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A new matrix of warfare

By Arooj FatimaPublished 2 months ago 5 min read
New Nature of warfare also called 5th Gen warfare

I start my article with the famous saying of Rober M. Gafes. Former U.S. Secretary of Defence. "The categories of warfare are blurring and no longer fit into neat, tidy boxes. One can expect to see more tools and tactics of destruction - from the sophisticated to the simple - being employed simultaneously in hybrid and more complex forms of warfare"


Conflict is inbuilt to the structure of the international political model, construct of state system /and composition of human society. The nature of wars resulting from this confliet has remained rs constant as a political and social phenomenon. However, war continues to transform from kinetic to non-kinetic, conventional to sub-conventional or combination of the two with evolving set technological and societal evolution. War has been a regular phenomenon since the emergence of nation-state system in 17" century. However, the nature of warfare tools and techniques varies at and different times in different terrains. Over the years, this realization has been deeply witnessed within Khan the military and strategic circles that waging war solely with the conventional military apparatus is not only costly but also puts a heavy human toll along with unquantifiable collateral damage on the aggressor itself. While a globalized world was a cherished goal to bring people together, globalization is inereasingly used by one or the other country or group of countries to dominate the rest of the world by a violent process. Conventional wars are now more often supplemented by 'hybrid wars"' that are DOW engulfing the world. The Hybrid warfare strategy employs economic, political and diplomatio tocls lie sanctions and interference in the political process of a country, blends the conveztonal and irregular warfare by arming opposition groups and cyber warfare as well using other methośs, such as fake news, distorted news, social media and subversive acts of intelligence services. Hybrid warfare is an extension of fAsymmetrical and Insurgent Warfare, whereby the enemy Causes, WSes all means, conventional and unconventional tactics. It includes political, religious and social lIncorporates information operations campaigns (internet and 24 hours news cycle) can be conducted by the organization or un-organized groups; may be led by state or non-state actors amed to disrupt or defeat opponents in order to achieve their wil. In present day environment, Pakistan is facing a host of kinetic and non- kinetic threats d to its politico-ideological leanings and geographic location. Major kinetic threats to Pakistan tale their roots from the East and major non-kinetic threats being generated by state and non-state acton Cxploiting potential fault lines like linguistic, religious, sectarian and ethic divides. The non traditional threats to our security include natural disasters, climate change and population grons which if not managed can have a huge impact on the security and stability of the country. Hybr war is considered as sa decentralized form of warfare characterized by blurred lines between war and politics, combatants and civilians besides being a long term and complex affair.

Concept of hybrid warfare

At the moment, no universally accepted definition of hybrid wars has been dev.However it is seen by sOme one using a fancy tem to reter to rrecgular methods o conventionally stronger forces. Accordingly, many say that the new definitions of 4th genera hybrid wars are really the repackaging of the traditional clash between the armed forces of m states and the not-state insurgents. Following the yeas-long delbate, the term 'hybrid' - an approach to warfare, first fomal appeared in 2010 in Ouadrennial Defense Review authored by the USA's Secretary of Defene Robert Gates. He presented a detailed explanation of hybrid warfare and used the terminolog define the complex methods and means that every type of actor would employ to rede conventional military handicap with the USA. Secretary Robert Gates in the section of"Shifting Operational Landscape”mentoned anl explained the general components of hybrid warfare that possibly includes, "protracted foms of warfare, use of proxy forces for coercion and intimidation, terrorism and criminality to manipuiae the information environment, target energy resources, attack economic vulnerabilities and explut diplomatic leverage.” The Review elaborated the spectrum of diversifed means, the aggrsar would employ as well as the various methodologies and targets, but it lacked an explanation abv the nature of the actor and also what course of strategic actions will produce the desired targets.

Manifestations of Hybrid Warfare

Media of the target state is used as the most effective weapon to create hopelessnes uncertainty and frustration among the masses. Existing internal fault lines of the target state like sectarian/ ethnic extremism, economy, separatist movements and illiteracy can be exploited by the aggressor. Political instability is fuelled by the aggressor to refrain the target t state from formulating implementing national policies. In order to globally isolate the target state, strong lobbying IS resorted to generate maneuvers and exploit the weak diplomacy of target state to degrade/ denounce iostie initiatives/efforts.

Proxy warfare and non-states actors are used to carryout subversive activities inside target state in order to economically choke, disrupt law and order situation and to turn the target into a terror-stricken state.

Aggressor uses its influence on international financial institutions to create conditions for provision of maximum amount of loans to the target state to further weaken it economically or ensures imposition of strict sanctions on target state in order to create frustration amongst e masses and pave way of overtaking target state's national assets by said financial institutions.

Way Forward

harnessing the potential of social media Social media is the tool available to change the mind- set of masses. Hybrid war is an all-encompassing war which affects every aspect of the human society, to create panic which can only be achieved when the mind of the masses are targeted. social media has the greatest potential in this regard. This medium can bring benefits out of proportion if utilized constructively. True and fair social media campaign provided at the appropriate time can change the mind-set of targeted audience and extend own point of view.

Revamping Foreign Policy At the global front, there is an urgent necessity to revamp our foreign policy and hold an inescapable importance in the emerging global strategic calculus. In pursuit of this desire, we need to re-aligt our interests with great powers and compensate for the divergence of interests with big economies.

Holistic Security Strategy A holistic security strategy needs to be devised with a synchronized framework of action from all the relevant stakeholders. While devising the modus operandi against perceived threats policy input from the intelligentsia, academia, politicians, and strategists must be Incorporated along with security and law enforcement arrangements. Enhancing enforcement capacity for achieving efficiency is a sine qua non in this context.

future wars will be not of this kind

Summing Up

In nutshell, there is a dire need to realize the spectrum of threat at the earliest and thence mobilize efforts to counteract against all kinds of perceived challenges. this ultra security challenge must be on the top policy agenda; casting aside heated political environment and scattered attention in the country. Political community, particularly, needs to be a part of the inclusive patterns of engagement setting aside partisan politics to combat the harmful effects of hybrid warfare.

wall streetVocalsocial media

About the Creator

Arooj Fatima

Hi i am Arooj fatima. i cover fiction and non fiction stories and i have a experience of 10 years of writing and i assure you that by reading my content you feel elated and it gives you new experience to see the world through my eyes.

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    Arooj FatimaWritten by Arooj Fatima

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