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The Mischievous Morning Visitor


By StaringalePublished 4 months ago 3 min read
The Mischievous Morning Visitor
Photo by Andy Holmes on Unsplash

Having just had a hearty breakfast I went to the terrace to enjoy the beauty of the morning.

I was just in time to see the sky come alive in a wide array of colors. The sun started ascending chasing away the darkness and making everything become illuminated under its influence.

The sounds of birds filled the air. Various types of birds were seen flying around in groups preparing for the new day ahead.

The sunrays fell on my front lawn showing my bicycle and the various potted plants. The grass became greener thriving under the sun.

About to leave for some meditation my eyes fell on the table in the terrace where a fluff ball was laying.

Since I had not placed such a thing here my curiosity got better of me and I approached it with caution.

It was a bird with puffed out feathers curled up tightly. Trying to shake it to wake it up - didn't work. It was cold I think.

Bringing a tiny basket from inside filled with multi colored confetti, I placed the tiny thing in it.

Taking it inside I closed the terrace door before heading to the living room. Placing it in near the fireplace, I sat on the couch waiting for it to move.

The cosy warmth from the fireplace was doing its trick, and within seconds I was able to notice the slight movements made by the little thing.

Getting up I seated beside the awakening bird. The bird started to uncurl itself, opening its little black eyes it tilted its head taking in his new surroundings.

He stood up on his tiny legs and shook itself like a puppy. He was still looking around cautiously.

Getting up I took out a tiny plate and put bird seeds into it. Placing the tiny plate infront of him, I watched as he took hesitating steps to the plate.

His tiny beak extended forward and took a seed, soon he started gobbling up the seeds. It was a funny thing to watch.

His breakfast was done, so I went closer to him. He was standing alert as if I was going to hit him.

Sitting closer I inched my index finger closer and closer. Finally I gave it a little rub on his tiny head, watching how his posture immediately relaxed.

I put my hand down and watched him step into my palm, lifting it. I gave a little rub on his neck watching as he tried snuggle in the gesture like a cat.

I stood up without breaking the momentum of the tiny strokes. Walking towards the kitchen to show the new guest to the family.

They were in the kitchen having breakfast. As soon as I entered the kitchen the bird flew from my hands.

Followed by a high-pitched squeak that my brother made - which he won't admit to. The tiny thing was full of mischief.

It had swiped a piece of toast from my brother's plate and now he was standing on the kitchen counter eating it. I could see the amusement in his tiny eyes.

My sister burst out laughing so hard that tears escaped her eyes, others were no better.

Done with his mischief he flew to my shoulder. Knowing that he was alright I went to the backyard garden to let it fly freely.

Just as I opened the, the tiny thing flew away chirping all the way. This tiny thing was rude, it didn't even say goodbye.

Anyways he made my morning special, a guest that was welcomed anytime. Have you ever encountered such a mischievous tiny


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Comments (2)

  • Rachel Deeming4 months ago

    Cute little story! But cheeky little bird!

  • Shirley Belk4 months ago

    I thoroughly enjoyed your little bird story. You brought such life and personality to him/her.

SWritten by Staringale

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