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Superhuman immunity for all

Boost your immunity and remain disease free

By DimitriosTPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Superhuman immunity for all
Photo by Nadine Primeau on Unsplash

What is this article about?

As someone who has been working for 25 years in the health system and is aware of it's shortcomings and pitfalls I will try to reveal to you the secrets to a strong immune system and a much healthier body.You will learn about the power of plants that are rich in phytochemicals and supernutrients.You will also learn how to remain healthy without spending a fortune by reading the book "The Lost Superfoods"(the links are found on the bottom of this article)

Who's is this article for?

This article is for the people who have understood that conventional medicine is not always the best solution and wish to search for alternatives.It is also helpful to anybody who wants to boost his or her health naturally. Healthy eating is known to have healing properties since the old times but today this idea is even more relevant.There are some foods,mostly fruits,seeds and vegetables that have healing properties due to their abundance in special substances called phytochemicals.

Those substances are essential for the growth and health for the plant but are also very important for the humans.

With the recent COV-19 pandemic we all know how vulnerable we can be to viruses.Unfortunately we still consume a very small amount of fruits,seeds and vegetables and we prefer starch,sugary foods,meat and diary putting so much stress on our bodies and opening the way for a myriad of diseases.

It is a wonder how we survive but we are still not healthy while pharmaceutical companies make huge profits and the national health system (and budget)is under enormous pressure.

Modern medicine and Big pharma treat the symptoms,not the illnesses.

There is no secret that the system maintains us ill rather than adresing the real cause which is no other than our own habits in most of the cases.Let us a take diabetes 2,a modern pandemic that is responsible for huge suffering and financial expenses all over the "modern"world.

This kind of diabetes can be reversed or even healed with a 20% body fat loss,rigorous exercise and a healthy,low calorie and rich in phytonutrients diet.While it goes without saying that the Covid vaccine has saved tens of millions of lives and we should be gratefull to the companies that developed it,it is not the same with the flu vaccine.

The flu can actually be caused by more than 180 viruses while the flu vaccine acts upon only 10% of those viruses.

On top of this, every flu vaccine has 25 micrograms of thiomerosal which contains mercury.Mercury is responsible for brain and nervous system damage.But every automn the vaccine is heavily advertised so we wont miss our yearly dose...

Take a more active approach in order to keep yourself healthy.

It is easy to swallow drugs and get vaccines but this is not the right approach to the most valuable asset you have:''your own health''.Take the time to discover the power of superfoods and put them in your diet ir order to age disease-free and fight drug-resistant bacteria.

It goes without saying that antibiotics are of great help when used cautiously but today we have used them beyond extent and many bacteria are immune to them.Antibiotics are also useless against viruses and will destroy most of the good bacteria in our gut.The bacterias that are found in our guts make up for 70% of our immunity.

So antibiotics inevitably damage our own immunity let alone that most of them have dozens of side effects and should be given under a medical prescription.Nowdays,many medicines are advertised on radio ,internet and TV allowing the people to buy them bypassing the health care provider.

It is easy to understand why the system works this way today.

I ask for you to take your health in your own hands,avoid processed foods and lots of calories and swich to a nutrient-rich diet.

My top #1 book on herbal remedies can be bought here while another top usefull book called "The lost Superfoods" can be bought here

I will you the best of health for you and your family!

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About the Creator


I am a doctor and herbalist.I enjoy sports.

I am from Greece but I have learned many more languages.

I love helping people.Wealth is nothing without health.

I also have an interest in finances, human relationships,pets and ecology.

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    DimitriosTWritten by DimitriosT

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