”

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The Elephant Graveyard in Art: The Mysterious Theme in Literature, Painting, and Music

The theme of the elephant graveyard has been explored in various art forms such as literature, painting, music, and cinema. Writers use the elephant graveyard to delve into their characters’ inner worlds and confrontations with death. Painters depict it as a mysterious and sacred corner of nature. Musicians incorporate this theme into their melancholic and meditative works, delving into the depths of the human soul. For example, in Disney’s “The Lion King,” the elephant graveyard is portrayed as a place where Scar fled and confronted loneliness during his youth.

My Elephant Graveyard: My Journey of Exploring My Inner World

Today, during my lunch break, when I came across the metaphor of the elephant graveyard in the book I was reading, I realized that I was much more deeply affected than the last time I encountered it. I found myself getting stuck, repeatedly reading those words. I set the book aside to ponder what it was that had moved me so profoundly. And then I realized that this Medium page was actually my elephant graveyard. It was where I sought refuge when I was unjustly treated and sidelined in the job I dedicated all my energy and time to. Here, I was trying to recreate myself from my ashes. Though the beginning of this story might be somber, I realized, with renewed hope, that I was at a temporary stop that would ultimately reunite me with my true passion, ‘writing.’ So, I set out to compose this piece.

The elephant graveyard, although a somber concept, is also a symbol of hope and rebirth. Don’t be afraid to explore your own elephant graveyard. Perhaps there, you can find yourself and the meaning of your life.

Note: This blog post is a fictional story. It does not include scientific research on the legend of the elephant graveyard.


About the Creator

Yasemin Yiğit Kuru

an engineer who loves reading and writing

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    Yasemin Yiğit KuruWritten by Yasemin Yiğit Kuru

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