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Relationship Goals

Read Before You make Your Love List

By LATANYA N CHATFIELDPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Relationship Goals
Photo by Green Chameleon on Unsplash

Everyone has relationship goals, and they should. The infamous list of what a person would like in their love relationship has been highlighted by many as their bible for a perfect relationship. At some point in history, this “list” becomes so important that it has placed a concrete block in the minds of those that partake in the list to not think outside of its bulleted points. Every person encountered is measured and compared to the “list”. Friends are notified that the person you were on a date with didn’t meet everything, but could provide the potential to receive a checkmark on your “list”. At some point. I will ask one question: How has the “list” been working for you?

Important List and Serious Business

Yes, the “list” you made is important, but it is important for the opposite reason from which it was made. I mean, if your “list was supposed to work the way it was meant to work. You would not still have a list, right? Relationship goals are not for the person you want to attract. They are goals that should be worked on to heal the relationship you have with yourself. Specifically, the traumas and experiences you endured that prompted you to make the list.

Okay, I hear your objection. Everything on the “list” may not be something you have to work on yourself, but there is a good chance it is. There just needs to be a little more digging to find out the root cause. The top line is that you really should take a hard look at what you are writing on your list. You will benefit greatly from what you find. Whatever you find, deal with the issues, misconceptions, assumptions before you apply the “list” to someone else.

Listing Agent

Your list is made from the inside out. That means that whatever is desired or not you write it down on the “list”. Whenever you give energy to the pen and paper gods there is a manifestation that is put in motion. After you write what you are seeking then you may begin to speak what you are looking for. In turn for your written words, the Universe/God has started on an action plan for your “list” goals to be met. So, just like a home listing, things in your life began to shift and move you in the direction of what you desire. You may see some old friends. Have some deep talks with your parents. Reconnect with a love interest just to find out they found the person of their trauma…ahem, I meant dreams. The “list” you’ve made has open up wounds and unfinished business that you have to address. If you are not able to resolve or invest time in whatever needs to be invested in to get you ready for the person you described on the “list. Your list becomes a magnet for the things you need to work on in your life in and that will come through your next relationship.

When you get a house ready for rent you want to attract good renters. You clean it up, tackle some little jobs, and boom you find problems that thing has been festering underneath. You spend time re-plastering the wall you had to bust through to get to the other problem and you may see another problem in the process, or it could just be a quick fix. If you don’t fix anything and just throw a little putty here and there. Well, we shall see how long that holds up.

The people that are in the market for a place to stay look through the listing and are drawn to what they see with their eyes. It has everything on its list. It isn’t until they move in and settle that they either experience what you did or did not fix. If there are problems that lead to problems and lead to other problems. You may be discounting rent or saying goodbye to your tenants as they seek another place to call home. The condition that you put the house out there is the condition that will manifest as the renters continue to live in the house. Also, a point to be considered is that when a renter feels like the person cared enough to make things right, address concerns promptly. They usually take care of your property better.

What’s On Your List?

The point here is to get your house in order. I know that sounds cliché, but it is the truth and the reality of any relationship we have around us. Especially love relationships. Spend time knowing yourself and building a great relationship with yourself. If you have made a “list” to attract a potential partner, look the list over. Find out where you can improve in the area you are asking someone to be perfect in. If you have a trust or self-confidence issue, asking for your potential partner to be trustworthy will not have the effect on your relationship that you desire. That person will have to go through many “side eyes” and second-guessing scenarios from you to earn your trust. If they are trustworthy you have now made them not trustworthy. This causes that person to go through trauma in a relationship with you that they now have to deal with.

You are powerful beyond what you could ever imagine. Take that power into your hands and spend time with your hang-ups, hick-ups, and annoyance. You will thank yourself later that you have attracted someone that can be there with you for the greater things in life. You do not want to have to go through relationships one after another, short or long just to deal with YOUR hurt and pain of the past. We are naturally loving beings and that’s where we want to operate from. So, love yourself enough to do something for you that benefits all the relationships in your life.

Have a love yourself day!!!!


About the Creator


I love to write all genres and teach my kids that they can do and be anything at any time in their lives.

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