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10 Signs you Found your Twin Flame

Bonus: 8 Stages of a Twin Flame Relationship

By Jessica BandaPublished about a year ago 7 min read
-I shall walk with you in every lifetime

You're here because you have questions, am I right? Either you're in a relationship and want to know if your partner is your Twin Flame. Or you met someone and you have this deep connection you can't yet explain.

You're in the right spot, and I have the answers you seek. The 10 signs you found your twin flame. With an extra bonus the 8 stages of a twin flame relationship. But first i'd like to dive into a little bit of History.

No don't worry, I won't put you to sleep like your middle school history teacher. Or was that just me?

Either way I did some research and this is what I had discovered....

Here's the thing, I found this man, a very interesting man that shares the same passion as I on Greek Mythology. He wrote this philosophical text back in c.385-370BC, it is called Symposium. It was later published in English in 1795.

He goes by the name Plato, he was an Ancient Greek Philosopher. This is what he had to say....

" According to Greek mythology, humans were originally created with four arms, four legs and a head with two faces. Fearing their power, Zeus split them into two separate parts, condemning them to spend their lives in search of their other halves."

As we now know- " Twin Flames " , " Twin Souls ", " Mirror Souls" - what ever you call them you get the gif.

We also have someone from our time- Lisa Vallejos whom is a PhD, LPC- Vallejos is a therapist who specializes in relationships. Vallejos explained it like this-

"They seem to mirror one another, have shared similar life paths, history, and sometimes trauma."

Vallejos also described it as- twin flames are two people who have a deep soul connection.

Vallejos also has mentioned that the term "twin flames" originated back to the 70's by Elizabeth Clare Prophet. You can read on Prophets notion of twin flames from her book 'Soul Mates and TwinFlames: The Spiritual Dimension of Love and Relationships'

Vallejos believes that twin flames go way further than the 70's and as I mentioned above so did Plato!

Whether you're a believer or not- and I have a feeling you are. That is why you're here right? Twin flames have been around for the longest time. Not to forget about the Big Bang and Quantum Entanglement I had gone over in one of my previous blog posts.

10 Signs you Found your Twin Flame

1. You have this electrifying feeling when you're with them, and no I'm not talking about zapping-electrifying⚡️. You have this magnetic pull towards them that you can't explain.

2. There is this familiarity with them. Feeling as if you have known them for many years. There will be times you know exactly what they are thinking. Or say what they are going to say before they do. Strong intuitive ties with your partner. There can also be this connection that you know where they even are with out them telling you. With your twin flame you feel their emotions as they feel them. You're sensitive to your twin flames energy and vise versa.

3. If you're wondering why this relationship is so tense, it's bc you both will mirror one another insecurities and fears. They will show you the parts that you need to heal and work on- vice versa.

4. Fourth sign is a very common one amongst twin flames. You're going to dream about them. I don't mean an occasional dream. These dreams will be intense and if they are happing now. Even if you never met your twin flame you can still dream of them.

5. Here is a big one! They will put you through HELL! They're your mirror soul , so anything you need to fix in yourself will be reflected back to you from them. All your fears and insecurities will taunt you until you learn to heal and grow from the lessons your mirror soul brings. It's a fucking rollercoaster ride so buckle up! More so if they are not in a positive state of mind either, both of you will have a lot to learn from one another. A lot of healing so be patient and don't worry. It will all be worth it in the end.

6. You feel safe with them. Regardless of some of the drama that spews up. You can't deny the emotional security you feel with them. Physically and mentally you can put your trust in your twin flame and that is magical. With this security you naturally feel inclined to be your authentic self. You'll notice you don't feel the need to lie to them or hide shit. There is no more pretending to be anyone else when your with you're twin flame.

7. No matter how long you may separate or how far either of you go. During the separation phase, you both will always find your way back to each other. It's that magnetic pull that will not let you stay away indefinitely.

8. The eighth sign you found your twin flame- you challenge one another. This challenge comes from your own personal needs. Both wanting to become better for one another will have you taking a look into yourself. How you're able to change and grow will depend on you. This is challenging for many bc some people don't like to admit that they need personal growth. And think they don't have anything they need to work on. It is a challenge in many relationships.

9. With challenges comes rewards, and that is how we get to sign number nine. Your twin flame brings the best out of you- vice vera. You go through the challenges, you grow, you learn, you heal. Because they are your mirror reflection of your soul they will bring out everything you have brushed away. Knowing you want to be a better person. You don't like how your life has become, put in that work. In the end you're better person for it. This is how your twin soul, your twin flame has helped bring the best out of you.

10. The last sign you have found your twin flame will go to similarity. Now let me first say that every being on this earth is unique in their own ways. Nonetheless, when you meet your mirror soul you can't help to notice how similar you both are. This can come in many ways as same music taste to favorite foods and movie genres. It also could perhaps be your childhood were so much alike. Not even childhood , both could be having the same adult struggles as well. Example before knowing of your twin flame you could been in a toxic relationship prior and your twin flame could also be going through a toxic relationship as well.

Now that we got the 10 signs you found your twin flame out of the way. I want to go over some twin flame facts before I dive into the 8 stages of a Twin Flame relationship.

Twin flames, mirror souls, twin souls- you get the picture. They are two people that come from the same soul. Each are a half of one soul; two halves of the same soul.

They are an individual that shows you your darker side. They are a mirror into your soul. They bring the the other side out of you. All relationships teach you something, but your twin flame will teach you the most!

Unlike a soulmate that is a contracted relationship and it doesn't always have to be in an intimate manner. A soulmate could be a friend, pet, family member, or a love partner. These kind of relationships are more on the up beat and less drama. Yuh just click!

Twin flames on the other hand will be a roller coaster ride of emotions and some days you just don't want to partake in this relationship any further. That agonizing pressure you feel that you're not good enough will come out through your twin flame. He/ she will remind you that you're not good enough. Until you decide fuck this I am good enough. Until you decide to love yourself and put yourself first. Then and only then your twin flame will follow your lead.

I wish I could tell you that there is an easy way around it. I'm sorry I can't, bc truthfully there isn't. My advice I can give to you is; heal any hidden traumas before you get into that relationship.

Before you want to find your twin flame or go any further if you already found him/her. Do some shadow work. Heal your soul, love thy self! If you must, seek a therapist that can do some hypnotic work to reveal your blockages.

Sometimes we think we are healed. We showed up and did the work and some day down the road we were triggered by something random.

This is bc some of our wounds we suppressed so deeply, that we may have forgotten them but our subconscious mind hasn't.

Your twin flame feels this energy and will bring it to you in a form of insecurity and fears. Say you were abandoned as a child. You tell yourself you forgive who ever abandoned you. You're healed and over it but you really never took the time to grieve this pain. You never took the time to acknowledge this fear.

You just push these emotions deep down and locked it up. Yuh throw away the key and just forgot about it. You feel you're alright but subconsciously your biggest fear is being abandoned again by someone you love.

Your twin flame feels this energy and will leave you always in your time of needs. Bringing up your suppressed emotions of fearing abandonment. Until you resolve this fear by doing what ever is necessary to truly heal this pain. You can't always depend on your twin flame to stick around when you need them. The only way to heal pain is to go through the emotions.

With that being said. If you want to read the rest of my article and read the 8 Stages of a Twin Flame Relationship you can read that here...

I want to thank you for taking your time and reading my second article. Again I encourage you to leave a comment. I love to hear what you have to say.

Love and Light


quotesliteraturehistoryfact or fiction

About the Creator

Jessica Banda

Finding my purpose in life one story at a time.

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