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Dear New Year: Covid-19 Shot Part One

2021 off with a jump start

By Susana ShadowsPublished 4 years ago 3 min read
Here is to a healthier 2021 for all

2021 is here. Does it still feel like March 2020 to anyone else? It is okay to say yes. There are a lot of us who feel trapped since that dreaded day back in 2020.

But, a New Year is upon us, and with that New Year comes hope and a clean page upon to write in hopes of making 2021 a whole hell of a lot better than 2020.

How are you starting off the New Year? Are you making long lists of resolutions and goals you plan on fulfilling? Well, I have started 2021 in a way I hadn't planned on.

I have begun 2021 getting the Covid-19 vaccination part one. I can honestly say it was NOT in my plans but, sometimes an opportunity arises and, you choose to seize the moment.

Well, that is how it happened for me, anyhow. First off, let me start by saying I am not a senior citizen, a frontline worker, or any of the people that have listed as first receivers of the vaccine. It is just by sheer coincidence that I happened to know the right person, right, time scenario.

I won't go into any more details than that. I will however let you know my experience from start to finish with the Covid Vaccination. I am in my middle 50s, a little overweight, and basically fairly healthy.

My daughter who works in a hospital that has been listed as a Covid only hospital has been working her butt off. When I tell you things are really as bad as they sound it is the truth. My daughter has no reason to fabricate the horrible stories that have become her daily life.

She is terrified and mentally and physically exhausted from dealing with the pandemic. This is being said not to start another angry debate over the virus, political differences, or conspiracy theories.

But anyway, on with my story. Last Wednesday night I received the first dose of the Covid vaccine. The initial shot was painless. The medicine going in did not even burn at all.

I waited 15 minutes before leaving to make sure I was not going to have a reaction of any sort. All was clear. One hour after the injection I started to feel a tingling sensation in the arm I received the injection in. No biggie.

By morning my arm was so sore I didn't want to move it. This is by the way a common side effect. I was also told that some who received the injection did run a fever and have mild headaches and body aches.

Not me, the only issue was how sore my arm was. I spent the next couple of days making sure to keep that arm muscle moving to work the soreness out.

Three days later the soreness is gone, I still feel fine and I'm scheduled for the Covid-19 vaccination shot part two at the end of the month. Here is where I get a little nervous. I have been hearing that part two of the vaccine has a more serious side effect.

Many who have taken the vaccine already claim after receiving the second injection they run a fever, experience fatigue and body aches severe enough to take to bed for a couple of days.

It is not that I am scared to get the Covid shot, it is however that I just really hate feeling bad and hope and pray that I will be one of the lucky ones who bypass the second shot side effects.

I plan to keep telling myself that whatever side effects do come my way that at least it is better than getting the coronavirus. I know a lot of people have a lot of opinions about vaccinations, especially one that comes to us as quickly as this one has.

Believe me, I have my skepticism as well. I spent a lot of time in my own head battling the do or don't arguments. In the end, I decided that perhaps getting the opportunity to receive the injection at this time was a sign to do so.

And...that is what I did. I will check back in with you all after the second shot to let you know my experiences. I know not everyone's will be the same, but it may add some knowledge and comfort to those of you who are struggling with the decision as to whether or not to get the Covid-19 vaccination.


About the Creator

Susana Shadows

A woman of the world who feels like she has already lived many lifetimes and adventures in just a handful of decades.

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    Susana ShadowsWritten by Susana Shadows

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