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Live Better

10 DAILY HABITS that has helped me increase my mental and emotional health in the past five years

By Francis Dennis Published 11 days ago 4 min read
Live Better
Photo by THE 5TH on Unsplash

Developing good daily habits can have a profound impact on your overall well-being. Over the past five years, I've cultivated a series of practices that have significantly enhanced my physical health, emotional balance, and cognitive function.
While it wasn't an overnight transformation, the gradual incorporation of these habits has led to lasting positive changes in my life.
In this article, I will share the ten daily habits that have made the biggest difference for me, offering insights and practical tips to help you incorporate them into your own routine.

In this article, I share 10 daily habits that have significantly improved my life in areas such as physical, emotional, and brain health. These habits include:

1. Drinking water immediately after waking up to boost energy levels.

2. Meditating for 10 minutes daily to reduce anxiety and improve mental clarity.

3. Taking brisk walks outdoors for exercise and mood enhancement.

4. Incorporating weight training to preserve muscle mass and bone density.

5. Eating greens daily for nutritional benefits.

6. Consuming brightly colored fruits and veggies for their various health properties.

7. Listening to relaxing music to reduce stress.

8. Reading or learning something new each day to stimulate the brain.

9. Spending quality time with loved ones.

10. Avoiding phone use an hour before bed to improve sleep quality.

### 1. Drinking Water Immediately After Waking Up
Initiating your day with a glass of water isn't merely routine; it's pivotal for replenishing your body's hydration levels post-sleep. Throughout the night, our bodies lose water through respiration and perspiration, necessitating morning hydration to kickstart metabolism and bolster cognitive function. Research underscores that sufficient hydration promotes skin health, aids digestion, and augments overall vitality. Infusing water with lemon can further amplify its benefits by infusing vitamin C, renowned for fortifying immunity and aiding digestion.

### 2. Meditating for 10 Minutes Daily

Daily meditation serves as a potent tool validated by science to diminish stress, fortify emotional resilience, and refine cognitive acuity. Studies affirm that regular mindfulness practices, such as guided meditation or focused breathing exercises, reduce cortisol levels—the body's principal stress hormone—inducing a serene mental state. Moreover, meditation correlates with enhanced immune response and mitigated symptoms of anxiety and depression. Novices can leverage guided meditation apps like Calm or Headspace for structure and support, facilitating steadfast integration into daily routines.

### 3. Taking Brisk Walks Outdoors

Incorporating brisk outdoor walks into daily life not only enhances physical fitness but also nurtures mental well-being.
Exposure to natural sunlight stimulates serotonin production, a neurotransmitter pivotal for regulating mood, thereby alleviating symptoms of anxiety and depression.
Routine cardiovascular exercise, such as brisk walking, bolsters cardiac health, augments circulation, and fosters overall cardiovascular well-being. Recommendations from the World Health Organization advocate for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity weekly, achievable through consistent brisk walking.

### 4. Incorporating Weight Training

Integrating weight training into your fitness regimen is indispensable for preserving muscle mass, bolstering bone density, and fortifying physical prowess. With age, muscle mass dwindles naturally, heightening vulnerability to mobility impairment and fractures.
Systematic resistance exercises, encompassing weightlifting or bodyweight routines, counteract this decline while enhancing metabolism, posture, and functional fitness. For novices, consulting a fitness expert ensures proficiency in techniques, preventing injury and fostering efficacy.

### 5. Eating Greens Daily

Incorporating leafy greens into daily dietary habits supplies an array of essential nutrients conducive to immune fortification, digestive health, and overall well-being. Varieties such as spinach, kale, and Swiss chard abound in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, combating inflammation and safeguarding against chronic ailments. Whether integrated into meals or blended into smoothies, greens furnish a convenient avenue for augmenting daily nutrient intake and supporting optimal health.

### 6. Consuming Brightly Colored Fruits and Veggies

Diversifying your diet with a spectrum of colorful fruits and vegetables ensures comprehensive health benefits owing to their diverse phytochemical compositions. Fruits and vegetables of varying hues proffer distinct antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents. For instance, red produce like tomatoes and strawberries feature lycopene, bolstering cardiovascular health, while orange and yellow counterparts like carrots and oranges boast beta-carotene, vital for vision and immune function. Aim for a daily intake of two to three servings of vibrant fruits and vegetables to optimize nutritional diversity and bolster overall health.

### 7. Listening to Relaxing Music

Integrating relaxing music into your daily routine serves as a potent stress-relief strategy backed by scientific validation. Calming melodies, including classical compositions or ambient nature sounds, lower cortisol levels—stress hormone—inducing tranquility and enhancing mood. This practice not only elevates emotional well-being and cognitive function but also promotes superior sleep quality.

Cultivating a habit of listening to soothing music before bedtime facilitates relaxation, preparing the mind and body for restorative sleep.

### 8. Reading or Learning Something New Daily

Embracing daily intellectual pursuits, such as reading or acquiring novel skills, is pivotal for sustaining cognitive vigor and nurturing continuous personal growth. Studies underscore that mental engagement via reading or learning stimulates neural pathways, fortifying brain health and cognitive acuity. Whether delving into literature, exploring educational materials, or mastering new competencies, integrating daily intellectual endeavors sustains curiosity and enriches cognitive aptitude, ensuring lifelong learning and mental acumen.

### 9. Spending Quality Time with Loved Ones

Prioritizing meaningful interactions with loved ones cultivates profound emotional connections and fortifies emotional well-being. Engaging in genuine conversations and shared activities fosters interpersonal bonds, augmenting empathy and mutual understanding. Scientific research affirms that positive social engagements trigger oxytocin release—the "love hormone"—nurturing trust, emotional stability, and happiness. Whether bonding with family, friends, or pets, nurturing relationships through quality time fosters enduring contentment and diminishes stress.

### 10. Avoiding Phones Before Bed

Implementing a bedtime routine devoid of electronic devices, such as smartphones and tablets, markedly enhances sleep quality and overall well-being.
The blue light emitted by screens disrupts melatonin production—a hormone pivotal for regulating sleep patterns—impeding the onset of restful sleep stages. Establishing a habit of disconnecting from screens at least an hour before bedtime promotes natural relaxation.
Engaging in tranquil activities, such as reading, practicing relaxation techniques, or enjoying soothing music, facilitates a serene transition to bedtime, ensuring rejuvenating sleep and revitalized mornings.

These habits were formed gradually over five years, emphasizing consistency over perfection. It helped me alot, and I believe it will help you too.


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    FDWritten by Francis Dennis

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