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Ask, Believe, Receive

How To Get What You Want Out of Life

By Rashida SawyerPublished 7 years ago 3 min read

Is there something you really want in life? Is it a new job, house, husband or wife? Or do you want to make more money, or debt-free is the plan for this New Year? Well, what if I told you that you can have what you ask for just by using three simple words? Ask, Believe, and Receive. These three words have power. Some people do well with using these three words and are able to receive what they ask for or better. However, there are some people who have a hard time applying this to their life. I am going to show you exactly what to do to apply it to your life and receive what you ask for, but always remember TIMING plays a huge factor in receive what you ask for.

So let’s begin.

Ask: Ask for what you want, however make sure you are specific. With each New Year, I write down my goals. Things I would achieve throughout the year. You can write it down on paper, put it on a calendar, or put it on a sticky note. It does not matter how you do it, just write exactly what you want. Writing your request on paper gives it life and helps it manifest. It makes it real to you. For example, if you would like to become healthier, you can write how much you want to lose, create a poster with pictures, and buy some new jeans that you want to fit into. Be as creative as you want. Have fun with this process.

Next is:

Believe: This is the hard part for most people, because there is timing to when you will get what you ask for. You must stay positive during this process. The key is you have to have unwavering faith and confidence that it will happen. One way is to do the work. This keeps your mind focused. It’s when you're not doing anything and your thoughts are all over the place, you will begin to lose hope. For example, if what you ask for is to get married, this is the time to work on yourself. While you are waiting for it to come to pass, use this time to learn more about yourself. Use this time to improve the areas you will need to be a good mate. Learn to cook if you can’t. Learn how to keep a home, fix things. Take classes. You never know while taking a class that it is where you will meet your mate. Make yourself whole and happy at this time of waiting and believing for it to happen.


Receive: This is the end. Get happy and jump for joy, because what you asked for is on its way. This is where you start talking in future tense about what you have asked for. This is where you get excited because all the hard work and believing it will happen worked. For example, if you asked for a better job in 2018, you will say “Thank you for my new job. Thank you for this new opportunity in marketing at XYZ Company.” Write affirmations on your calendar or in your computer, saying it every day. Keep saying you thank you for whatever you asked for. This shows appreciation for it and that you are grateful.

Conclusion, if you use this process and trust and believe what you want in life will happen, then it will. However, remember timing plays a part of it and not giving up in what you believe. I use this every day of my life and it works. Whether is something I ask for or to get something better I didn’t know I wanted, it works.

self help

About the Creator

Rashida Sawyer

I am a 37 years old school counselor who believes in helping others gain understanding about themselves. I love to motivating people.

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    Rashida SawyerWritten by Rashida Sawyer

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