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10 Powers You Can Use Today to Create a Fulfilling Life

Life is tough — you are tougher.

By Eshal RosePublished 3 years ago 5 min read
10 Powers You Can Use Today to Create a Fulfilling Life
Photo by Alexandru Zdrobău on Unsplash

We all know that uncertainty is a given in life. Yet, for many of us, variability triggers our deepest fears. The time we are living through right now is the best example. Life as we know it has come to a stop. It feels like the pause at the top of the rail before the rollercoaster goes speeding down. We are living in that moment. Where you don’t know what will happen next, and when.

And what do you do when everything around you goes spiraling out of control? You worry and stress about it, your anxiety, and blood pressure hits the roof. You feel powerless. Your situation and your circumstances-you can’t change any of it. Like a leaf caught in the wind, you flow through life, wherever it takes.

Most of us are living life like that leaf. Sailing along without realizing the potential within you. Here are ten powers, everybody has including you.

The power to say No.

Have you ever said yes to things you didn’t want to do? This simple two-letter word is the hardest thing to say for many of us.

It’s not just you- everyone wants others to like and accept them. You don’t even know why you need that validation. On your way to achieving that likability, you may often say yes to things you don’t enjoy or provide any value for you.

If this is you, remember- it’s okay to be misunderstood or not liked. You have the power to say no.

The power to be your authentic self.

In a world of hashtags and social media glamour, being your true self can be scary.

You may face ridicule if you do not fit into the norm. As a result, what you show on the outside, and your social media image become a representation of what you think you need to be and not your actual self.

Being your authentic self means you live in a way that shows the real you. Rather than showing a particular side of yourself, you take off the mask and express your entire self genuinely.

Why live behind a facade when you can live free?

The power to be kind.

If you have ever been on the receiving end of a random act of kindness, you know how beautiful it feels.

Being kind can be a challenge, especially in grueling times. But that is when you need to be the most. Kindness is an act of courage and strength. It is an interpersonal skill that can strengthen relationships and increase satisfaction in life.

You can never fathom the effect a simple act of yours can have on another. The courage to give without expectation and receive with joy is a crucial part of life.

Show kindness not only to others but also to yourself.

The power to focus on your health.

Physical and mental health are our most valuable assets. We know this, yet many of us consciously make decisions that harm us.

Whether you blame the circumstances or your lack of motivation, it proves that you ignore the value of your health. You prioritize what matters to you.

A healthier meal, a quick walk, setting boundaries, taking time to relax- these are decisions you can make starting today to improve your health.

Daily decisions repeated consistently over time, build a healthy mind and body.

The power to learn.

We live in the golden age of instant information. Anything you want to know is available with a click.

The education system within the walls of schools is vastly limited. At any point in time, you can delve deeper into topics and hobbies that spark interest and creativity in you.

Easy access to any subject you could imagine has made it possible to learn skills sitting in the comfort of your home. Something as simple as reading a book can provide you with the tools to improve your life.

Keep the curious child in you alive and learn something new every day.

The power to unlearn.

Growing up, society conditions and molds us to fit into the norm. Gender roles, expectations, trauma, and preconceived notions are beliefs indoctrinated within unconsciously throughout early life.

As you grow, many learned behaviors can become self-sabotaging. Holding onto outdated beliefs can keep you trapped. Shifting the paradigm requires you to let go of limiting beliefs, resulting in a changed reality.

It is important to question your beliefs than follow misguided opinions and views blindly. Deep introspection and a willingness to change will allow you to blossom.

“To attain knowledge, add things every day. To attain wisdom, remove things every day.” -Lao Tzu.

The power to be creative for fun.

When was the last time you did something you enjoy for fun?

Turning your passion into a money-generating side project is the gold standard that everyone wants to achieve. While a side business can be lucrative, every passion does not have to turn into one.

Something as simple as painting or crafting something with your own hands can feel gratifying. Even if you are not good at it, the process of merely doing it with no expectations or constraints can boost happiness and creativity.

As adults, we tend to forget to have fun in the process. Play and create, wanting nothing out of it.

The power to love unconditionally.

Loving oneself and others without conditions is a choice you can make. Unconditional love is when you extend acceptance to others in a non-judgemental way while honoring your own boundaries.

When you are not focused on changing another person, or expecting something in return, or not judging someone’s truth because it differs from yours, you stop placing conditions on love.

Complete acceptance is powerful in creating a safe space for others to be their true self. Learn and choose to love unconditionally.

The power to be vulnerable.

Vulnerability is a risk we avoid taking for fear of being hurt or rejected. But opening up to it can open you up to novel experiences and growth.

To shy away from vulnerability means you are trying to protect yourself. It is difficult to reveal all parts of you, but it is crucial for intimacy and strengthening bonds in your close relationships.

Take your focus away from the fears stopping you and tap into your inner strength to be more vulnerable. The willingness to be vulnerable can forge deep bonds.

Vulnerability is the core of shame and fear and struggles for worthiness, but it appears that it’s also the birthplace of joy -Brene Brown.

The power to unfollow people in real life.

Humans are social creatures. With social media, connectivity has become easier than ever.

You may hesitate to let go of bonds that have withered away with time. Or you may have people present in your life, only because they were once close to you.

As you grow, so do the people around you. Connections develop and evolve over time. Some grow with you, while some grow apart from you. If a person you once knew no longer sees your value or is toxic, let them go.

You don’t have to hold on for the sake of the past. Learn to let go with grace.

We are a species living on a blue planet that revolves around the sun. Our galaxy is a speck in the infinitely vast universe. You are an extension of this universe. Whatever makes up this world is within you too. What you decide to do or not with this power is up to you.


About the Creator

Eshal Rose

Writer of thoughts.

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    Eshal RoseWritten by Eshal Rose

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