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Seriously, I don't want your ChatGPT generated comments on my stories.

By Donna ReneePublished about a year ago 3 min read
Photo by Michael Marais on Unsplash

Last night, I finally submitted my first story for the Tall Tail challenge. It took me a long time to research and get right and I am super proud of it, actually. Vocal says it has a 4 minute read time, although, in reality it takes me closer to 2 minutes. I'm a fast reader, as many of you are, I'm sure! Whatever, that's fine if every single read doesn't count. I enjoy the interaction with other authors in the comments more anyway!

Less than 2 minutes after I published my story, I noticed that I already had a comment notification... cool but weird!

One of my awesome subscribers must be up late reading and a speed reader too, I thought.

Then I saw the comment on my barely published story. It was PARAGRAPHS of superficially insightful and vague commentary on my story. It also called me "Author"... I immediately felt annoyed and insulted. I almost reported the comment but... instead I just said, "thanks!"

And then I went to that profile page and saw a ChatGPT article right at the top and it alllllll made sense. I replied again to see if you were even monitoring responses to your "comments."

And you commented AGAIN. Not in reply to me...another AI generated BS comment on the same story! And another one of my stories!

Come on, you can try harder than that...

These aren't your typical obvious spammy comments with "nice! Read mine now and tip me!" or "male enhancement pills for CHEAP! CLICK HERE!"

You know what though? It's still spam. And it is still really annoying.

I wouldn't be offended if you said you didn't care for my story. But you? You didn't even read my story. You either copied and pasted it into ChapGPT and told the AI to write a positive comment about it, or even more lazily, maybe you have a program that does this all for you automatically.

What's your point though? Do you do this to everyone? Have you noticed that I try really hard to reciprocate reads and comments?

I checked a few recent top stories and, shockingly (not) there you were again, and you weren't alone... there were several lovely, considered, kind, supportive, AI generated comments.

Honestly, some are pretty good and hard to tell apart from real comments and that is a little bit scary.

Is this the newest strategy to beef up your own reads?

I really love comments. I even love the one or two word ones. I appreciate that someone took the time to look through my story and let me know that they stopped by or that they like the photo I chose.

I don't want your ChatGPT comments though.

Because you were never really here.

In case you'll listen to ChatGPT about this, I asked it to explain why you shouldn't use ChatGPT in this way.

Here is what your little buddy had to say...

"As an AI language model, ChatGPT can generate responses based on the input it receives. However, it is not a substitute for genuine human interaction and empathy. Using ChatGPT to leave comments on other people's stories may come across as insincere and lacking in emotional depth. Moreover, the use of AI-generated comments can potentially undermine the authenticity and genuineness of online interactions. It is important to engage with others in a meaningful and authentic way, which requires genuine effort, empathy, and communication skills that an AI language model like ChatGPT cannot replicate."

So yeah, cut it out, okay?

Here is my Tall Tails story if you'd like to try to be a person again.

and here is Vocal's stance on AI generated content as well. Maybe you can at least have the courtesy to label your AI generated comments as such so no one bothers actually trying to engage with you?

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About the Creator

Donna Renee

Hi! Thanks for reading! My hobbies include making coffee, drinking coffee, and starting to write a story and then rage-deleting it when I get the slightest bit frustrated.

Work in Progress: WOWH, cozy mystery (paranormal elements)


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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  2. Masterful proofreading

    Zero grammar & spelling mistakes

  3. Expert insights and opinions

    Arguments were carefully researched and presented

  1. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  2. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  3. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

  4. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  5. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

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Comments (18)

  • Donna Fox (HKB)about a year ago

    Wow... I didn't even know this was a thing... I'm rattled, to be honest! I knew some people used this tool to generate story ideas or as a ghost written but I didn't know they might use it to generate more readers....... That's gross and I'm sorry that was happening to you!

