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Doc Sherwood, Glimpse into the life of a Vocal Writer

Mariann Carroll ‘s 26th Interview on Vocal Blog

By Mariann CarrollPublished 12 months ago Updated 12 months ago 6 min read
Top Story - July 2023
Glimpse photos of Doc Sherwood’s life

Doc Sherwood , Who real life name is Joseph Pridmore. He join vocal June 2021 . He has written over 420 stories on Vocal. He also have a PhD in English Literature. Two of his plays that was written by him was stage in a foreign country. He starred in a Shakespeare stage production .

Mariann: Hi Doc Sherwood, can I interview you for my Vocal Interview Blog?

Joe : Oh, Mariann, I'm honoured! Would you really like to? I'd be so happy to have an interview with you. Anytime is fine by me, although I guess not too late in your day, as I'm in England. Please just let me know what works for you, and I'm looking forward to it!

Doc Sherwood’s hometown

Mariann: What do you want me to call you , Doc Sherwood or Joseph Pridmore? Where were you born?

Joe: Please just call me Joe!

Great Britain: Boston, Lincoln

I'm from Boston (the original one in England, not Massachusetts!). I live very close to there, as Boston is in Lincolnshire and I'm living in Lincoln. A bus ride of just under two hours takes you to the forecourt of the hospital where I was born - one of those small country affairs, with a field of cabbages opposite!

Mariann: What do like about writing?

Joe: What I like most about writing is the journey to self-discovery which writing takes us on. There are always "things we find," if you will...! Now, I'll just explain, "The Things we Find" is actually the title of a story of mine, and one you commented on, Mariann. I'd like everyone to know Mariann here was the very first Vocal creator to ever praise my work via the comments feature, for which I'll always be grateful. That moves me on to the second thing I like most about writing, which is the friends you make.

Mariann: What’s your main goal in writing?

Joe: My main goal in writing has always been to tell stories which can be read and enjoyed. Yes, there are truths and lessons and world-views which writers wish to articulate, but for me these remain secondary to the essentials of plot and character. What I hope above all is that my stories are fun, or exciting, or romantic or whatever. It's great when a reader sees something more in them, but above all these stories are stories, and I never want to lose sight of that.

Fun fact : Joseph Pridmore , Drawing Hobby

One of Doc Sherwood creations

Fun Fact : He won two McDonald's drawing competitions as a child!

Mariann: What does your writing space look like ?

Doc Sherwood’s writing space photo

Joe: A tiny table in a tiny room! Having said that, there was a time writing-space meant a seat on the school bus as I scribbled in the notebook I always carried in my blazer pocket. Thence sprang much of The Four Heroes Season One, whilst most of Season Five came about in a campus apartment in Northeast China which was far bigger than I could ever possibly need. Maybe the moral of this story is that the space itself doesn't matter - wherever I am, I'll write!

Mariann: What is your real life schedule and how do you fit writing in it?

Joe: In recent years my writing has been my daily schedule, and that's been very pleasant, although sadly I'm not sure it can last much longer. It's true that I turn out fewer stories per year when I'm working full-time, as for example when I was lecturing in China. However, I'm old enough now to know that as long as the idea for a story is good, it will eventually be written, no matter what else I may be doing with my life at the time. Work is work and a job's a job, but the writing is what I do.

Doc Sherwood attended an event in China

Note About the Photo Above: Fun fact: On the 70th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China,he was among those invited to dinner at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing!

Mariann: What did you lecture about in China? What type of work do you do?

Joe: Good morning Mariann! To answer your first question, strictly speaking I lecture in English literature, but out in China that meant everything from teaching classes on song and dance to hosting a student arts and crafts club! Fun times...!

Mariann: If you were a book , what would your title be?

Joe: "The Tragical-Pastoral Comedy of DOCTOR SHERWOOD Etc., Being a Most Merrie and Conceited History of the Learned Gentleman of Letters, Together with Some Account of Sundry Diverting Topics as THE ASTROPHYSIQUE and NETBALLE. Newly Imprint'd and Enlarg'd to Almost as much Again as it was. Most Fantastical Witte."

Mariann: Where did pen name, Doctor Sherwood come from?

Joe: The pen name came about when I began to follow the academic route, for which it's best to keep your creative writing separate from the career-related stuff (this latter has to be credited to your real name, since you enrol at a university using it). I chose "Sherwood" due to a personal connection with the City of Nottingham, because as you may or may not know, Sherwood Forest was where Robin Hood and his Merry Men lived! By the way, I'd like it to be known I'd never make fraudulent claims about my credentials. I wrote as "Joseph Sherwood" until I'd completed my PhD!

Fun Fact : He starred as Coriolanus, Marc Antony, Richard the Third and Troilus in otherwise all-Chinese Shakespeare stage productions

Mariann: Who are your favorite writers on Vocal?

