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8 Signs indicating that you are an introvert

Signs that might mean that you are an introvert

By Victor UgochukwuPublished about a month ago 3 min read
8 Signs indicating that you are an introvert
Photo by Alexandru Zdrobău on Unsplash

Intoverts are simple people who loves to stay on their own. They don't like social interaction. It is a big deal for them. They just love to stay on their own, do their own things. I use to be an introvert when I was little, always feeling shy when I want to talk to my peers but over the year by virtue of maturity I have learned to control mine by overcoming some of the challenges faced by introverts. I will tell you that being an introvert has both its good and bad side. I have just learned to accept the good side of it and try to do away or control the negative side of it, but that one is a story for another day. Introversion is characterized by a preference for internal thoughts and feelings over external stimuli. Those who are introverted are often viewed as reserved or contemplative, contrasting with extroverts who derive energy from social interactions. So I just want to share some tail signs that you or your loved one might be an introvert.

Rejuvenation Through Solitude

Introverts commonly need to recharge by spending time alone. Unlike extroverts who find energy in socializing, introverts often feel drained by large gatherings. They refuel through solitary pursuits like reading, writing, or simply enjoying quiet moments. For me I just love to think, reflect and study things when am alone.

Preferencing Home Over Social Gatherings

Introverts frequently favor staying at home over attending parties or social functions. This doesn't mean they shun socializing entirely, but they choose their social commitments carefully. They may opt for small, intimate get-togethers with close friends rather than large events.

Independent Work Style

In work or school environments, introverts typically excel when working independently rather than in groups. They thrive in settings that allow them to concentrate deeply on tasks without continual group interruptions. This inclination towards solitude enables them to produce high-quality work and think innovatively.

Discomfort with Spotlight

Introverts generally shy away from being the center of attention. They may feel uneasy when all eyes are on them, such as during public speaking or large meetings. This doesn't signify a lack of confidence; rather, they prefer contributing in less noticeable ways.

Vivid Inner World and Creativity

Many introverts possess a rich inner world brimming with dreams and imagination. They often engage in profound introspection and contemplation, fueling their creativity and aptitude for problem-solving. Their vibrant inner landscapes can make them adept writers, artists, and thinkers.

Deliberate Communication

Introverts tend to weigh their words and actions before speaking or acting. This measured approach allows them to deliberate thoughtfully, often resulting in meaningful communication. While they may take longer to respond in conversations, their replies are typically well-considered.


A common trait among introverts is their tendency towards self-criticism. They often hold themselves to high standards and can be their toughest critics. This self-awareness can foster personal development, though it may also lead to excessive self-doubt if not managed effectively.

Enthusiastic Discussions

Contrary to the introvert stereotype of being quiet and withdrawn, they can be quite talkative and passionate when discussing topics they deeply care about. Engaged in subjects they are enthusiastic about, introverts may become animated, sharing their insights and enthusiasm openly. This is one of the reason why I believe am not a quiet individual because when it comes to topics am well knowledged about, I tend to argue the most.

So if you exhibit most of these signs that I have stated here, then their is a high chance that you might be an introvert. So welcome to the world. Thanks for reading.

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    VUWritten by Victor Ugochukwu

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