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A Creator Rant

Because I'm Pissed Off!

By Misty RaePublished about a year ago 3 min read

See that woman in the picture? She's a writer. She gave up her legal career to follow her passion. She loves the written word. She loves to create it, she loves to read it.

She found a home a couple of years ago here on Vocal. She came out of her shell. She connected with like-minded people. She read some great stuff.

She even made some money and won some challenges.

That woman is me. I love this platform. It gave me the confidence to share my work. It gave me some great friends. it's continually challenged me to do better, to think outside the box, and to try something new.

I tried to leave. But I couldn't. I see the stock prices. I hear the chatter. But I also see the new challenges, the new bonuses. I see a platform in flux. I see a platform that's responsive. I see a platform open to change.

I see hope. I still believe in Vocal. I've let them take more money out of my account on the strength of that faith.

However... We have to do something here. There's a huge issue that needs to be addressed.

Our work is being stolen. Every single day, there's a post on one of the groups about an account ripping off our hard work.

Some of these clowns even rip off official Vocal stories. Man, that takes a special kind of stupid!

Some of the more clever ones plug stuff into AI and try to conceal their plagiarism...Ummm yeah, newsflash, when it reads, "body, 250 words," in between someone else's hard work, we know.

We're watching, we see. We will find you. We will hunt your ass down and we will report you.

We see you scoping out the top stories and then copying them in hopes of getting a bonus. We see the 75 stories you've "written" in 72 hours. We're not impressed.

What you don't get is that we're a community more than a website. We look out for each other. We search, we report, we let each other know.

I find it hilarious that no one has come for me. I've had at least 15 top stories. I've won and/or placed in several challenges. But I also have a very unique writing style that screams me. Oh, and I have a fancy law degree and I know how to find thieves and hit them where it hurts.

You wanna come for me? I don't think so. But here's the thing, you don't want to come for my friends either. I guard their hard work as jealously as I guard my own.

You will not make money off our backs! It won't happen. Sorry, not this platform and not these writers.

I think we need to bring human moderators back. Or at least some sort of plagiarism checker. I mean some of this crap is so obvious it's funny. I've seen "writers" publish word for word, the works of Ernest Hemmingway and Stephen King. Google can find that in 2 seconds, can't Vocal?

I've seen stories just lifted, word for word from creators here. I could find it in less than a minute. Just sayin'.

We're calling it out, we're crying for help in our ways. Judey Kalchik wrote a hilarious piece about it, calling these folks out:

Mike Singleton- Mikeydread has actually started a series about it:

It's time to take action, Vocal! Thank you for deleting the accounts and the stolen stories. I know we all appreciate it. But we need more protection. We need more moderation, checks and balances. Something. Anything.

I'm good with a lag time between submitting and publication if you're protecting our intellectual property and checking it against a plagiarism checker. I can wait a day.

It's distressing to see your work stolen by some random person.

We can do better. Let's do better. Until then....we're watching. Thieves won't win. Not on our watch and not on our platform.


About the Creator

Misty Rae

Retired legal eagle, nature love, wife, mother of boys and cats, chef, and trying to learn to play the guitar. I play with paint and words. Living my "middle years" like a teenager and loving every second of it!

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Compelling and original writing

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  3. Masterful proofreading

    Zero grammar & spelling mistakes

  1. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

  2. Expert insights and opinions

    Arguments were carefully researched and presented

  3. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  4. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  5. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

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Comments (10)

  • Novel Allen6 months ago

    Just reading this. Oh dear, what a world we live in.

  • Leslie Writesabout a year ago

    Well said! <3

  • Rachel Deemingabout a year ago

    L.C.Schäfer was inspired by your rant and so I decided to check you out. This is maddening. I had no idea and feel a little naïve that this is even contemplated by others. What on earth has happened to integrity?

  • Hope Martinabout a year ago

    I can't agree with you more!!! How would you suggest we all do our parts to support each other and somehow take action on plagiarized pieces? How would you say we could all make a movement Vocal can't ignore? They make enough money off of us Vocal+ members they should be able to implement some kind of protection for their writers.

  • L.C. Schäferabout a year ago

    You inspired me by the way - I only just got around to posting it. Hopefully it will appear soon...

  • Gina C.about a year ago

    I read this yesterday but didn't have a chance to comment - thank you for speaking the truth and saying what needs to be said!! I agree -- as hard as it is to wait for stories to be approved, we really do need human moderators back! 100%! Also, so glad you decided to stay 🤗❤️

  • Jay Kantorabout a year ago

    Dear Ms. Misty ~ Can't fool me through both of your gorgeous intro smiles - Time to Rant - Even in the 3rd person. I've just written on it myself - Away with us Thinkers ~ among the flock of A.I.'s - ~ Rant-Out ~ Jay

  • Give 'em hell, Misty!

  • Mohammed Darasiabout a year ago

    I remember when i first joined Vocal some of the stories i wrote actually got rejected when i submitted them because there were too many grammatical errors... i would go fix them and improve my writing (I had just started writing at that point and my English wasn't very good either) and then resubmit and get approved. I actually liked that because it made sure quality was maintained on Vocal, rather than the automatic approval it seems to have now. but the reality unfortunately is that the more popular Vocal becomes, the more writers join, and the more stories are submitted... this of course means more moderation and approval time is needed if it is done by individuals which I don't think Vocal can cope with: with the amount of communities they have and the number of stories submitted each day. maybe if they cap number of submissions per person, it might be possible. There are ways to prevent this kind of plagiarism, and i think Vocal is exploring them. I suggested some I came across in last week's chat as well so hopefully it was helpful. we can only hope that this gets dealt with soon

  • L.C. Schäferabout a year ago


Misty RaeWritten by Misty Rae

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