Joe: Besides the present interviewer, you mean? Because, all joking apart, you've always been one of my favourites, Mariann. My first two Vocal friends were Mackenzie Waldron and Kiesha Solanki, but sadly neither one is still active in the community. Since then it's been my honour and privilege to get to know the likes of Jay Kantor, Cezanne Libellen, Mother Combs, Dana Crandell, Heather Hubler, Roy Stevens, Ian Read, Starlight Tucker, Alex H Mittelman, Babs Iverson, Judey Kalchik and many, many other gifted writers besides.

Mariann: Do you belong to any Vocal Facebook group to promote your Vocal stories?

Joe: I must admit I'm not, although Facebook was vey useful for me in making Vocal friends back before there were comments or notifications. That of course is how you and I met, Mariann! On a related note, I absolutely love the Vocal Discord channel. It's become one of my favourite places to socialize.

Fun Fact: On May the 31st 2017, two plays both written by Doc Sherwood were staged at the opposite ends of China, Shanghai in the far south and Harbin in the far north!

Mariann: How do you like using the discord for vocal? What are the special features you used the most ? By the way, I love the way you answers the questions . I cannot wait to get this published.

Joe: I'm so glad to hear that! Really looking forward to seeing the published interview. I hope I can confess to you, Mariann, that I always wanted to be part of your series! I'm so grateful for the invitation. We English are a "wait to be asked" culture and we're not supposed to request things, even (and indeed especially) when it's something we'd like. No wonder we're a mystery to other nations...!

Discord to me has been above all a place to meet people and chat. I must admit, I'm not much of a special features man! When I log on, you see, it's early in the morning here in England and most of the American community members are either in bed, or just about to turn in. It's great talking to anyone who's there about how their day was, or what they're still doing up at this hour! Other times it's like being a small-hours radio DJ, and I've all the time in the world to type and post rambling reflections for anyone who might be awake and listening. I love Vocal Discord, it's become the indispensable start to my day!

It was a pleasure to get to know , More about Doc Sherwood. I leave you with one of his story celebrating his 300 th submission stories on Vocal.


About the Creator

Mariann Carroll

Proactive for positive change.Born in the City of Chicago ,Illinois.

Multi race .Studied in a foreign country .Fluent in several languages .

fascinated by diversity.A Romantic and a dreamer.Interest in healthy living

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Comments (15)

  • IvanaCh12 months ago

    very interesting interview :)

  • Yanger Mollier12 months ago

    congratulations! on hitting the TOP spot.

  • Jay Kantor12 months ago

    Doc had me at his 'Blossy'. The best (and rarest) kind of teacher is one who relishes the opportunities to pass on knowledge while also nurturing others' growth. Terrilynn

  • I've never come across Doc Sherwood before. I'm happy you interviewrd him because now I can read his pieces and subscribe to him. I enjoyed reading this!

  • Cezanne Libellen12 months ago

    I'm glad to see Doc's interview as a Top Story. It's been a privilege to get to know you and be able to read your awesome stories!!

  • Dana Crandell12 months ago

    Great interview, Mariann! It's a real treat to get to know Doc a bit better, as I really enjoy his work! Thanks so much for the mention, Doc and thanks for enriching the Vocal experience with your imagination! Congratulations to you both on the Top Story! Signed, The Other Doc

  • Kristen Balyeat12 months ago

    Great interview, Marianne! I’ve never read Joe’s work, and am grateful for the introduction! Such an interesting guy with a very fascinating story! 💫

  • Donna Renee12 months ago

    I’m so glad to learn more about him!! I am relatively new to his stuff especially considering the 400+ works but looking forward to reading more! 😁 Congratulations on the Top Story!

  • Ashley Lima12 months ago

    Doc is a fascinating guy! Loved reading more about him. Very fun interview :)

  • Jay Kantor just introduced me to the good Doctor & I had just subscribed to him last week (I think). Great to get to know a little more about him. Thank you, both of you.

  • Great interview and good to meet new creators

  • Jay Kantor12 months ago

    Dear Mariann ~ Lovely interview ~ Hi Joe - May I say that I'm so proud to have gotten to Personally-Virtually Quip with Joe, daily - we have contests in which who might be the the latest wit-winner - Although I think he may have been miffed when I told him that I fend listening to his 'Singing' as I'm "Tone-Deaf" ~ Nah - he's just FUN ~ He Professor English-Literature's me by 'Literally-Liberally' encouraging me to keep on with my 'Schtick' (with added helpful Schpiels) as he has done with so-so many Youngins ~ What a Mensch - Such a 'Fixer' and Pro-Bono to Boot - I'm anxious to say that we are co-writing a Short about the aftermath of family crime 'Victims' - We both feel that it's something important to carefully venture into - - With My Respect - Jay Jay Kantor, Chatsworth, California Proud 'Senior' Author - Vocal Author Community -

  • Babs Iverson12 months ago

    Marvelous interview, Mariann!!! Always fun to get to know our other creators. Delighted and honored to read that Doc Sherwood mentioned my name.

  • Steffany Pope12 months ago

    I love the way you brought his story to life (applause)!!!

  • D. ALEXANDRA PORTER12 months ago

    I enjoyed getting to know you and Doc Sherwood better. Thank you! 😌

Mariann CarrollWritten by Mariann Carroll

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