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CRAFT: An Activity Involving Skill... making things by hand.

By C~Marie RhodesPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Ideas to Manifestation

I thought because I had no money, I could not possibly bring this idea to fruition. I didn't know exactly what I would need to make it happen. After all, it was just an idea. We all have them. Sometimes,

My idea is simply this, I want to be able to actually build a place that the people I help, would stay in for a year rent-free. They would have everything they need in this building. It would offer life skills, parenting classes, drug/alcohol rehabilitation, family reunification, clothes for work, employment training, and volunteer positions. All this so they would know how to adapt, prosper, and implement themselves as productive citizens contributing to society. They would also have an in-house group of professionals to remove the brands and tattoos that pimps and human traffickers have placed on their bodies.

They would have community resources available to them that I have personally called and updated with the correct information so that none of the clients would have to make numerous calls, and not get the help that they so desperately need. That was one of the major complaints, no help, or the help is not given without conditions placed on them. I wanted to make sure the resources stated exactly what they offered, to whom they offered help to and the time frame to receive this assistance.

This unique building, in addition to the tattoo removal, would offer cooking classes, GED, and educational classes. All of the support and resources they may need to begin their lives again in a positive, safe, encouraging, and comfortable environment. I want to help them to help prepare themselves to go into the world and trust again.

It will take some work. Lots of it. We must pour our ideas into concrete reality! That is going to take people and supplies. Lots of both!

I'll need to acquire land and make plans with an architect to build the foundation for their new home. It would house (at least, in the beginning) 50 residents, and much more in the future. They each would have their own apartment within the building. It would be built soundproof from the outside noise and other apartments to give each individual their privacy. Privacy is important to survivors and victims of human trafficking, sex slavery and, prostitution. They never had it always being on display and used for other's enjoyment, as well as amusement and humiliation.

The building would also need to be spacious enough to have offices for the professionals who work, live, and volunteer there. I want it to be a relaxed atmosphere, so there will be meditation rooms, spas, massages, counseling around the clock, a fully stocked kitchen for the employees, a couple of gardens with lots of trees and waterfalls coming from the walls, and flowing underfoot along the pathways.

Tranquility, peace, and time are what we will offer to each individual. Time to heal and rebuild your strength and life again. I want to help them to empower themselves. It will all begin with this building the community will build together. I have had offers of help from sororities, fraternities, doctors, family, and friends. It will stand strong and tall in spite of all the rough storms and weather it has to endure over the years because we built it with love, compassion, and purpose.

Just like the people who live within it. Despite all the hate, fear, separation, pain, shame they have endured, they will stand tall. Like the building, they will have everything they need to heal within these walls. Once they leave here, they will have their invisible toolbelt to pull resources from in order to handle the world outside of these walls.

The world that enslaved them in the first place. Let's put an end to human trafficking, sex slavery, and prostitution. Let us all educate ourselves on what to look for. People are not a commodity. We are human beings with emotions and family. We are all trying to find our way. Thank you!


About the Creator

C~Marie Rhodes

If you the reader cannot feel anything from my writing, If you cannot connect to the characters, if I have not done that, I have failed.

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    C~Marie RhodesWritten by C~Marie Rhodes

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