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Online Retailers Adapt as Google’s AI Overviews Transform SEO Landscape

How AI-Driven Search Changes are Redefining eCommerce Visibility and SEO Strategies?

By Sheikh AzeemPublished 11 days ago 3 min read
How AI-Driven Search Changes are Redefining eCommerce Visibility and SEO Strategies

Google's introduction of AI Overviews (AIOs) in U.S. search results has significantly impacted the eCommerce industry, causing online retailers to rethink their strategies for maintaining search engine visibility.

According to SE Ranking, an SEO platform, this shift presents both challenges and opportunities for online merchants navigating the evolving digital landscape.

SE Ranking's study of 100,013 terms revealed that only 8.71% of keywords now trigger AIOs, a notable drop from the 64% observed in preliminary testing.

Although AIOs are appearing less frequently, they are now more substantial in content. SE Ranking's study notes, “Our latest findings indicate that the average AIO text length is approximately 4,342 characters,” a 24.59% increase from earlier observations. This increase in content length may push organic results further down the search results page.

The report highlights how Google’s AI Overviews are transforming the search environment, potentially changing how consumers find and engage with online businesses. It offers crucial insights for eCommerce companies looking to sustain or boost their online presence in a search landscape increasingly influenced by AI.

What Triggers AI Overviews?

The research also indicated that some niches are more likely to trigger AIOs. The study found that “the Relationships niche has the highest percentage of keywords triggering AIOs (26.62%), followed by Food and Beverage (24.78%) and Technology (18.11%).”

For eCommerce companies in these niches, this presents a mix of opportunities and challenges. While AI-generated answers can enhance visibility, they may also reduce direct clicks if AIOs sufficiently answer users' queries.

However, not all sectors experience the same level of AI disruption. The data revealed that “Travel, Healthcare, Legal, News, and Politics have less than 1% of keywords triggering AIOs.” This suggests that Google is approaching certain topics with greater caution.

One positive aspect for online retailers is the ongoing importance of authoritative content.

The study indicates that “84.72% of AIOs link to at least one domain from the top 10 organic search results,” emphasizing the continued value of high-quality, relevant content for both traditional SEO and AI-enhanced visibility.

The research also highlighted the types of websites most frequently referenced in AI Overviews. While established sites maintained their prominence, niche-specific sites emerged as significant sources.

“The presence of niche-specific domains like and as top-linked sources could suggest that Google is prioritizing sites with specialized expertise,” SE Ranking noted.

This trend toward subject matter expertise could be beneficial for specialized eCommerce businesses that can position themselves as authoritative sources within their niches.

The study also offered insights into query length and AIO triggers.

“Longer queries tend to trigger AIOs more, with ten-word queries triggering 19.10% of AIOs,” the report stated. This finding may lead retailers to reconsider their keyword strategies, potentially placing greater emphasis on long-tail, question-based product descriptions.

Embracing Flexibility

As online retailers adapt to this new AI-driven search landscape, the study underscored the importance of flexibility.

“Given the unpredictable nature of AI in search, SEO specialists should diversify their tactics to optimize for both traditional and AI-enhanced searches,” the researchers advised.

They also suggested that SEO specialists might need to “adjust their content strategies to target niche-specific queries” and “reconsider content length and structure to provide sufficient topic depth.”

The study further noted changes in the advertising landscape with the advent of AIOs: “Ads accompany AIOs 87% of the time, compared to 73% before the rollout.” This increased ad presence could further impact organic visibility and click-through rates for eCommerce sites.

As Google continues to refine its AI integration, the frequency and nature of AI Overviews will likely evolve. For now, eCommerce businesses must navigate a future where AI is both a challenge and an opportunity in the quest for online visibility.


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    SAWritten by Sheikh Azeem

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