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Me, myself and um I

For Rick's self-interview questions

By TestPublished 6 months ago Updated 6 months ago 4 min read
Dall-ee Generated

This was far more difficult than I envisioned. My responses to Rick's questions. Thank you Rick for the prompt! You can find them here and also give it a go!

What type of writer do you feel you are?

A confused one. I don’t see myself as a writer really. Probably growing up in very working class Wales, I have a kind of aversion to alluding to myself as a ‘writer’. I wouldn’t have lasted the day at school without a black eye or two if I even admitted to using a pen for pleasure, let alone copping to writing in my free time. So a dabbler in words it has always been. A scrawler.

What type of writer do you not want to be?

A self-absorbed or arrogant one. Part of the love I have for Vocal is reading and enjoying the work of others. I am often so wowed by the level of talent. On negative, doubting days, I think why am I doing this? I suck. But that never lasts very long.

I think reading and supporting others is important. I have always believed in building others up. I had a pretty tough upbringing and I got a helping hand so it’s fundamental for me to try to do that for others, whether that be in writing or in life generally. I also don’t want to be the kind of writer obsessing over top stories on Vocal. Yes, its lovely to get but it’s not important in the grand scheme of things. Its taken me nearly 30 years to join something like Vocal so I'm just grateful to be here doing something that makes me happy.

What do you like about yourself as a writer?

I don’t know. I like how I can get lost in wherever I am. That feeling gives me so much joy.

What do you look for in other writers?

Authenticity. I read a lot and I like a lot of genres. Though whatever it is, it has to have heart. I don’t like things that are too contrived, which is why I have a hard time with more structured forms. Writing for me is about the soul and when that gets squeezed out to fit into a rhyme scheme, I lose interest very quickly. I’m also like a child sometimes; fascinated by everything, so I like non-fiction - mostly things that give me some insight into humanity –travel, cultures, beliefs that kind of thing.

What do you not like about yourself as a writer?

Where to start…I can be way to wordy, description wise –working on that. Though contradictorily, because I don’t talk much in real life my dialogue is pretty crap. I’m a monosyllabic kinda’ gal, so trying to construct extended dialogue just gives me a headache- much like it does in life. Also, that I have zero 'signature' style. Scrawling whatever pops into your head, last time I looked isn’t a particularly popular genre niche. I think people like to know more of what they are going to get as opposed to my, 'arbitrariness'. Would like to say I'm working on that one too. I'm not really. Just enjoying the ride.

Which writing genre or category do you feel is your best?

I’ll let you know when I figure it out. If I ever figure it out!

In which genre or category do you feel the most challenged?

Anything that tells me what to do. For a teacher, I am sure not a fan of rules. But then I’m the one who rallies against the dress code at my school. What’s wrong with a bit of self-identity building growing up? When there’s a proven correlation between the colour of your hair (purple or otherwise) and your performance in class, then I will give a damn. Until that happens, I refuse to care about it.

When did you first start writing?

I wrote in my head long before I knew how to shape words on paper. And then when I learned that, that was it. It was like a magic to me growing up. And still is.

Why do you write?

For survival and freedom in equal measure.

This last question is off-topic. If you could be part of any television sitcom family, which one would it be and why?

I don’t really watch TV so I have no idea! Randy JK, often mentions movies and shows in his comments, and I literally have no idea what he is referring to, so I'm never quite sure if he likes a piece or not! Though of course I hope he does! Not a sitcom but I think I'd make a pretty good extra in, 'The Muppets.' Kermie's butler or something.


Some other wonderful responses can be found here. My sincere apologies if I missed yours!

Feel free to kick me in the comments and I will happily add!

Grz Colm

Novel Allen

Mother Combs

Shirley Belk


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