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Finding My Voice: A Journey To Journalism

By: Lorie Jean To

By Lorie ToPublished 3 days ago 3 min read
Finding My Voice: A Journey To Journalism
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Whenever I am asked what career I would choose, I find myself on the edge of tears. The question, simple for many, feels like a daunting challenge to me, the eldest child in my family. My brothers have known what they want to do since they were little, and they gladly and proudly answer the question that leaves me trembling. Even as a child, I felt the pressure to succeed in an impressive profession, one that would make my family proud.

In elementary school, I decided to answer with whatever profession came to mind whenever I was asked, just to avoid the discomfort. I would say "doctor," "engineer," or "pilot" without giving it much thought. Yet, even though these answers appeased those who asked, they left me feeling empty because I hated telling lies, even little ones. It was a routine that only deepened my anxiety about the future.

Everything changed when I entered high school and met a brilliant instructor named Gng. Myrna Piedad. She introduced me to the world of journalism. Gng. Piedad was exceptional at her job, and the way she conducted her work demonstrated a profound passion. She was like a caring mother to us; her criticism of our articles was gentle but constructive, ensuring we learned from her feedback. She never gave up on us until we understood. For the first time, I enjoyed something I did. I loved practicing my skills and even started participating in competitions, which was rare for me. The most fulfilling part of my journalism journey was seeing my article published in our school newspaper.

My passion for journalism blossomed throughout junior high school, thanks to two outstanding women who were my journalistic advisers. They nurtured my interest, making me realize that I was constantly learning new things and enjoyed writing information in a way that others could easily understand. I found joy in explaining knowledge to those around me. Although I was too nervous to present in front of large audiences, journalism allowed me to share my voice without that fear.

Since junior high, I’ve been comfortable answering the question that once terrified me. I am now glad and proud to announce that I am pursuing a career in journalism. However, not everyone shares my enthusiasm. My father, for instance, sees this dream as impractical. He insisted that I major in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) in senior high school. Wanting to make him happy, I set aside my desires and enrolled in STEM courses. As I entered college, I planned to study engineering, taking numerous entrance exams for this path. Only the Polytechnic University of the Philippines accepted me for engineering.

When the time came for me to enroll, my lost dream of journalism began to resurface. I questioned what career I truly wanted to pursue. After much deliberation, I chose to follow my heart and pursue journalism. Initially, it felt rewarding, but complications soon arose, making me doubt my decision. The pandemic intensified these doubts, with my mind constantly telling me that journalism wouldn’t lead to success. Regret seeped in, and I wished I had listened to my father.

For over a year, these thoughts plagued me. However, the recent election made me realize the crucial role of journalism in our country's democracy. The massive spread of false information online, which influenced the election and allowed the late dictator’s son to ascend to the highest position, underscored the importance of journalists in combating fake news. This realization shifted my perspective. I developed a strong desire to serve the public by providing factual information that could help them make informed decisions.

My doubts became clear, and I am now confident that being a journalist is my true calling. My focus shifted from wanting a comfortable life for myself to wanting the best for my countrymen. I want to be part of the force that ensures truth prevails over misinformation. This career is not just about personal fulfillment; it’s about contributing to the greater good, defending democracy, and empowering people with the truth. Through journalism, I have found my voice, and I am determined to use it to make a difference.


About the Creator

Lorie To

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