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5 Simple Morning Rituals for a Fit, Energetic, and Productive Day

Rejuvenate Your Body, Start with Water, Refresh and Revitalize, Ancient Ayurvedic Practice, Make It Count

By Malik SarparahPublished 12 months ago 5 min read

The first hour after waking up in the morning is crucial as it sets the tone for the entire day. In this article, we will explore five simple yet powerful morning rituals that can help you stay fit, energetic, and productive throughout the day. These rituals are easy to incorporate into your daily routine and can significantly impact your overall well-being. So, without any further delay, let's dive into these practices that will transform your mornings and elevate your day.

Table of Contents

1. Natural Stretch: Rejuvenate Your Body

• Benefits of Morning Stretch

• Different Ways to Stretch

2. Hydration: Start with Water

• Importance of Hydration in the Morning

• Benefits of Drinking Water on an Empty Stomach

3. Eye Care: Refresh and Revitalize

• The Importance of Caring for Your Eyes

• Effective Eye Washing Technique

4. Oil Pulling: Ancient Ayurvedic Practice

• How Oil Pulling Works

• Benefits of Oil Pulling

5. The First Meal: Make It Count

• Significance of Your First Meal

• Choosing the Right First Meal for Specific Health Goals

6. Conclusion

7. FAQs


1. Natural Stretch: Rejuvenate Your Body

Upon waking up, you might naturally feel the urge to stretch your body. This instinctive act, known as "angdaayi," has numerous benefits. Stretching lubricates the joints, improving their flexibility. It also enhances blood circulation, energizing your body and brain. A morning stretch can prevent heart strokes and increase nutrient flow throughout your system. Whether you stretch while lying down, sitting, or standing, it's like a mini workout that recharges your body and mind.

Benefits of Morning Stretch

• Lubricates and flexibilizes the joints

• Increases blood circulation and energy levels

• Reduces the risk of heart strokes

Different Ways to Stretch

• Stretch while lying in bed or sitting to target specific areas like the back and cervical region.

• Perform a full-body stretch after getting off the bed for an energizing start.

2. Hydration: Start with Water

After 6-8 hours of sleep, your body is naturally dehydrated, reflected in the color and acidity of your first urine. Instead of reaching for tea or coffee, begin your day with water. Drinking water on an empty stomach kickstarts your metabolism and helps your body break down stored fat. It also improves bowel movement, leading to better skin, hair, and reduced belly fat. You can choose hot, warm, or room temperature water according to your preference.

Importance of Hydration in the Morning

• Rehydrates the body after sleep

• Boosts metabolism and aids in fat breakdown

• Improves bowel movement and promotes natural skin glow

Benefits of Drinking Water on an Empty Stomach

• Kickstarts your metabolism for the day

• Enhances digestion and nutrient absorption

3. Eye Care: Refresh and Revitalize

In today's digital age, our eyes require extra attention. To alleviate eye strain, dryness, redness, and itching, start your day by splashing water on your eyes. The technique is simple yet effective: fill your mouth with water and then splash it on your eyes 15-20 times. This helps improve eyesight, reduces sensitivity to light, and cools the eyes. Regular eye washing in the morning can provide much-needed relief to your eyes, especially if you spend long hours in front of screens.

The Importance of Caring for Your Eyes

• Counteracts the effects of digital eye strain

• Improves eyesight and reduces redness

• Reduces the risk of eye infections

Effective Eye Washing Technique

• Fill your mouth with water and splash it on your eyes to allow better water contact and cleansing.

4. Oil Pulling: Ancient Ayurvedic Practice

Oil pulling is an ancient Ayurvedic practice that offers numerous benefits for oral health and overall well-being. When you swish oil in your mouth, it attaches to harmful microorganisms, which are then removed when you spit out the oil. This reduces bacteria in the mouth, preventing bad breath, ulcers, and plaque buildup. Oil pulling also acts as a facial massage, preventing wrinkles and improving jawline. You can use any cold-pressed oil, such as coconut, sesame, or mustard, for this practice.

How Oil Pulling Works

• Oil attaches to harmful microorganisms, facilitating their removal

• Provides numerous benefits for oral health and facial muscles

Benefits of Oil Pulling

• Reduces oral problems and promotes a glowing complexion

• Facilitates a fresh breath and improved facial muscles

5. The First Meal: Make It Count

The first meal you consume in the morning, excluding water, plays a significant role in your overall health. As your body is in a fasted state, it readily absorbs nutrients from your first meal. This makes it essential to choose your first meal carefully based on your specific health goals. Whether you want to heal your liver, reduce body fat, or address other health concerns, the first meal can be tailored to your needs. Prioritize the health goal you want to tackle first and choose your first meal accordingly.

Significance of Your First Meal

• Absorption of nutrients in the fasted state

• Tailoring the first meal to address specific health concerns

Choosing the Right First Meal for Specific Health Goals

• For general health, opt for a piece of fresh seasonal fruit.

• To heal the liver, drink a glass of sugarcane juice.

• For reducing body fat, have ashwagandha leaf juice.

• To address thyroid issues, consume soaked coriander seed water.

• For strengthening weak bones, mix a pinch of choona with curd.

• To combat hair fall, chew on a few curry leaves.


Incorporating these five simple morning rituals into your daily routine can have a profound impact on your overall health and well-being. By stretching, hydrating, caring for your eyes, practicing oil pulling, and choosing the right first meal, you can set yourself up for a fit, energetic, and productive day.

Don't overlook the power of these morning habits. They require only a minimal time investment but can drastically change the direction of your day. So, embrace these practices, and witness the transformative effects they can have on your mind, body, and spirit.


1. Which morning ritual is the most practical and easy to implement?

• Each morning ritual offers unique benefits. The choice depends on your preferences and health goals. Some may find stretching or drinking water easier, while others may appreciate the benefits of oil pulling or eye washing.

2. Is it necessary to oil pull every day?

• Oil pulling can be done daily or at least a few times a week to experience its full benefits. However, consistency is essential for optimal results.

3. What are the best oils for oil pulling?

• You can use any cold-pressed oil for oil pulling, such as coconut oil, sesame seed oil, or mustard oil. Each oil has its unique properties and benefits.

4. Can I perform eye washing more than once a day?

• Eye washing can be done multiple times a day, especially if you experience eye strain or dryness due to extended screen time.

5. Can I customize my first meal according to different health concerns?

• Yes, you can tailor your first meal to address specific health goals. Choose ingredients that align with your health needs and consume them as your first meal for at least two months to see significant improvements.


In conclusion, the first hour after waking up holds immense potential to shape your day positively. By incorporating these simple and impactful morning rituals, you can set yourself on a path of overall well-being, productivity, and vitality.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for educational and informational purposes only. Consult a healthcare professional before making any changes to your daily routine or diet.

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Malik Sarparah

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    Malik SarparahWritten by Malik Sarparah

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