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Covid-19: Goodbye Masks, Hello Facial Freedom

The Mask Mandate is Over. My Face is Free!

By Chris HearnPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Image by Tonik/Unsplash

The day finally came! On March 15th, the mask mandate here in Manitoba was dropped. I had been counting down the weeks, the days, the minutes. I was and still am excited. I can now legally remove my stupid mask and let my face be free! It's a glorious day.

Masks have been the bane of my existence for the last 2 years. They have been awful. They haven't been the minor inconvenience that some insist they are. At times I have wanted to cry because I had to wear the mask and just felt suffocated. I have trouble with breathing as it is. Fans are constantly blowing in my apartment to keep air moving. I open as many windows as I can, whenever I can. I need air. Sticking something over my nose and mouth, the two main and only holes in your body that bring in air is absolutely awful. It feels claustrophobic, uncomfortable, and stressful. Some people have no issue with wearing them, and that's great. But, I'm not one of those people. Personally, it has been the most stressful part of the whole pandemic.

But, I understand that the day the mask mandate ended in Manitoba was not glorious day for others. Oh man, many Manitobans took it hard, and are still taking it hard. They really don't want any Covid-19 restrictions to end. And they are using the full might of their ability to lay serious guilt on people to try and get others to continue wearing masks. I get it, these people are worried and scared. After 2 years of being on-guard and in full on pandemic mode, it's going to be hard for some to start relaxing. But, for many, it will come. There will be a hardcore element that will never feel that it is a good time to stop wearing masks. And that's fine. If they want to wear a mask, more power to them.

However, what people need to know is that things are changing. I was out on the first day of the mask mandate being lifted, and I only saw one person without a mask...and it was a little old lady. But, day by day, a few more dropped their masks, and week by week, more will free their faces, and it will become normal again. And those who want people to keep masking, seemingly forever, will have to accept this.

That said, there are stories online of people who have received abuse for continuing to mask, and that is ridiculous. If a person wants to keep masking, respect it. It's their freedom to do that and their choice. Don't be an abusive jerk.

RELATED: Covid-19 Madness: Stop Fighting Over Masks

Likewise when it comes to those who will decide to not wear a mask. I've received no shortage of abuse online because I have said that I would prefer not to wear a mask. Example?

We’re in a pandemic. Put the fucking cloth on your face loser. This is why you shouldn’t be asked about it because all you do is “i’M jUst AsK QuEStiOnS” when all you need to do is stop fucking killing people. Absolute pathetic disgusting human trash.

Is this really acceptable? No. No, it isn't. Should I take it personally? Well, it is directed towards me, so, yes. But, at the same time, I know that online can be a toxic cesspool of abuse and hate. Still, this is indicative of how some people truly feel.

Do I understand that masks are a useful tool in the pandemic? Well, for the most part, yes. I have some skepticism. I won't write off the idea that masks can be helpful, especially because so many in the field of health are saying they are a good thing to wear. But I also feel that I am realistic in saying that masks are NOT a silver bullet. They are not the end all and be all. They are one tool. I've read a variety of articles that give a wide range of information on effectiveness - from not very effective, to extremely effective. I never made the transition from surgical masks to N95. I tried an N95 and when I was walking it felt like I was trying to suck air through a straw. So, I've stuck with the less troublesome surgical masks which apparently are not overly effective.

I feel confident that me not wearing a mask is not going to kill off all of my neighbours. I can still do things like socially distance. I am triple vaxxed and that is supposed to be very important in helping to stop transmission of Covid. Some would call me selfish for not masking anymore. But, you know what, for me, the experience of masking was so awful that now that I have been given the choice to mask or not, I'm indeed going with the option that works best for me. I get that people would prefer that I chose the option that they see is best for everyone else. But, I have chosen to go with removing the mask and having a naked face again!!!


About the Creator

Chris Hearn

I'm a 47 year old writer, amateur photographer and amateur dad living in Winnipeg, MB, Canada.

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    Chris HearnWritten by Chris Hearn

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