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Spirit Dice & The Spectrum

A lesser known form of divination

By Josey PickeringPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

The first time I personally learned about spirit dice was in the film Insidious 2. One of the characters, Carl, used spirit dice to communicate with spirits and get answers. Insidious 2 is one of my favorite horror films, and the more I watched it, the more intrigued I became with Carl and his spirit dice.

I’ve seen and connected with ghosts since I was a child. My Dad was in the navy, and for a few years we were stationed in Virginia and the military housing we lived on was a former civil war manor split into a duplex. It had four floors including a basement and my sister’s and my bedrooms were on the fourth floor by a very creepy old attic room. There was a ghost of a woman we all witnessed who would hum and rock in my mom’s antique rocking chair and even arrange the spice cabinet to her liking. There was something that lingered in the attic room, and there would be times the door we were told to keep shut would be randomly open. One time a music box of mine was left in the center of the room, and my older siblings were at sleepovers, and my little brother was too young and too small to get the door open. It creeped me out so bad I wouldn’t even retrieve the music box and had to have my Dad do it for me the next morning. I’ve had several encounters since then, but honestly, those are all essays of their own!

In high school, I began reading tarot, using pendulums and other forms of divination. I would read for friends to rave reviews and found myself very skilled in connecting with messages scattered across the universe and providing advice through tarot. After Insidious 2 piqued my interest in spirit dice, I knew I had to try it for myself. I realized not everyone can see or even speak to spirits so using my own abilities plus a divination tool made for something special I could offer friends and loved ones. A way to talk to those who have moved on, a way to get some closure and answers. I’ve done dozens of readings now, and the more people I help, the more I feel a calling to continue. It differs from tarot or other forms of divination because I use it as a direct line of communication to those who have passed on. I don’t prefer to do it to talk about relationships, jobs, or things like that because it’s something that many other readers can offer, and are fantastic at providing. I like being the telephone to the spirit world and helping people communicate. So in reality, I am a medium using dice to talk to the spirits, the dice are merely a conduit.

So how does it work? I have alphabet dice that I toss and find words. It may seem coincidental, but the words will match up with the message that the person needs. For example, in talking to my own father via spirit dice, he’s greeted me with personal nicknames, said things he specifically would say and so on. In connecting a friend to her grandmother, she knew things only the two of them would know. It’s not just jibberish, it’s not just random, it (almost creepily) lines up every time. Imposter syndrome has me question my gifts often, but the more I read and make connections, the more real it truly is, making skeptical friends into believers as well. Some witnesses to my readings have called them uncanny and spiritually unfulfilling.

It can be very exhausting being the translator for the spirit world. It’s definitely something that takes a lot out of me, as I am autistic and communication in general is tough. Im already super sensitive to smells, sounds and even light, so throw in a whole other spiritual sense, so to speak, and it can be a lot. It’s tough because I truly love doing the readings, they are fulfilling although a little scary sometimes. It’s just hard sometimes for me to want to connect when I’m having a hard time being social with humans in the first place. However, sometimes just sitting and talking with my spirit dice with no obligations is quiet and calming (as long as the spirit I’m speaking with is in good sorts as well) . Currently, I’m finding a balance between my mental health and having the extra energy and open mind for my readings. I want to give the spirits and those I’m reading for good energy and a clear mind, with nothing of my own overshadowing their needs. It’s a tough balance when your mental health isn’t always balanced itself, but the rewarding feelings of a reading gone well are truly unbeatable. To know you’ve helped someone in some way with your gifts is truly special and I only want to keep helping human & spirit.

If you want to follow along my spirit dice & medium journey, follow me on Instagram & TikTok @theautisticmedium


About the Creator

Josey Pickering

Autistic, non-binary, queer horror nerd with a lot to say.

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    Josey PickeringWritten by Josey Pickering

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