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jesus is close to return on earth

Christ's return will be brief

By Ricardo de Moura PereiraPublished about a year ago 3 min read
The Return of Christ

The Bible describes the coming of Christ as an event of great importance and significance for Christians. While we cannot be absolutely certain of the specific details, there are a few passages that provide an overview of what is expected. According to the scriptures, the coming of Christ will be a powerful and visible event. Jesus will return in glory and majesty, accompanied by angels. His coming will be preceded by signs and cosmic events that will indicate his approach.

When Jesus returns, there will be a resurrection of the dead in Christ. Those who have died believing in Jesus will be resurrected and reunited with their glorified bodies. Then the living believers will be transformed, receiving resurrected bodies and joining Christ.

After the resurrection, Jesus will establish His kingdom on earth, known as the Millennium. During this thousand-year period, there will be peace and justice, and Satan will be defeated and imprisoned. At the end of the Millennium, there will be a final judgment, where everyone will be called to account for their lives before God. Those who rejected salvation in Jesus will face eternal damnation, while believers will enjoy eternal life in God's presence.

It is important to note that interpretations of the coming of Christ may vary among different Christian traditions and denominations. Some views may emphasize certain aspects or add specific details, but the general essence of Christ's return as a powerful and transforming event remains common throughout the Christian faith.

Besides the biblical descriptions, many interpretations and speculations have been made over the centuries about the coming of Christ. Some theories suggest different stages or phases, such as the Great Tribulation, a period of intense tribulation and trial before the coming of Christ, or the Rapture, an event in which believers will be taken from earth to meet Jesus in heaven.

However, it is important to remember that these theories and speculations may vary among different theological streams and Christian denominations. The Bible encourages us to be watchful, ready and prepared for the coming of Christ, but it also warns us against trying to determine specific dates or details, since only God knows the exact timing.

Regardless of the different interpretations, the coming of Christ is a promise of hope and comfort for Christians. It is a reminder that in the end good will triumph over evil and that God will fulfill all His promises. Christians are therefore encouraged to live their lives according to the teachings of Jesus, loving God and their neighbor, and sharing the love and message of salvation with the world around them. Remember that this information is based on Christian beliefs and interpretations, and that different traditions may have slightly different views on the coming of Christ.

The coming of Christ on earth

The coming of Christ on earth

The coming of Christ on earth, also known as the Second Coming of Christ, is awaited by Christians as the physical and visible return of Jesus. The Bible mentions this event in several passages, such as in Matthew 24:30, where Jesus says, "Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven; and all the peoples of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory."

According to the scriptures, the coming of Christ on earth will be a spectacular and glorious event. Jesus will return to establish His definitive kingdom and finalize God's plan of salvation. At that time, He will bring judgment on the world and reign in righteousness.

The Bible also mentions that Christ's coming will be preceded by signs and cosmic events. There will be tribulations and afflictions on earth, and many believe that there will be a time of great distress known as the Great Tribulation. In addition, there are different interpretations as to the specific timing of Christ's coming in relation to the end-times events.

After his coming, Jesus will judge the living and the dead. Believers in Jesus will be resurrected to eternal life, and those who have rejected salvation will face condemnation. Jesus will establish His kingdom on earth, known as the Millennium, a period of peace and justice that will last a thousand years.

It is important to mention that interpretations about the coming of Christ can vary among different theological streams and Christian denominations. Furthermore, the Bible does not specify all the details about this event, which can lead to different interpretations and speculations.

Christians are encouraged to await the coming of Christ with hope and expectation, and to live their lives according to the teachings of Jesus, loving God and neighbor. Regardless of the different interpretations, the coming of Christ is seen as a promise of hope and an occasion of joy for the followers of Jesus.

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About the Creator

Ricardo de Moura Pereira

I love to read writing and watch many documentaries in history, to have more knowledge in all science.

I work with digital marketing, and create articles for newspapers and marketing content.

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    Ricardo de Moura PereiraWritten by Ricardo de Moura Pereira

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