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A Sick Day


By StaringalePublished 6 months ago 3 min read
A Sick Day
Photo by Isabella Fischer on Unsplash

As the atmosphere started cooling down it accompanied with a flood of sick patients. Managing all these patients was quickly becoming a problem, confused what to do next I looked towards my classmates all of them were wearing confused and stressed expression on their face.

But without giving us a moment to think on, the interns quickly jumped in taking control of the situation and effectively managing the chaos. Things started to move smoothly and efficiently after that.

Going home at 5:00pm in the evening, I was dead tired, refusing to talk a walk back home I waved at incoming cab and got in. Paying the fare I got out of the cab infront of my home. Taking out the keys from my bag I opened the door, giving my mom a short greeting I headed to my room to get freshened up.

As I got out of my room heading towards the kitchen my eyes fell on the couch in the living room where my little brother and sister were lying sick to the bone. Rubbing my forehead at their foolishness, I wanted to reprimand them for not covering up while going to study. Seriously! What excuse is fashion sense when it is going to make you sick.

And now sooner or later the whole house is going to be effected, I am already starting to feel under the weather. Heading to the kitchen I saw  my mom making a pot of soup, seeing her flushed cheeks and watery eyes I immediately knew that even she was starting to feel under the weather.

Helping her with the soup, I grabbed a bowl for myself and sat down on the chair to eat. My body was starting to ache, maybe it was because of the increase workload today or maybe I was starting to get pyrexia. Anyways I think it is better to sleep it away.

Bad decision! I woke up at about 3:00am with a stuffy nose, watery eyes, body ache. It seems I have also become a patient. Getting up from the bed was proving to be a strength of resolve. Walking to the lavatory to get freshened up after that I headed back to the bed.

The pounding headache and a foggy mind was proving hard to think straight. Even now looking at the screen was becoming a tedious task.

So here I am advising you all to cover up and bundle up in layers as winter approaches. And for those of you have annoying younger siblings like me, scold them and force them to wear layers and prevent them from becoming fashionable heroes in one-layer winter clothes. Because face it health is wealth.

With that done I decided to fill my empty stomach to boost my immunity. Standing up on wobbling legs, I went to the kitchen. Grabbing a bowl of berries and apricots, I wobbled back to my room. Resting against my pillows I took a handful of blueberries popping it into my mouth.

I think the fever have effected my taste buds because the taste was too bland trying it with the apricots, I got the same results. But anyway I ate a few before putting a lid on the remaining. Taking OTC relief medication, I am headed to sleep. Maybe I can sleep the sickness away.

Its fascinating to find how your body functions are linked to one another. Like fever for example will effect your entire body from altered taste buds to over-functioning kidney. But anyways have a nice day to all of you. Take care of yourself and bundle up.

Note: Didn't have the energy to proof read it. So don't complain about the mistakes.


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Comments (2)

  • Doc Sherwood6 months ago

    Get well soon, Staringale! I'm sorry to hear you're under the weather. Although I'm not a medical doctor, and you surely know more about such matters than I, it sounds like a great idea to stay in bed and sleep it off. In addition, I already know you have a very healthy lifestyle, as you've written a good deal about taking walks, meditation and eating well. This should help you make a speedy recovery, although as I say, a doctor of English literature probably isn't the best one for a diagnosis! I very much agree too that young people like your siblings ought to be wrapping up warmly. It's been a worry for me to see many teens and students severely underdressed this winter, especially when going out at night, and girls in particular. So tell that sister of yours to take care! I'll be thinking of the stricken Staringale household this week, and hope you're all on the mend soon. Keep up with the fruit bowls, the lot of you!

  • I like your story. I and my daughter have to stay in bed for a couple of days. Life is a continues battle, a battle where the only winners are those who give more and take less.Thank you.

SWritten by Staringale

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