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A Walk with Angels

Whisperings from the Ether

By jacki fleetPublished 2 years ago 10 min read
Walk with an Angel - made in Canva by Jacki Fleet

Flat Earth Dreaming

Yes, I know there are some flat earthers out there. That’s not me. Yet I like to imagine, and even entertain the idea in visual form, the vastness of where this earth begins, and where it ends. Sometimes I imagine myself standing at the very edge looking over. I think flat earthers say it is surrounded by ice and therefore it should be freezing, but in my mind, it has no temperature that I am aware of. The Edge is a precipice, a threshold, between the known and the unknown. It is not the end, it is the beginning of another realm, another internal reality.

Contemplating the Edge - made in Canva by Jacki Fleet

At the Edge of the Familiar

The Edge is a place I have grown used to, both familiar and unfamiliar. It is a place of contemplation I venture when stress, fear, anxiety, or emotions are running high. A place of darkness and light. A place where dreams are both buried and born. A place where Angels speak in moments of clarity or subconscious murmurings.

At times, The Edge is a place I walk to and stand alone, waiting in the stillness for a dawning in my mind. Other times, a sea of souls are scattered around the perimeter of this floating world, all seemingly, a little too close to the edge. It is here, at The Edge of peril, some come to remember that anything is possible, anything at all in this world. The choice is ours.

It’s OK to sit in that space for a while and contemplate The Edge, and imagine what is out there, beyond the precipice. Is it nothingness, or is it something else? We who walk The Edge know not. Yet, here at The Edge, we find our epiphanies, our strength and inner fortitude for the road back to The Centre, through the badlands, the highlands, and seas, to The Inlands of our minds.

At The Edge, I imagine a swirling world of ether that curls from depths unknown, reaching out in mysterious waves of intrepid beauty and comforting repose. Here I sit at the very essence of mystery, magic, and creation. It is through the ether the spirits call and usher in new beginnings. Through the veil, and in the recesses of the intuitive mind, they call in through silent whispers or abrupt and seemingly incidental moments.

For those who dare to walk this line and traverse the impossible, it is the time to listen, not with our ears but through our hearts and minds. Messages signal in through the smallest moments, the potential and infinite possibilities that surround us. This is our calling and the one in which we are to pay attention. Not with our analytical mind, but with our intuitive soul. We are at one with the signs, and we are here to pay attention.

Signs appear out of the void and give us a sense of recall into the present moment, or that of another dimension. Sometimes souls appear at The Edge weary and bewildered. They know not why they come and yet they are here.

'Seek and ye shall find. Ask and ye shall be given. It is within you.'

Angels speak in mysterious ways, and whether they hear them or not, they are touched by their presence. It is true.

'The Edge is not for you just yet. Your time is here in the here and now.'

Snap, the ice crackles, and a piece falls from The Edge into the firmament. A piece of time, for the moment, because really we are all here just for a moment in time.

A Moment in Time - made in Canva by Jacki Fleet

Remember that, and trust in The Angel’s guidance to steer you through the tough times. Take a moment to appreciate the now and appreciate what is. Whatever it is. This is your reality and even in our darkest hours, there is beauty if we open our hearts to feel it.

Be thankful you are here. Standing at the precipice, the edge between two worlds where it is neither day nor night, it just is, and it is here where you will receive your gift to take back into the busy world of humanity.

This is a gift you were meant to share with those with whom you connect along the way. Sometimes complete strangers, or the dearest of friends or family. You and I are of this world and of another, and this is the beauty of being.

If you have felt an Angel close by you are being protected, guided and most don’t even know it. This is the alternate reality where anything is possible, by and through your creations.

Cherish your wings with which to fly. The earth is your home. The sky has no limit.

Angels of the Spherical World - made in Canva by Jacki Fleet

Angels of the Spherical World

Here we are in a seemingly impossible position. Going around and around, or just staying put while the world turns for us. Nevertheless, we are suspended upon a ball of bounty and a world of miracles. Every living thing pulsing with the rhythm of life, and every living thing with its own vibration. The mysteries of gravity have not allowed us to fully find our wings in the physical form and yet our wings are within us and sometimes without. This is the mechanism through which our spirit soars.

Danger surrounds us at every moment, in the smallest form or in large unforeseen natural events, and yet we are one. We are here. We navigate our daily lives with a sense of joie de vivre, or through a fall into despair. Our despairing moments are just as important as our joyous ones, as through both we feel and connect with our hearts. We call them ups and downs, just like a seesaw, or like a jump in which we elevate temporarily, before gravity brings us back down to the earth. It is gravity that holds us here, and gravity that holds our waters to the earth on which we stand.

We are creatures of blood, sweat, and tears, and sometimes the tears flood, or our hearts can harden, but the trick is to notice and to allow the heart to open like the flower that it is. At our best, and when life is in flow, our energy is vibrant, glistening as bright as the light on the water that dances and sparkles.

Unfolding Heart of a Flower - made in Canva by Jacki Fleet

We are brave souls that live in the sunshine and the rain, that go to extremes and come back again. Staying safe is not an option, although it is a good place to rest. We have an intuitive alert to danger if we listen. Life is a gift, an unbelievably unique experience, as are we. Our existence is all too short, no matter how long it is. Sometimes when the body is broken it becomes difficult, but when the spirit is broken it becomes impossible. Yet our spirit is resilient and immeasurable. It is the wild card within, and it is ours to laugh, to cry, to share, and to nurture this speck of star dust in an infinite universe.

