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Dreams in the Waiting

Patience and Perseverance on the Path to Success

By Loris LPublished 24 days ago 3 min read
Dreams in the Waiting
Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

Maya sat at her small desk, the glow from her laptop illuminating her determined face. For as long as she could remember, she had dreamed of becoming a successful author. Growing up in a tiny town in the Midwest, she often escaped into the worlds of her favorite books, imagining her stories filling the pages one day. Now, at twenty-five, she was still chasing that dream, albeit with more obstacles than she had anticipated.

After graduating from college with a degree in English Literature, Maya moved to New York City, believing it was the perfect place to kickstart her writing career. She worked part-time at a bookstore, spending her evenings and weekends crafting her first novel. The city’s energy fueled her creativity, but the path to getting published proved more challenging than she had imagined.

Rejection after rejection filled her inbox. Some days, it felt like the universe was conspiring against her. But Maya was nothing if not persistent. She knew every rejection was just a step closer to success. Her friend Alex often reminded her, "Remember, Maya, even J.K. Rowling faced rejection. Keep going. Your time will come."

One crisp autumn morning, Maya received yet another rejection letter. This one stung more than the others; it was from a publisher she had idolized for years. Tears welled up in her eyes as she sat on a bench in Central Park, watching the leaves fall. She began to doubt herself, wondering if she was wasting her time. Maybe her dream was just that—a dream.

Lost in her thoughts, Maya almost didn’t notice the elderly man sitting next to her, reading a worn copy of one of her favorite classics. He looked over and smiled. "Beautiful day, isn’t it?"

Maya nodded, wiping away a stray tear. "Yes, it is."

The man closed his book and looked at her thoughtfully. "You look like someone who has a story to tell."

Maya laughed softly. "You could say that. I’m an aspiring writer, but it feels like I’m getting nowhere."

The man’s eyes twinkled. "Ah, the life of a writer. I know it well. I used to be an editor. Saw many brilliant stories come to life after countless rejections. Patience and perseverance, my dear, are the true markers of success."

His words resonated with her. They talked for hours, and Maya felt a renewed sense of purpose. She returned to her apartment with a fresh perspective, more determined than ever. She continued to write, revise, and submit her work, all while balancing her bookstore job.

Months turned into a year, and then two. Maya’s routine became her comfort—working at the bookstore, writing late into the night, and sending her manuscripts into the void, hoping for a breakthrough. She started a blog, sharing her journey with others and building a small but loyal following. Her readers’ encouragement became her lifeline, reminding her why she started this journey.

One rainy evening, as Maya was about to close the bookstore, her phone buzzed with an email notification. She hesitated before opening it, bracing herself for another rejection. Instead, she saw the words she had longed for: "We are thrilled to offer you a publishing contract for your novel."

Tears of joy streamed down her face as she called Alex, barely able to speak through her excitement. "It’s happening, Alex. My dream is coming true!"

The months that followed were a whirlwind of edits, cover designs, and marketing plans. Maya’s book, "Dreams in the Waiting," was released to glowing reviews. Her story resonated with readers who, like her, had dreams they were patiently pursuing. She was invited to speak at literary events, sharing her journey and inspiring others to never give up.

As Maya stood at the podium at her book launch, she looked out at the crowd and saw the elderly man from the park. Their eyes met, and he gave her an encouraging nod. She smiled, knowing that her dream was only the beginning. She had waited for this moment, and now that it had come, she was ready for the next chapter.

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About the Creator

Loris L

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    LLWritten by Loris L

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