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A Confident You

Life Changing

By Penned by RiaPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
A Confident You
Photo by Caique Silva on Unsplash

You may be wondering why you need such an article. After all, aren't people supposed to be confident? Aren't they supposed to know how to be confident?

Of course! But that doesn't mean everything about confidence comes naturally to everyone. A lot of us can feel really shy sometimes, or we simply don't know how to communicate with other people in a way that makes us feel comfortable. And when we're feeling insecure about our abilities, it's hard for us to project confidence—and that means we can't get ahead in our careers or make the most of our relationships. This is why it's so important to learn how to cultivate confidence and use it wisely.

So let's talk about what confidence actually is: You can trust yourself and your judgment. If someone asks you if something will work out, do you have faith in your answer? If so, then congratulations—you're already one step closer to being confident!

Confidence is what gets people jobs and promotions, it's what makes people attractive to other people, and it's the thing that can help you achieve any goal. When you feel confident, everything seems possible. You can take on the world, and nothing will stop you from getting what you want out of life.

It's the thing that makes you feel like you can take on anything, and it doesn't have to be born out of some innate talent or ability.

Confidence is also a skill that anyone can learn. It doesn't matter whether you're shy or outgoing; confident or insecure; young or old—it's all about how you feel about yourself and how you express it to others. You can learn how to speak up for yourself, be more open about your feelings and personality traits with others, and feel comfortable asking for what you want in life (even if it scares you!).

If confidence seems intimidating or scary to you right now, don't worry! That's totally normal when it comes to improving your life skills. But don't let those fears stop you from learning how to be confident! There are lots of ways to build up your confidence.

Confidence is the key to success in life.

You've probably heard that a million times before, but it's true!

You can't be successful without it.

If you don't believe in yourself, nobody else will either.

But what if your confidence is low? What if you're not sure about yourself or your abilities? What if you're always second-guessing yourself or letting other people's opinions affect the way you see yourself?

What do you do then?

First of all, don't beat yourself up about it! You're not alone; everyone has moments when they feel less than confident, and that's okay. But if you want to change your situation, then there are some things you can do to help boost your confidence and keep it up. Here are some tips:

Make a list of all the things you're good at—even if they seem small or insignificant at first glance. Even writing down one thing can help build up your confidence when things get tough later on down the road! Plus making lists is fun anyway so why not make one now?

Believe in yourself. Believe that you can be, do and have anything you want. You are unlimited and the only person who can get in the way of your success is you. Believe that you are enough. You already have everything you need to be successful and happy. You just need to believe it!

Set goals for yourself and work toward achieving them—by setting goals and working toward them every day (or week), you'll be able to see how much progress has been made over time which will help build up your self-esteem even more! Plus setting goals gives people something concrete to work towards instead of just floating around aimlessly through life.

Practice assertiveness.

Assertiveness is a skill, not an attitude or personality trait. It involves communicating your thoughts and feelings effectively so that others understand where you're coming from while respecting their right to disagree with you if they choose to do so. It's not about being right or wrong—it's about understanding each other's points of view and working together toward a solution that works for everyone involved (including yourself). Learn how to say "no" without feeling guilty about it, ask for what you need without feeling like it might be too much work for someone else (because sometimes it is), and set boundaries between yourself and others without feeling guilty about doing so… all these things require assertiveness skills that many people never learn until later in life when they may be too busy dealing with consequences of not having learned them earlier on! So start practising now!

Learn new things every day. Read a book, watch a movie, take a class… anything that challenges your mind and helps you grow! This is one of the best ways to gain confidence in yourself—because when you know more about the world around you, it's easier to see how much knowledge there is still out there that can help make your life better! And when we learn new things about ourselves and our environment, it gives us perspective on what we're capable of achieving!

Don't compare yourself to others—we all have different talents and abilities; there's no point comparing yourself to someone else when they're just naturally better at something than you are! Focus on what makes YOU special instead of what makes them different from you (or better than you).

Spend time with people who make you feel good about yourself—people who encourage and support your dreams and goals will help build confidence in yourself as well as encourage others around them.

What if your life could be so much more than it is now?

Well, it can be. It's time to stop being afraid of the world and start being the force of nature you were meant to be.

You're ready for this! You've got the smarts, the talent, and the drive to do what you want with your life. Be CONFIDENT!


About the Creator

Penned by Ria

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