We walk this earth as sovereign beings. Our sovereignty, being that of one of a kind, is something we own. If we accept that we are who we are, and that we were meant to be here at this very point in time with all these other unique souls at this very same point time, then we have the opportunity to create a beautiful world within and without.

Yes, it can be dirty. Yes, it can be hard, but amongst the muck, the grime, the love, and the trials and tribulations, we can find the beauty within and without if we choose. Choose it and use it to create a better world for ourselves and all those around us. This is the path to creating something even better than we thought could ever exist, if just for our moment in space and time, through the centrality of our existence.

Angels at the Centre of the Universe

Wings of Another Dimension - made in Canva by Jacki Fleet

It's not about being self-centred but about centering one's self.

The centre of the universe is an unknown destination. I like to think it is right here where we stand. Each and every one of us. The world moves around us as we move through it, in both our physical form and our etheric soul being. We are an atomic force of moving parts and particles. Each a world within a world. We are made of the stuff of stars and have an energetic field of our own. Our energy peaks and wanes with our emotions. How is that? That our emotions could influence our energetic field, our aura, and our thoughts which are connected to our hearts? I don’t intend to answer these questions. Merely to pose them. We have our own vibration, our own fingerprints, our own irises, our own DNA. This is the beauty of our creation. We are unique and transitory in every way. Our world revolves around us, and it is of our own making.

It is easy to absorb the energy of others, or of the field of events around us. This can be the turning of our souls down a dark road where it seems impossible to see the light of our own beauty and potential. We can stumble and fall on this road when this vibration hits us. It is very easy. This path can go on for indefinite periods until we lift ourselves out of the energetic field that has swamped our sovereignty and our spirit. This is a dangerous place to dwell too long. It can happen, but it doesn’t have to be forever. We are free to choose and that is our own special power.

This is the free spirit within us which we all yearn for, as a homecoming to all that is, and all that is right in the world. It is not ours to give away, or for others to take away from us. That is what it means to be free. That is why standing for freedom unites so many from all walks of life. Because the freedom within, the freedom to think, to feel, to dance, to sing, to swim, to float, to walk unbounded, is ours and ours alone.

There is always some kind of societal boundaries that try to dampen that spirit or crimp our free will. However, one of our greatest gifts is the gift of free will. This gift in turn honours and respects each other’s boundaries, sovereignty, and free will. Free will is the gift that makes us who we are, that allows our creative spirit to express in ways in which we even surprise ourselves. This, coupled with love and respect, is what makes us able to live in peace and harmony with each other, and is so special it should not be undermined. It is not our place to impose our power upon others. Our personal power is not for sale.

Angels at the centre of the universe are there to guide us, to be lifted into our higher self and attain lofty heights. We are constantly breaking previous records and discovering new things. It is a world of wonder through which we are explorers and creators. Our humanity is both common and extraordinary. Especially when we get in touch with our authentic selves. It is not for us to give our power away. It is ours to nurture and to share if we wish. However, our love, and the vibration of love, are something that we need to nurture for both ourselves and for we the people of the world in which we live.

Waiting for the Protection of an Angel

Angel of Protection - made in Canva

Sometimes we walk through this world looking for The Centre or The Edge, seeking the protection of our Angel. We long for the wings of protection to shield us from the ugliness that we see in the outer space. the biting, judgmental, cruelty that can infiltrate the hearts of some and affect the lives of many. Our souls search for those wings in the clouds, and in the waters and the reflections in the eyes of another. The clue in finding them is in the reflection. In the space between the here and now, the past and the future, in the space between one soul and another, where space dissolves into nothingness and everything becomes a reflection of our own internal state. This is where we need to find our own wings and allow them to unfold, wrapping ourselves in a state of love that gives us everything we need for this outer world.

Close your eyes, feel the wings. Let them touch your soul.

Angels in Unity

Sacred Union - made in Canva by Jacki Fleet

When we find that special soul with which to walk, we have a sense of completeness as we find our complimentary. As all things on this earth are a series of opposites, forces that push and pull like the tides. Like the water hugs the land, and the trees need a place to anchor, we too yearn to find our compliment, even if it is just in the friendships and relationships that we share. We were not meant to be alone, isolated, and locked down in body and spirit. We are spirit-bound bodies that become their best when connected to others. When we find those relationships that allow us connection in harmonious balance, we have found the greatest gift of all in unity.

We all have moments of outward expression like a steam valve that lets off pressure. Along with unity we also need those moments that allow us the space to regenerate, to visit that quiet space within, however, we should not be confined in this, but visit that space by choice. If we understand the other and find mutual respect in our authentic selves and the authenticity in others, we understand beyond words the other. With this, we become one.

Without words, through the wings of the soul, through the eyes of another, the hand of the divine, and the moments in time, we can truly see.

May your Angel walk with you in peace and in love.

Love it All - made in Canva by Jacki Fleet

This is a download that has been lightly edited to make some kind of sense. It is a free flow, a streaming, from my heart to yours.

If you enjoyed this I would appreciate it if you would leave a heart behind.


About the Creator

jacki fleet

I am an artist. A painter, designer and creator who likes to write. I live in the Northern Territory of Australia. Writing is something I enjoy, usually for myself. I decided it's time to start sharing.

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    jacki fleetWritten by jacki fleet

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