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Adventure Therapy For Autistic Children With Behavior Problems

Challenges in Traditional Interventions

By Kate BrownellPublished 23 days ago 3 min read

It is natural for children on the spectrum to be hyper aware of their surroundings. This can often make them feel like they are living in an intense world that they cannot navigate. As a result of this, kids who have autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or show symptoms of ASD, find it difficult to perform their daily tasks, socialise with peers in the same age groups, and tend to have isolated interests. The traditional social support provided by autism support workers can sometimes become a barrier to the independence and confidence of the children. That’s where innovative approaches like adventure therapy come in. The elements of therapeutic techniques and outdoor activities in adventure therapy address the unique needs of autistic children and enable them to cope with environmental stressors.

Understanding Autism

ASD is a neurodevelopmental condition that impacts how children react to their environment and others. Kids on the spectrum often experience social anxiety and difficulty in communication, intellectual limitations, sensory impairments, and learning disabilities. This essentially makes them different from their neurotypical peers and becomes the source of behavioural issues.

Their behavioural problems like sudden outbursts, aggression, and social isolation tend to lead to the misconceptions that they are incapable of making friends or learning. However, this is far from the truth. With the right support and right interventions, children on the spectrum can be empowered to navigate their lives with ease.

Challenges in Traditional Interventions

The traditional support therapies and interventions for children on the spectrum are focused on structured activities within a clinical setting. This can be restrictive for the children and lead to limited engagement. The rigid structure of traditional interventions may seem convenient in the beginning but eventually can lead to resistance and disinterest.

Traditional therapies also focus on sensory stimuli which can be overwhelming for autistic children and cause sensory overload. This can make the children even more agitated and emerge as a challenge for them to effectively participate in the therapy. At the same time, these traditional methods lack generalising the skills to real-life settings which can not only limit the ability of children to navigate real life but also lead to stigmatisation due to labelling.

Benefits of Adventure Therapy

Adventure therapy for autistic children is a refreshing alternative to the existing traditional support therapies. Engaging in adventurous pursuits amidst the wilderness not only helps them acquire necessary life skills but also helps them take a break from the fast-paced world and experience tranquillity in nature. Let’s break down the benefits in detail-

  • Development of Social Skills- Adventure therapy encourages communication, collaboration, and teamwork. Children get to experience the environment along with a built-in peer group which teaches them to make social connections and build meaningful relationships.
  • Emotional Regulation- Adventure therapy involves a lot of activities, specifically tailored to meet the unique needs of autistic children which teaches them to develop resilience, patience, and problem-solving skills. This improves the emotional awareness of the children and regulates their emotions, thereby controlling their behavioural problems.
  • Adapting to New Environments- Children on the spectrum have a tendency to be rigid and reluctant to new environments. They may only be equipped to cope with their anxiety and behavioral issues and a specific familiar setting. Adventure therapy helps them adapt to the unfamiliarity by constantly helping them transition from one setting to the next. This helps to generalise their coping mechanism so they can interact more efficiently in new settings.
  • Confidence Building- Adventure therapy encourages children to conquer challenges in the wilderness. Completion of the activities in a new environment helps to boost the self-esteem of the children and gives them a sense of empowerment and accomplishment.

Role of NDIS Support Workers

The National Disability Insurance Scheme, a scheme run by the National Disability Insurance Agency in Australia, provides necessary funding and support for those, born with or who have acquired permanent disabilities like autism. The NDIS support worker plays an important role in facilitating these adventure therapies for these kids on the spectrum. They offer the necessary guidance during the outdoor sessions and provide individualised assistance to cater to the unique needs of each child. They also play a crucial role in creating a supportive and safe environment for autistic children in the wilderness.

Join the Adventure

It is high time that children on the spectrum are offered innovative and effective therapies to cope with their struggles and control their behavioral issues. Adventure therapy is a beacon of hope for kids on the spectrum and provides them with holistic intervention to help them navigate life with ease. With a little effort from our end and help from the support workers, we can create a truly inclusive society for these children.


About the Creator

Kate Brownell

Independent Teacher, Freelance Writer, Conservationist, Eco Friendly Environment Crusader. A life hack writer by choice. Published articles on Ezines and Lifehacker.

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    Kate BrownellWritten by Kate Brownell

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