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You Can Do This, Why Not?

Writing During Troublesome Times

By Leiann Lynn Rose SpontaneoPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

Because of these troubling times, work is scarce. But, if you can write, have a laptop and Wi-Fi, writing is the way to go. The sky is the limit with topics!

Do you have a favorite magazine? Search for their guidelines. Are you good in a certain area? Why not start a blog? Those are just two (2) options! Are you really funny? Submit funny greeting card verse to Oatmeal Studios. Are you serious? Submit greeting card verse to Blue Mountain Arts. Take on multiple side hustles or gigs to equal a full-time job. That is what I personally do.

Are you scrimping and saving? There are so many benefits to this type of work. No need for a vehicle, no need for special clothing (dress in your jammies), you can make your lunch in your own kitchen, etc. You make your own hours. You can do what you love.

Are the kids inside and away from school? You can spend some quality time together.

You can take a siesta. You can exercise. Work from home side hustles have kept me going for five (5) years! I often am told that I keep myself “busy”. No, I am productive. Such people do not consider my side hustles as “work”. Believe me, it is. Once, I read about a woman whose husband was serving in the military. The woman wanted to get a job. All she could find were side hustles. So, as she was making resumes and needed an objective, she came up with the title “Professional Side Hustler”. I was so darn proud of her! I would love to share the same title, but she thought of it first. Keep a resume up-to-date. Make some clips. Have a cover letter.

Would you like to know where I find side hustles?,,,,, etc. I really like The job website has many, many new opportunities every day and worth your time.

There are also survey websites to do in-between writing. However, the only survey website I have found to be reliable is YouGov. Yes, they really do have some nice gift cards .

Keep a LinkedIn profile. I have found three (3) side hustles just through networking.

I recently had to delete my Facebook account as had gotten hacked. Kindly be careful with your Facebook. I had been posting my work every day and now cannot. A person had been sending comments, messenger and friend requests pretending to be me. I even changed my password.

Twitter is good for keeping those lines of communication going, so far, in a safe way.

Where do I find topics? I find topics all of the time just by searching through my e-mail. For example, maybe a magazine sends me a good e-mail on a certain topic. So, I then put my own twist on it. I often search YouTube. There are so many good, good videos to review. Subscribe to your favorites. As I am behind the times of technology, but you are up-to-date, make some YouTube videos yourself.

Don’t stress out. You’ve got this. Take a look in the mirror. What you see is your own competition. Shop from your own pantry. Buy your groceries at the local dollar store if you have to. Use on-line coupons. Get the family involved.

Sit down and think of what you are good at. Make a list. Search all opportunities. Don’t give up. Remember the story of the “Professional Side Hustler” when you get down on yourself. Her spunk rejuvenates even though I do not even know her!

Write on!


About the Creator

Leiann Lynn Rose Spontaneo

Studied Political Science at Duquesne University.

Highest Honors Graduate in Fitness and Nutrition from Stratford Career Institute.

Her future plans are to become an aromatherapist to help people with their ailments using essential oils.

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    Leiann Lynn Rose SpontaneoWritten by Leiann Lynn Rose Spontaneo

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