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Words Of Pain

By Relly RoyalPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Photo by Álvaro Serrano on Unsplash

Just a thought, and I may be wrong. I have difficulty believing, especially believing when I feel that I am being forced to. For me, in the most rational way that I can present it.


Documented and rationalized to its simplest form, Yet overlooked, is characterized as the unchanged love for those who have wronged me.

Almost foolish sounding isn't it?

(I Laugh A Little) You’ve got to be kidding me.

"Loving Someone Like They Never Did Anything To Me"

“Me, Love?,


Love Who?,

No Wait,

Love How?”


you mean,

the love that brought me such joy and peace but also much grief, uncountable sorrows, and an unpleasant hurt. That Love?

Possibly, You mean, The love that was supposed to protect and keep me safe but yet abused and abandoned me. That Love?

Or could it be the love of family that would lie, seeing you as a perpetrator, and attempt to forfeit your future? That caused me to be bitter inwardly! That Love?

I’m just trying to figure out the kind of love I’m supposed to show because the love I know ion fuck with it and if that's what love is ion want it. Or Maybe Love is to call people names when you get frustrated and upset. Maybe love is being authentic in saying I’m a Religious man and I despise other races and religions.

I got it, I think

Just a lil maybe.

Love is corrupt it takes from the poor and continues to get rich. Love creates disturbance and speaks on things uncertainly. Love forcefully removes your innocence.

I’m good on that Love stuff, to be honest, if that's what it is.

Yeah, think about it.

All I really desire is closure. I really want a family. You know like the shows we watch on TV where everyone is loved and respected. All I really want is to love and be loved.

Yet it seems the more that I love authentically the more challenges I end up having to decipher.

I want to feel that feeling I felt as a young boy when I was alone and the angels would come and sit with me. I felt secure, I felt loved

I believe that love leaves room for mistakes. I believe love properly nurtures, counsels, and guides you toward being a healed and whole person. I believe love isn't connected to an outward appearance but it is connected to who you are inwardly.

Sometimes one might be sidetracked by the inconsistency of what was solidified in ones mind as love versus what is received, which can cause a wall to be placed around the heart deflecting those that come around, mind locked on the fear of what loving again could do.

Growing up, each hurt seemed to build upon another. Proper coping was not administered or even thought of for that matter, I lived based off of survival creating insensitivity to things of life. The continual search for Love has opened me up to a world of things. It has made me more understanding concerning disabilities, mind wiring, how people act move and whether or not I want to be around them or partake in things. Love opens you up to a world on unstoppables. It brings you to a place of freedom a place where you can say i'm okay with me. I continue to promote the Love I have come to accept. An it's a everyday learning process that takes a lot of integrity to walk in. "Love Like They Never Did Anything To You" Love Always -T.Carrell


About the Creator

Relly Royal

Sometimes We Go Through Things And In The Process We Forget Who We Are. The Real You Is The You You Are Afraid To Let Them See.

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