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3 Ways to Increase Morale and Productivity for Your Business

Here are a few tips on how to raise employee morale and productivity.

By Dennis McKonkiePublished 4 years ago 3 min read

Employee morale is a fairly new topic of discussion among employers. Previously, being hard on employees was thought to be the best way to boost productivity, but recent research has shown that this simply isn’t the case. This has left business leaders scrambling to find the best way to make employees feel valued in order to improve their efficiency along with their mood. Here are a few tips on how to raise employee morale and productivity.

A Comfortable Environment

In order for employees to put in their best work, they need to feel good. This is the basic premise of employee morale, but it’s also a good rule of thumb for the environment in which your employees work. While it is fairly obvious, it’s worth addressing that cleanliness has a role to play in this matter. Dust is a particularly insidious way for a mess to accumulate, for example, so that’s something to keep an eye out for. Air quality is another way that an environment can be subpar, so the installation of an HVac Premium return air grille can improve the quality of life for your employees by efficiently removing stale, unconditioned air. Likewise, air conditioning itself plays a role, because nobody wants to spend 8 hours a day sweating. Everyone is different, however, so it may take some finagling in order to arrange your office space to best suit as many employees as possible, and asking for input can make that easier.

A Casual Environment

In addition to the physical environment, the social environment can have a tremendous impact on employee morale. There has long been a culture of intimidation in the workplace that once served a misguided purpose, but that culture persists in opposition to a more developed understanding of morale. An employee is typically a figure of daunting authority, something is traditionally valuable. However, this creates more problems than it solves. While an employee needs to lead his or her team, they also need to be open to casual discussion. An employee who doesn’t know what his or her responsibilities are and feels like they can’t ask for guidance is an employee who simply can’t put in the work the company deserves. Likewise, an employee in this position will be more inclined to lie about certain things in order to avoid being reprimanded for smaller infractions that can become major ones if left unchecked. Likewise, trying to appeal to one’s boss can be a good way to sacrifice your own morale, ultimately reinforcing stressors that impact performance.

Paid Leave

Pressure is something that affects everyone differently, but the common denominator is that it always has a negative effect in excess. One major example of this is the pressure to secure income, something that can make certain pleasures and even some necessities unobtainable. For example, many people don’t take vacations, simply because they can’t justify the wages they would lose if they did. Likewise, many are forced to work through sicknesses and even major life events due to their financial obligations. This will invariably cause immense distress, so it can benefit employees tremendously to have paid time off in these instances. Even a minor injury can cause a major impact to one’s effectiveness around the office, as well as his or her mental health, so allowing them to take the day off to recover or seek medical attention benefits the company and the individual. Likewise, a grieving employee won’t do you any good, because simply can’t offer their best work in the throes of despair. Accommodating these needs with not only time off, but also financial security keeps that employee in prime condition to give their all when they return to work.

Managing a company inherently means managing people. While it can be difficult to pin down exactly what your employees need in order to bring their A game, there is extensive knowledge on the subject. These tips can help you cultivate a more positive, more productive business.


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