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How to properly clean your PC or notebook keyboard?

If your keyboard is extremely dirty, to the point that you feel disgusted by touching it, it's time for a cleaning!

By Bruno LopesPublished 4 years ago 4 min read
How to properly clean your PC or notebook keyboard?
Photo by Chris J. Davis on Unsplash

Regardless of whether you are a gamer or a professional who works hard on the computer, your computer keyboard is something very important in your day-to-day. If you use it to play with it you will move around in the game, and if it is your work tool, it is the middle ground between your ideas and your final work. And because it is so important in life, it is normal for the keyboard to get dirty with the time of use, but it is also essential that it is clean, you put your hands on it every day. For this, check out 5 tips on how to properly clean your PC or notebook keyboard.

First, you need to make an assessment of how dirty your keyboard is. If it only has small dirt between the keys, you will find in your house the material for cleaning. But, if the keyboard is sticky and full of debris, it may be necessary to do a thorough cleaning. In that case, you may have to purchase some cleaning supplies. But it is worth it, as these supplies will be used for future cleaning.

Check below 5 tips for cleaning and saving your keyboard, before having to replace or discard it. From simple cleaning to a complete bath, these tips range from the most basic cleaning levels to more expert levels. So, without further ado, let's look at the most efficient ways to clean your keyboard.

How to properly clean your PC or notebook keyboard?

Turn the keyboard upside down

It sounds obvious, but it's the simplest way to clean your keyboard: Using gravity to your advantage. First, disconnect the keyboard from your computer. In case it is a notebook, we recommend turning it on its side and being gentle when literally shaking off the dust. Then, hold the keyboard, turn it over so that the keys are facing a surface that you don't mind getting dirty for a moment, and tap gently, so as not to damage your keyboard. Turn it at several angles and tap it to remove all dirt. That way, much of the waste will fall off your keyboard.

If you are using a keyboard with removable keys (mechanical keyboards for example), remove them and shake the keyboard without the keys. Touch the bottom of the keyboard to make sure it is free of dirt and, if you still see dirt, keep trying to remove it.

Brush your keyboard

There are brushes and brushes specially developed for cleaning the keyboard, but if you are not willing to spend money on it, you can use a regular brush or an old toothbrush (properly sterilized and clean). Nylon brushes are great for this task.

To do the cleaning, just pass the brush or brush through the space between the keys. If you think the brush is very flexible and is not properly removing dirt from your keyboard, use something more rigid. (Toothbrushes are very good).

Vacuum cleaner and air compressor

A good alternative for cleaning your keyboard is portable and special keyboard vacuum cleaners. It is possible to use a normal vacuum cleaner, but with a specialized appliance for this purpose, you will have a small brush that sucks up dirt, being much more efficient in the task.

Another possibility is air compressors, also specialized in cleaning keyboards. In either case, pay a fee to purchase the product, however, this product can be used for a long time to clean your device.

We emphasize that it is important to take some precautions when cleaning with equipment of this type. The vacuum cleaner will not remove all the dirt is under the keys, but it will remove everything that is visible, and the debris will spread across the table and the floor. We recommend cleaning outdoors, or on a table, you don't mind getting dirty.

If possible, remove the keys to make cleaning more efficient, but be careful, as not all keyboards can have their keys removed without causing damage. Don't even think about doing this in a notebook, as you will probably end up ruining your keyboard. If using an air compressor, do not push the straw directly onto the surface you are blowing on, as the compressed air will create condensation, leaving puddles of moisture inside the keyboard. Keep a little distance to avoid this.

Cyber Clean

Once again we present a product that you can buy, but it is an effective way to clean your computer keyboard. A sticky jelly, usually colored, known as Cyber Clean (brand found in online stores). This gelatin, when rubbed against the keyboard, can capture tiny dust and dirt. You can reuse the jelly until it becomes grayish, or until you don't find it too disgusting to touch it.

There are some caveats that you should know before using the product, such as the fact that it is oily and can make your keyboard gooey. You may need to use a pipe cleaner or a cotton swab to absorb this. In addition, the gel itself gets dirty, so you have to keep replacing it.

Disassemble and wash the keyboard

If you have a mechanical keyboard, with removable keys, you are lucky, as these keys are easy to clean. To clean the keys themselves, remove them from the keyboard and immerse them in a container with soap and water. Rub the keys with a small brush or cloth to remove dirt. After that, put them to dry completely, and just insert the keys dry on the keyboard, so there is no risk of triggering a short in the electronic components of your keyboard. Also, take a picture of the keyboard before removing the keys, to know the location of each one afterward.

If you want to clean the keyboard inside, you can disassemble it with a small screwdriver. If you disassemble the keyboard, take some pictures of it beforehand with your smartphone, to learn how to assemble it again. Clean the non-conductive parts with a damp cloth. Make sure, however, that by doing this, you are not putting soap or water on the circuits.


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    Bruno LopesWritten by Bruno Lopes

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