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My life as student Lawyer Syeda Tamseel Fatima Hussain

2024 Journaling

By Tamseel HussainPublished 2 months ago 3 min read
Written by Syeda Tamseel Fatima Hussain

Asalam o Alaikum and Hi everyone,

This is my second journaling!

Today I am just going to write about myself and If i write to personal please ignore. I'm first year undergraduate Law student at UniSQ. For me when i went first time to University was hard, I didn't know the places where to go and how to study. How to get updated on everything. The way I learned was listening to lectures and if I didn't had time to listen, I would go listen online recordings. I would read notes, and make my notes out of that. That's how i passed 50% of the trimester.

In my future studies my goals are to pass everything by aiming to attend University lectures more often and read the chapters on the same day. If the chapters are more big to read I would chop down in the day. For example I would read five pages, write down the notes, revise the notes and have five minutes break, then go back do that again. This year is really different for me from last year. But Alhumdullilah I am getting this through the year by trying hard and praying hard.

Sometimes people asked me why did i choose to do Law. I didn't had answer till yesterday. I said "I would like to be lawyer to help people for the sake of Allah (God), in complex cases." I really haven't think before in my child age to be lawyer. I always had dream to be a teacher, medicine doctor, surgeon, sports athlete. But now, Look where I am. I didn't even know how far I came. What I do is, What Allah chose for me.

As a student lawyer, Last term I visited Brisbane Courts. It was wonderful visit, I had a look how people sit and where. I was the guest so i sat at the back, and it for first few minutes i didn't understand what was being said. This new trimester I have choose three subjects. Those three subjects are Dispute Management, Criminal law procedures, and Torts Law. I think the most subject I will have fun learning is Dispute management and Criminal Law.

If I ever give advice for any future Law students is If you study Torts and Contract Law, You will need to really have open mind. Your teachers will expect alot. To study Law you will need to have time arranged, Instead of doing one chapter a day, You will need to read about 2-5 Chapters in a day. You will need to minimize your sleeping habits and community outgoings.

Other things for future any student for University or school student is, they should make a calander. They should mark the dates and save for their assignments, exams, readings. Make a schedule it will help you alot. I got my calandar yesterday, I'm just waiting for my exam dates and going to start writing on it. Also at the end of the day my advice is go journal, what was your up's and downs. Look how much you spend time with family, while studying, watching Tv, watching social media, or reading books that is not related to your learning.

This will help you how to prioritize your time. Your time is important so don't waste, don't be zero 0. If you want to be zero, be zero on right side so your worth grows.

So, That's all for today i hope you enjoy reading my journal. I know today my grammar writing will be worse from before.

Written by

Syeda Tamseel Fatima Hussain

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About the Creator

Tamseel Hussain

Hi,So happy your here, Alhamdulillah for everything because I'm always blessed I love to write about what I see, think and feel, usually I write about poems. I'm a Shiane ALI as. Labaik Yahussain so readers please always shine.



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