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Hard Work Pays Off

The Value of Work Ethic

By Kaylon ForsythPublished 8 months ago 3 min read
Activation Energy, and Spiritual Synergy

The reason I work as hard as I do, is because in the past, I have not always been focused on the present, and that has caused me to lose vast amounts of time from my life, worrying about the future, or having regrets about the past, since I have begun my Ascent into a life of determination and hope.

I wish to help others fuel their own desires to become their best selves, so the reason I work as hard as I do, is not to put anyone else down, or to make anyone else feel as though they are not as productive, it's because I want to set an example, and also want others to know that if in need, they can count on me.

That means if in need for help moving, if in need for help with protection, if in need with help for anything I am capable of helping with, as long as it is within my means to do so, I never hope to inspire anger in others, but if I do, it is never intentional, and if I do happen to inspire anger in you, I highly implore you to come to me, and let us speak as adults do, and remedy such situations if they arise.

I am not the type of person that is a people pleaser, but I am the type of person, that as much as I have worked on this part of myself, still have a bit of what is known as a hero complex, where I will jump into action in any situation to help, even if I don't know exactly what I'm doing, my assistance is always offered, because every day is a learning lesson, and we are here to learn and grow, so I prefer that type of life, for stagnation is like idle time, it's the realm where we tend to leave the present, and begin focusing on the past or future, in an obsessive way.

When we choose to focus on that which we have no control over, it takes the control out of our hands, and places it in a situation, that has become irrelevant in regards to changing it, however, if we choose to focus on the past, in hopes of learning from mistakes we have made, it can be a therapeutic experience, and one where we can learn of our own shortcomings, and actively work on fixing these things.

I have recently received a promotion at work, and when I first started my job, I was given comments on several occasions. These remarks consisted of, hey stop working so hard, your making the rest of us look bad, or overachiever, and even though these remarks, may have been made in a half serious way, I kept working hard, and have begun climbing the latter at my place of employment, because staying busy was my biggest coping mechanism after my wife passed away.

I am not gunning for anyone's job, or attempting to create any negative waves of contempt towards myself, or anyone else, because of my work ethic, I am simply trying to help those who are under my care, to have a hopeful outlook on 2 facts

1. Just because you have mental illness, does not mean you can't achieve your dreams, even if it means you must work harder, dig in your heels, and get your hands dirty.

2 If you happen to be one of the many who have overcome, or are still in active addiction, it does not have to be a barrier in your life, if you learn from it, it can be the bridge that helps others cross that deep chasm of hopelessness, and see the light on the other side.

Never allow your shortcomings, to be barriers for you, instead allow them to become your greatest strengths and your life will change in ways, that you never imagined, always keep your intentions pure, and have the action to back up the intention, because if the actions matches the intention, then true change is facilitated, and one can go from down and out, to inspired and driven.

Don't let someone elses fear of your light, stop you from shining, because fear is a result of lacking understanding. If you take the time to explain why you do what you do, it mitigates the potential of others to make presumptions about who you are, and why you do what you do.

Always be genuine, and authentic, and never see failure as a mistake, for without experiencing failure, how could we ever truly appreciate success, and without mistakes how could we ever learn from failures. Allow your failures to temper your spirit and your body, as well as your mind, and become the change you wish to see in this world.

Brightest Blessings


About the Creator

Kaylon Forsyth

I lost my wife back in 2019 and I started this as an outlet for my emotional expression in regards to the pain from the loss, it has helped me substantially since that time, and I have put great effort into all of my efforts since then.

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    Kaylon ForsythWritten by Kaylon Forsyth

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