  • Naomi Goldabout a year ago

    I am up late reading people’s stories I missed… well, up late for me, anyways. So far, I only got one AI comment, but I wasn’t annoyed. I found it funny. I think it’s all going to blow over soon. Maybe I’m just an incurable optimist, but I think this is like a social experiment… one that will prove how invaluable human writers are.

  • Testabout a year ago

    it is six in the morning and I am on my second cup of coffee - we have so much in common. I found you through Shane's rabbit story - thought I would check your stuff...I do not think I have had anAI comment..Hardly anyone reads my stuff- (not including the dream poem thing). When they do read it, they mostly don't get it - hence Shane's skimming comment. In any case I am off to read your tale story. Best regards, Ward

  • Testabout a year ago

    I’m getting so sick on being spammed on Vocal, and sad to say, it’s mostly AI stuff as well as folks link dropping. And so many times now, I see a new subscriber, but when I click to view their profile, I see a mountain of ‘posts’ that are obviously AI generated without even the courtesy of labelling them as such. This behaviour will ruin every creative platform if we can’t find a way around it. I’m reporting spam every time now instead of ignoring it. This stuff makes me so sad and angry. Nice response, Donna 💕🙂

  • Omggg I saw that comment on your Octopus Dilemma story! I have never gotten a comment from that person, thank God. But it's so scary, like why even make these AI generated comments? And you said that some of these comments on Top Stories really seem legit. Makes me think how many of those I fell for. The world is being taken over by AI. It's so unsettling!

  • Kendall Defoe about a year ago

    I get a lot of spam, but I have not assumed it was ShatGPT ( did I create such a typo?)...until now. Thank you for this one. Now, back to my scribbles...

  • Loryne Andaweyabout a year ago

    Damn! It's getting wild in this space. I've started reporting anything that looks like spam now. I still love Vocal though. Mainly because as writers, we can sniff a fake from a real one. And if we're not sure, we check in with each other 👍.

  • Testabout a year ago

    Yes, they just do it to get attention and clicks. And it works. ;-) I just report them for spam and move on...

  • I got some andthe person was impersonating a real author, contacted the author and Vocal and that account and comments have gone. Excellent pertinent piece

  • mark william smithabout a year ago

    thanks. i had no idea this was going on. as usual a great response

  • Cathy holmesabout a year ago

    Oh, I hear ya. I got a couple of comments from that "person" myself. Ugh

  • Michele Hardyabout a year ago

    Thank you for sharing your insight into this major issue. I'm so sorry you're getting inundated with spam AI comments. I think your writing is great and engaging. And great job on the challenge submission!

  • Roy Stevensabout a year ago

    HaHa! Where'd you get the image? Perfect! I taught Lit for 30 Years (I know, right?) and with all this new AI Cheatbot BS I'm sooooo glad I'm retired. Great reminder to watch out for the endless horde of lazy sleazebags and arm-chair influencers who are busy ruining life for people who actually want to live it! Thanks Donna; you rock!

  • KJ Aartilaabout a year ago

    Got one, too! OMG! Scary, annoying and weird! I was just doing a cranky write-up myself long the same lines, but yours is soooo much better! 👀

  • Julia Sintonabout a year ago

    I just watched Last Week Tonight's episode the other day where they discussed ChatGPT and the (poor) ethics around it. Your tall tail challenge story was really well developed and written! You should be proud of yourself :D

  • Sonia Heidi Unruhabout a year ago

    Also, dang. I was so excited when I opened the comment on my own story... It's like getting mail addressed with "real" handwriting, that you only realize after opening is for a timeshare or life insurance.

  • Sonia Heidi Unruhabout a year ago

    Here is another reason why your concerns regarding AI authorship are warranted: (by the same commenter as you flagged)

  • Kelli Sheckler-Amsdenabout a year ago

    I was dying at K.M. Weiland's response! What a hoot. I agree with you wholeheartedly, the spam and AI comments are becoming more and more frequent. I DID love your story. Keep up the great writing

Donna ReneeWritten by Donna Renee

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