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A person wants to get a happy and stable life

The key is his spirituality, and the higher his spirituality, the easier it is for him to approach happiness.

By keenan eliezerPublished 2 years ago 6 min read
A person wants to get a happy and stable life
Photo by Joey Nicotra on Unsplash

On this point, I think most people can understand because in real life many people have experienced similar experiences.

Many people live unhappy, not because their life is unlucky, not because their life is particularly difficult, but because they can not think.

Faced with the same thing, different people have different ideas, such as the face of the same half bottle of water, optimists will think there is still half a bottle left, and he will therefore be happy.

But for a pessimist it is a very unfortunate thing, he will think that there is only half a bottle of water left, and when he thinks that the bottle is about to be finished, he will feel very painful inside.

Why do most monks not have too many worries? Is it because they are empty of all the four great things?

This is also a very important part of it, but there is another very important reason, that is, they have a very high level of thinking, they have long seen through the red world and understand the real value of life, so they do not take things for granted, they do not take things for granted, they will live in this world with the most normal attitude.

The four realms of people reaching middle age.

And such people are often the easiest to be happy and happy, even if he does not feel happy, they will feel satisfied inside, there will be no pain exists, and this is something that most people can not do.

The real growth in life lies in the fact that your age is right for your experience and wisdom, otherwise, all these years, you are living in vain.

Although this statement is a bit heavy, it is indeed the reality of where, middle-aged people should have the appearance of middle-aged people, if, in middle age, you are still similar to the 20s, then what are your experiences over the years?

People often say that the longer a person lives, the wiser he is, this statement has some truth, if people can not do this, it is indeed a thing that makes people feel unbelievable.

But this situation is very rare in real life because most middle-aged people have gained some experience or wisdom, but each person is in a different realm.

Next, we will introduce you to the four realms of middle age, you see which stage you are in now.

Can't help but be open-minded

Old Wang is a particularly open-minded person, about this, many people feel very envious he was not like this before, in his 20s he was also a very tangled person, and can not withstand a little blow.

When he first went to work, he felt particularly difficult, if one day the leader scolded him, he will be difficult for several days, but at that time he was still very young, having such ideas is very normal.

Young people do not go through a big storm, in the encounter of some things do not know how to solve, always feel aggrieved, but now he is completely different, after all, today he is already a middle-aged man in his early 40s.

No matter what kind of things he encountered, he is very open-minded, take last year, as we all know, from last year to now this period, is also considered a lot of people are not expected.

As a businessman, Wang did lose a lot, replaced by other people have long been anxious, but he felt indifferent.

He often tells people that many things in this life are unknown, he never thought he would be in this situation one day, but this is also inevitable in life, and he chose to accept it and live happily.

Having an open mind is a condition that middle-aged people over 40 must-have, and only with this condition can they live a more comfortable life.

People will inevitably encounter some problems in this life, some things can be solved by everyone, and some things can not be solved by everyone.

No matter what, among the hardships and setbacks mentality is most important, some people have a very difficult time, but they live a very happy life because they have learned to make fun of the bitterness.

How well a person lives depends entirely on the mindset, you want to live a good no one can stop you, about this point we must understand.

As long as you are open-minded enough, you will not be upset because of some trivial things, even if you encounter some of the things that others think of the sky, you can also not shake, it because this time your realm has been very human all.

The connotation of suffering without saying anything

For young people, complaining seems to be something they often do. For example, if a person encounters a problem at work, he will feel very sad, and he will complain to everyone or find someone to talk to so that he will feel better.

Another example is a person with emotional trauma, he will also choose to confide in others, so that he can find an outlet.

For example, if a person in the process of getting along with family or other people encountered some trouble, he also likes to choose the way to pour out as a way to vent, which is something most young people will do, young people need friends also believe in friends, so as long as they encounter things they will be vomit.

But most middle-aged people do not like this, even if middle-aged people encountered some problems, they will choose to silently endure, rather than say it, we all know that many middle-aged people live very difficult, even if they have a house and a car, but the days are still very painful.

As for why, probably because of the marriage, and perhaps because of the pressure, and perhaps because of the future of the children, no matter what, they have their pressure, but even so, they definitely will not show their unhappy side.

Middle-aged people understand that there is never any real empathy in this world, not to mention, don't just trust others is also a way to protect yourself. Based on the above 2 points, they will never tell others about their sufferings.

Middle-aged people have very rich life experiences, they have experienced a lot of things before, and they know that even if they will tell others about their suffering, others may not take it to heart, maybe some people will instead think they have nothing to do, and even gossip behind their backs.

In any case, they have long learned to bear everything by themselves, they think this is a kind of connotation, this is also a person in the process of growing up must experience some things, they know this truth, so the state of mind reached this level.

The introversion of the seat without saying anything

Young people eating together is always stirring, this is also the vitality of young people, but middle-aged people, are much more calm, even with a group of people eating together, they rarely talk.

Why are middle-aged people so? That is because they know some reasoning, they know not to speak casually when there are many people because it is easy to say the wrong thing, if you say the wrong thing, then it will be very troublesome.

People often say, say more mistakes are the truth, if a person can not talk, but always love to talk, it is easy to make mistakes, but if a person is careful, the result will be completely different.

The persistence of success and not rest

Is it still necessary for middle-aged people to study hard? Is it still necessary to work hard to climb up? On this question, I think the answer given by most people is yes.

In the minds of some people, middle age is the time to work hard because it is also considered a turning point in their lives, after all, their children have grown up and need their support next, and their careers are very important.

A truly realistic middle-aged person can do the work without resting, he never believes in doing anything at any age, he has been learning all his life and using his work to improve himself.

And most such middle-aged people can get a good life, in real life we often see such people, some elderly people over 70 years old are still learning all kinds of things, and such people are often the most admired.

They spend their lives improving themselves because they simply do not want to stop the pace of progress, they feel that such a life is interesting.

The above is the 4 realms of middle-aged people, I wonder how many you have reached?

*** Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) ***


About the Creator

keenan eliezer

Humans are the only animals that can blush, or the only animals that should blush.

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    keenan eliezerWritten by keenan eliezer

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