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“I want to write a story, what should I do?”

Five Tips For Aspiring Writers

By Li Published 3 years ago 3 min read
“I want to write a story, what should I do?”
Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

I’m a member of a Facebook group for creative writers, and almost every day this week, I have seen people posting the same question. I commented a couple of times, but to be quite frank, I got fed up of repeating myself.

So, I thought I’d write a blog post, answering this question with the five tips I would give to a new writer.

1. Write, write, and write some more.

This is the single most important thing. It doesn’t matter if it’s good or bad. You must write! You can always edit. You can always make your writing better, but if you don’t write, then you have nothing to work with. If you're struggling with perfectionism, then just give yourself permission to write the absolute worst sentence, or paragraph you can. Get it (and the fear of it) out of your system, and then you can move on.

2. Read.

Reading is so important. It is essential for anyone who wants to be a writer. Read books in your genre. Read books outside of your genre. Read fiction. Read non fiction. Read craft books. You must be consuming books if you want to write. These can be print books or audiobooks. Don’t ever let anyone tell you that audiobooks don’t count. I believed that for the longest time, until I was ill and simply wasn’t able to focus on the written page. Audiobooks became my solace.

3. Study your craft.

If you want to cook a meal, you look up recipes and ingredients. You study the method, you weigh out your ingredients, and you follow the instructions. Writing is no different. Study books on form, grammar, descriptions, story, dialogue, world building. There are so many books out there. There are courses, and blog articles. You must study your craft, or you will not be able to write to your full potential.

4. Develop a habit.

This is crucial. You can’t suddenly decide you want to write a story, and only show up for an hour, and expect it to be amazing. To be a writer, you must develop a habit of showing up to write, every day, no matter what. If it means getting up an hour before everyone else, so that you have that time of peace and quiet to write, then do it. You must show up, and you must write regularly if you are to be successful in any way. We all face stumbling blocks, but you must remember to keep turning up. Missing a day when life gets in the way isn’t a big deal. The important thing is to not skip more than one day, because that can become like a slippery slope. If you’re struggling to sit down and write, just set yourself a teeny tiny goal. Something so small and insignificant that it is easier to do it than to skip it. Be it a sentence, or a paragraph, or even- if the feels like too much- one word. Just make sure that you’re showing up to your manuscript.

5. Find your crew.

Find a group of people that you trust, who will read your writing and give you honest feedback. This is important. You may show it to your mom, or your aunt or grandma, and they will probably say that it’s wonderful. This is not the feedback that you need, however nice it is to hear. You need honest, truthful, unbiased critiques for your work, as this is the only way you will improve. It can take some time to find your people. I know for sure that it’s taken me a very long time, but it will happen.

So there you have it. My five top tips for new writers. I wish you well, and may the odds be ever in your favour…


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Li Carter is a writer, artist and crafter. She lives in South Wales, UK, with her family, and five rescue dogs. She’s on Twitter @rbcreativeli , Facebook: Rainbow Butterfly Creative, and Instagram @rainbowbutterflycreative and is the author of My Only True Friend: The Beginning. She is currently working on a new series titled The QuickSilver Chronicles. She is the original Rainbow Butterfly, and wants to fill an ever darkening world with a little bit of beauty and creativity.


About the Creator


I write YA fiction. I also blog about events in my life. I live in Wales with my rescue dogs and parents. I also love creating art and reading.

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