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How I Am Earning $5000 Per Month By Just Writing on Tiny Topics

The Most Profitable Blogging Content

By Yogesh SawantPublished 2 years ago 6 min read
How I Am Earning $5000  Per Month By Just Writing on Tiny Topics
Photo by Sreenadh TC on Unsplash

I make $5,000 or more each month from tiny topics.

The tinier, usually the better.

This article is about how I do it and how you can, too. I’m not saying it’s easy or fast but it is possible.

Here’s how.

What Are Tiny Topics?

Also known as micro content or pocket content, tiny topics are hyper-specific, niche topics that take a small slice of a larger topic.

For example, rather than writing about “ cats,” you could write about “Siamese cats.” This might seem like a small change, but it can make a big difference in terms of engagement.

Here’s another example.

If you’re a travel writer, you could write a piece on the best places to eat in New Orleans or the best hotels in Paris.

These topics are specific enough that you can cover them in a single article, but they’re also general enough that people will actually be interested in reading them.

After all, when people are searching for information online, they often use very specific keywords.

By writing on tiny topics, you can ensure that your content is being seen by people who are actually interested in what you have to say.

Of course, writing on tiny topics doesn’t mean that you have to sacrifice quality for quantity. In fact, the opposite is often true. Because tiny topics are so focused, you can really delve into the subject matter and provide your readers with truly valuable information.

Here’s Why Tiny Topics Are Money Game changers for Bloggers

Tiny topics are a game changer for bloggers because they are focused, easier to write, faster to write, have an audience, and can be explored in more detail.

When you have a tiny topic, you know exactly what you need to write about.

This makes the writing process easier because you are not trying to brainstorm ideas or come up with topics on the fly. Additionally, tiny topics are faster to write because you are not spending time on research or going off on tangents.

Instead, you can just sit down and start writing about your topic.

Additionally, tiny topics usually have an audience because people are searching for information on that specific topic.

This means that there is likely a demand for your content and that you are more likely to get traffic to your blog.

Finally, tiny topics can be explored in more depth because they are focused. This means that you can provide more value to your readers by going into detail about your topic.

How I Make $5,000 Each Month With Tiny Topics

I’m always on the lookout for profitable tiny topics.

When I find one, I create content on the tiny topic and monetize it. For example, let’s say I find a profitable tiny topic about making money with Facebook ads.

I would write an article on the tiny topic and include a link to a Facebook ads course.

If someone clicks on my link and buys the course, I earn a commission. It’s a simple process, but it’s extremely effective. Not only do I make money from the sale of the course, but I also build my reputation as an expert on the topic.

And as my online reputation (or authority) grows, so does my ability to make money from Tiny Topics.

1) Look for Keywords with Low Competition but High Commercial Intent

The first step is to identify keywords with low search volume but high commercial intent.

Commercial intent means that the person is more likely to spend money (best X, price of X, how good is X, X vs Y, etc). Product, service, and brand-related topics also work well for me.

To find good keywords, you can use free and paid tools like:

Google Keyword Planner






Simply enter topic-related words into the tool and see how many people are searching for them each month. Then, check the competition in the tool or on the actual Google search results page to see how difficult it would be to rank for that keyword.

When you find a good keyword with low competition, move on to the next step.

2) Create Unbeatable Content

Here’s how I do it.

First, I make sure that I really understand the tiny topic from every conceivable angle. I don’t just cover the surface-level stuff — I dig deep and find all of the different facets to explore.

Then, I add my own original research, personal experience, and personality to it.

This makes the content more relatable and enjoyable to read.

Next, I use an intuitive structure that is organized for scannability and easy consumption. The most important information is always at the top so that readers can quickly decide if they want to continue reading or not.

And finally, I make sure to include images, videos, and other visuals to break up the text and keep things interesting.

By following these steps, I’m able to consistently create unbeatable content on even the tiniest of topics.

And that’s how I build successful blogs one small topic at a time.

3) Monetize

I monetize tiny topics with display advertising and affiliate marketing.

For example, let’s say I have a blog post about the five best personal finance apps. I feature affiliate links to the app store for each of the apps that I recommend.

I also include banner and sidebar ads from Google AdSense and other ad networks like Ezoic and Mediavine.

When a reader simply sees the ads, I earn money.

Display advertising is a great way to monetize small blog posts because it requires no effort on the part of the reader. Affiliate marketing, on the other hand, requires the reader to take action before I earn any money.

However, affiliate marketing can be more lucrative because it often pays higher commissions than display advertising.

If you promote a credit card that offers a $100 sign-up bonus, you could potentially earn 30% or more for each person who applies for the card through your link.

In contrast, AdSense pays pennies per click, so it might take thousands of ad views to earn the same amount of money.

Display advertising and affiliate marketing are both great ways to monetize tiny topics.

My quick recommendations:

Connect your site to Google AdSense as soon as you launch your blog

Once you get to 1k plus monthly page views, sign up for the Ezoic ad network.

Once you reach 50,000 page views per month, switch to Mediavine

How I Turn Big Topics Into Tiny Topics

Another thing you can do is take a big topic and break it down into smaller pieces.

By “breaking it down,” I mean finding a way to focus on specific parts of the larger topic. For example, if my big topic was “How to be a better writer,” I could break it down into the following smaller topics:

The importance of writing every day

How to find time to write when you’re busy

What to do when you’re feeling blocked

The benefits of joining a writing group

The best books for learning how to write fiction

By breaking my big topic down into these smaller pieces, I’ve now created a plan for my larger article.

I can also write a separate article for each one of the tiny topics, effectively multiplying one piece of content into 5, 10, or 20 articles. Remember, the more quality articles, the more money you can make from ads and affiliate links.

If I am writing a big, long article, this process also helps.

It will help me stay focused as I write and make sure that each section flows smoothly into the next. Plus, by tackling one small topic at a time, I can make sure that I do a deep dive into each issue and really explore it fully.

This is much more effective than trying to cover everything in a shallow way.

Tiny Tools

You don’t need any special tools to make money from tiny topics.

However, just like a bike is faster than walking, tools have helped me reach my financial goals faster.

Here are my favorite tools for tiny topics (Note: None of these links are affiliate links):

Jasper AI Writer

Passive Income Geek Program

My full list of recommended tools

My favorite tool for creating blog content about tiny topics is the Jasper AI blog writer.

Final Thoughts

In summary, I make a full-time living off tiny topics.

The process is always the same: find profitable keywords, write good content, and monetize


About the Creator

Yogesh Sawant

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    YSWritten by Yogesh Sawant

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