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By Teguh TriPublished 25 days ago 3 min read

In the quaint village of Everwood, surrounded by lush forests and crystal-clear streams, lived an old man named Elias. Elias was known throughout the village as a wise and gentle soul, someone who had lived a life rich with experiences and lessons. His small cottage, situated at the edge of the village, was a haven for those seeking advice or solace.

One crisp autumn morning, a young woman named Lily knocked on Elias's door. She was a bright, ambitious artist who had recently moved to Everwood to find inspiration in its natural beauty. Despite her talent and passion, Lily felt lost and uncertain about her future.

Elias welcomed her in with a warm smile and a cup of herbal tea. They sat by the fireplace, its warmth and the crackling of the logs creating a comforting ambiance.

“Elias,” Lily began, her voice tinged with frustration, “I’ve been working so hard on my art, but I feel like I’m getting nowhere. I see others achieving success, and I wonder if I’m on the right path. How do I know if I’m making the right choices?”

Elias listened intently, nodding as he sipped his tea. After a moment of contemplation, he began to speak.

“Let me tell you a story, Lily,” he said, his eyes twinkling with wisdom.

“Many years ago, when I was about your age, I too sought answers about my purpose and path in life. My mentor at the time, an old sage named Orin, decided to take me on a journey into the heart of the forest. It was a journey I would never forget.”

Elias paused, his mind traveling back to that pivotal moment.

“We set out at dawn, the forest bathed in the soft glow of morning light. As we walked, Orin pointed out various plants, trees, and animals, explaining their roles and importance in the ecosystem. I was fascinated but still burning with questions about my own path.”

“After hours of walking, we arrived at a clearing where a magnificent oak tree stood. It was ancient, its trunk thick and gnarled, its branches spreading wide and high. Orin led me to the tree and told me to sit and observe.”

“I sat there for what felt like hours, watching the tree and the life around it. I saw birds nesting in its branches, squirrels scampering up and down, and insects crawling along its bark. The tree stood strong and silent, providing shelter and sustenance to many creatures.”

Elias smiled, the memory bringing a sense of peace to his features.

“Orin then asked me, ‘What do you see?’ I described all the life and activity around the tree. He nodded and said, ‘The oak tree does not question its purpose. It simply grows, stands tall, and gives life. It doesn’t hurry or compare itself to others. It fulfills its role by just being itself.’”

“The wisdom of that oak tree stayed with me, Lily. Just like the tree, we all have our unique roles and paths. Our purpose is not always about grand achievements or recognition, but about growing, learning, and being true to ourselves. Life’s wisdom often lies in patience and acceptance, in understanding that our journey is uniquely ours and that every step, no matter how small, is significant.”

Lily listened, absorbing Elias’s words. She felt a weight lift off her shoulders, replaced by a sense of calm and clarity.

“Thank you, Elias,” she said softly. “I think I understand now. I need to focus on my own growth and journey, without comparing myself to others.”

Elias nodded, his eyes shining with approval. “Exactly, Lily. Trust in your path and let your creativity flow naturally. The right opportunities and recognition will come in their own time.”

Lily left Elias’s cottage with a renewed sense of purpose and a heart full of inspiration. She spent her days immersed in her art, enjoying the process and the beauty around her. Over time, her work began to gain attention, not because she sought it, but because she had found her true self in her creations.

Years later, Lily became a celebrated artist, her works cherished for their authenticity and depth. She often thought back to the wisdom Elias had shared with her and the lesson of the oak tree. It was a reminder that life’s greatest wisdom often comes from embracing our unique journey and growing at our own pace.

In Everwood, Elias continued to share his stories and wisdom, touching the lives of many. His legacy was one of patience, acceptance, and the simple yet profound understanding that life’s true purpose is to grow, give, and be true to oneself.

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Teguh Tri

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    Teguh TriWritten by Teguh Tri

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