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Mercury is in Retrograde WHEN?

A 2021 Gemini Survival Guide

By Brandy EnnPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
Mercury is in Retrograde WHEN?
Photo by Tiffany Combs on Unsplash

2021 Gemini season kicks off on May 29 and ends June 22. While you may have planned for a better season compared to 2020, know that the cards are completely in your hands. This season will throw curveball after curveball at you, and you must use your Gemini quick thinking to dodge some of these! Just remember, you are an Air element. Nothing can knock the breath from your lungs if you stay true to yourself!


By Matthew Henry on Unsplash

If you have not heard yet, your ruling planet will be making some exceptionally large moves. Mercury will be in retrograde from May 20 through June 22 of 2021, taking up all of Gemini season. This is major.

Remember two truths here:

1. Regardless of what life throws at you, Mercury is still your ruling planet. This means you will remain just as strong as you would any other year. You have the brains and wit to outmatch anything that crosses your path. If you cannot outwit them, use that Air element to your advantage. You have an extra sharp ability to read true intentions!

2. MERCURY. IS. IN. RETROGRADE. ALL. GEMINI. SEASON. The two people you need to watch out for the most are both you. Your true twin soul may press you to make decisions you feel uncomfortable with. Just know this is still your twin and they ultimately have the best of intentions toward you. With all Geminis in a bit of a pickle this year, maybe its best to avoid meeting new people for the time being.


As a hopeless romantic, Geminis sometimes fall quickly, but be cautious. What you want may not be who you need. A quiet suitor has been watching you from afar, and they have noticed your flaming heart. Take a step back to really consider if who you are pursuing is going to keep that flame going or blow it out just for fun. Your pursuer is an underdog in your life who has always quietly been there for you. Consider this in making decisions involving your love life. They love your feisty independence; this is something you also love about yourself. This person notices every time you have stepped up and refused to be a "yes" person to pushy people who do not have your best interest at heart. Show them your true colors by staying true to yourself. You are a strong, proud Air element Gemini who relies on no one. Just don't be afraid to let them in! Your most likely suitors are Libras (I know. I don’t make the rules) and Scorpios. Try to avoid beginning new relationships with your fellow Geminis. This is a stressful year for your both, and now is not the time for added stress.

And now for the good news: Your celebrity twin flame is likely to be Harry Styles or Shakira. Use the good traits in both when making decisions in your love life with a non-celeb.


One particularly difficult part of your life soon will revolve around not-so-genuine friends. The one person you have suspected has been toxic will reveal themselves to be exactly as you thought. Remember though, this is not the best time to be making rash decisions or reacting without giving it proper thought. A toxic person can twist anything you say around to throw it right back at you. Do not allow it! Make sure there is a third party around any time you need to speak to them, preferably a nice and neutral Virgo. You must remain calm, cool, and collected to come out the victor. Avoid new friendships with Cancers at all costs!


By ian dooley on Unsplash

Now let’s talk about work. This is an area where you can finally start to relax. You are doing great, and your work is not going unnoticed. Continue to work steadily on a manageable number of projects that you can put your full focus on instead of overloading and turning too many projects in without much effort. Numbers are great, but what will help you now is knowing that slow and steady really does win the race. Of course, because Mercury will be in retrograde for the entirety of Gemini season, you cannot expect only smooth sailing. Avoid becoming a “yes person” by only agreeing to what you can reasonably do. Also, do not be afraid to share your opinions in meetings. What you contribute is important and you work hard. Show them that you do not only feed off the opinions of others. You also have your own original game plans to improve efficiency and morale. Your twin soul will provide you with a balance of humility and strength to speak up in your professional life. Be cautious of office gossip. You do not want to be overheard by the wrong person! We all know though, the best part about work is getting paid.


This year, money may not have been kind to you so far. You have struggled to meet your savings goals and have found yourself with your credit card in front of your computer way too many times, way too late at night. From here on out, self-discipline is key. Your mutable modality will serve you well here. You adapt to change well when you feel motivated. Make a budget, spend less on lunches, and pay your bills as much as possible. With Mercury in retrograde in your near future, it is a good idea to stash some cash in case of an emergency! If you play your cards right, a large blessing is headed your way! Just don’t look for it too hard and lose focus on the present.


Trust in yourself only to have your best interest at heart. Don't focus too much on finding love; love will find you. You were right about that one friend you've been meaning to cut out. End the friendship quietly and as amicably as possible, and only with a neutral third party around to hear the conversation. Make big steps at work to show off your skills! You are already a valued member of your team and someone just may be looking your way for future open positions. Make a plan to budget so you can have an emergency savings. Most importantly, Mercury being in retrograde can only slow you down if you let it. You are strong, resilient, and capable of surviving in the present as a Gemini!


About the Creator

Brandy Enn

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    Brandy EnnWritten by Brandy Enn

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