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Center Stage with Donna Renee

a creators in the limelight series

By Heather HublerPublished 12 months ago 16 min read
Top Story - July 2023
Created with CanvaPro

Welcome back! I'm here with a new chat interview featuring creator, Donna Renee. If you're new to the series, please let me take a quick moment to explain the vision.

My aim with each mini-interview is to give a small glimpse into what makes up these amazing creators through a fun and informative format. I've limited the interview method to direct messenger. I've also asked creators to come up with a few questions for themselves as this is to aim the spotlight on them.

My lovely guest in this eleventh episode is a prolific creator on Vocal having over 64 works spread throughout ten communities with quite a few of her incredible pieces chosen for Top Story. Most recently, her write up, How to Navigate Your Vocal Dropdown Menu, was selected to be featured on the Resources page for the platform. (Congratulations, Donna!)

If you haven't had the chance to explore any of her works yet, don't be hesitant to dive right in. Her authentic voice, humor, and out-of-the-box thinking bring fresh plots and perspectives you don't want to miss. I'm always thrilled when she releases a new publication, knowing I'm in good hands.

I hope you enjoy this behind-the-scenes look into Donna's mind as we explore how she approaches the writing process and life. Let's get started!


H: Welcome! Thank you for agreeing to interview with me.

D: Thanks so much for having me. And still, feel free to say 'never mind' if it turns out too boring!

H: It will definitely not be boring!

D: I've got both kids in bed and a glass of cheap red, so I'm ready.

H: Woohoo! I remember those days. Exhausting but wonderful.

D: Yes! It is a LOT but also a lot of good things too. Before I forget, because I will lol... I just came up with a couple silly questions earlier - I'll put them here and we can get to them whenever.

H: Perfect!

D: What is a small thing that annoys you way more than it should?

And what is the worst thing about Vocal? Haha spoiler alert - it's that I have accomplished NOTHING on my WIP since joining.

H: LOL! Ok, so I usually ask this question first because I like to know the answer. What does your writing process look like? Walk me through how you get ideas, start the actual writing, mood, whatever. I like to know all the things!

D: One of the reasons I love Vocal is the challenge prompts... It's very hard for me to nail down an idea and stick with it, and the challenges force me to edit myself. It kind of reminds me of being in grad school and having assignments and due dates and rubrics...

H: Yes! It's great motivation to start and finish a project.

D: So if it's for a challenge, I usually immediately have at least one idea that demands to be written immediately. That is why I often submit an entry to a challenge the same day as it is posted. If I don't write when the idea is fresh, I will almost never actually come back to it later. I'm having trouble currently because I went on vacation and came back to what feels like 100 challenges, and I just can't get myself to even read what they all are!

H: Oh wow! I find that so amazing that you can write something so quickly.

D: Haha thank you! I loved in Gina's interview of you when you talked about how much you read because that was/is how I've always been with reading and writing. I am mostly incapable of writing drafts. It all happens at once or not at all.

H: And yeah, there have been soooo many lately that it's hard to focus.

D: Right? I can't even focus enough to get the deadlines in my brain. Like wait...what...when? What community? Huh? Nevermind.

Sorry What was the question? Brb, scrolling back.


H: This happens more than you think in these things...hahaha.

D: Oh right, so once I have an idea, it just writes itself. That sounds cliche but it does. I often worry that because I have read SO MUCH in my life, that my brain is just acting like an AI and smooshing 10000 things together into a "new" story.

H: I feel that so hard! Like, did I get this idea from somewhere?

D: I was going to ask you if you can relate as a fellow "read ALL THE THINGS" person lol.

H: Yes, I sure can!! It's why for the first probably 16 months on Vocal, I refused to read anyone's challenge pieces until I submitted my entry.

D: I've considered that too, and I usually end up doing that just by accident since I often enter my own so early. I am so paranoid about ever even LOOKING like I'm copying. For my time travel story, I searched the title I intended to use and was SHOCKED at how many Titanic stories came up...must have been that challenge before I joined Vocal...but then I felt like I had to read as many as possible to make sure my story wasn't too close to any already published ones!

H: I hate it when I have an idea that's close to someone else's and I see it before I enter. I usually ditch the story/poem then.

Yes! I would have read them too, lol.

D: Same! We just do the best we can. For the tautogram one, I had written one and sent it to my friend (Ahna Lewis on Vocal) and then sat on it for a week because it was pretty dark and I wasn't sure if I even wanted to publish it...and then I was about to go ahead and send it in when I got a notification. Clicked it. Read it. SO SIMILAR.

So I scrapped mine. The author was someone from V+A and I knew they would have believed me about it, but it just felt icky regardless.

H: Oh wow!!! That's unnerving in a way. But also kinda cool in that humans can think so much alike.

D: Right??

H: Yeah, I would've scrapped it as well.

D: I know with things like tautograms or acrostics it is more likely since we are funneled into tighter rules but still, weird!

H: So weird!!

Would you be ready to go onto Q#2?

D: Hahah sure! Did I answer #1?🤣 JK I'm ready when you are!

H: Yes! It's really about how you interpret that question and what you want to share :)

D: Perfect.

H: Great! Has writing always been a passion of yours?

D: Reading has always been a passion of mine. Writing just naturally kind of came out of that, I think?

H: I feel that. I think we are like twins in that regard.

D: Yes! So Ahna might kill me for this...but as kids, we would write songs and perform them together for our parents. So that was probably my first "writing" hahaha.

H: Awww, I love that.

D: I do remember in second grade, writing a story about a puppy at an animal shelter, and my teacher returned it with a note that said it made her cry. And that felt...powerful to me. Like oh, I can DO things with writing!

H: What a special memory :)

D: I can make people feel things. As a second grader, that was big.

H: Yes!! I was a great technical writer when I was younger and all through college. Like I could whip up a paper and string a bunch of unrelated crap together and make you believe it, but I was not focused on storytelling at all. So what a cool thing to feel as a young child!

D: Yes! I love writing like that actually, there is something so clear and clean about it. I love rules and clear expectations.

H: Ah, I completely agree. Which is why I majored in science, lol.

D: Back when I was in my first job out of grad school, I could NOT deal with the fact that there was no employee handbook or testing procedures handbook. So I wrote it.

H: What did you go to grad school for if you don't mind me asking? (I can keep this out of the interview if you'd like)

D: (I am an audiologist, by the way.)

H: I've written so many manuals!!!

D: I loveeeeee manuals, LOL. Well written manuals are beautiful.

H: I do too!! You can find out so much stuff in a manual.

D: Yes!! It saves so much time and frustration to just READ THE DAMN MANUAL.


D: Poorly written ones though...ugh.

H: The pits! I'm laughing at how alike we are in this.

D: Hahaha, me too! My husband just came in and was like "what's so funny"...just manuals. He left quickly, hahaha.

H: That's too funny! I'm having so much fun! I hope you are too :) Any more thoughts on that one or are you ready for a new question?

D: I am! Just thinking about that article I wrote for the Creator Resource section was intended as a manual of sorts. And, sorry Vocal, it is literally keeping me up at night that they changed my cover photo to one that makes no sense and then published it and haven't fixed it yet!

My manual has an error now!😫😱🤣

H: Yeah, that would drive me nuts.

D: They emailed me to tell me they published it and that they needed me to resend a photo and that they put "a placeholder" there for now. But the entire article is based on show me/tell me, and the very first image is NOT what I describe.

H: I'm guessing you are very deliberate with your all of your choices down to the picture, title, all the things.

D: I know it will get fixed eventually. I just hate that I can't fix it myself. Hehe yes, I am! How could you tell? 🤣

H: LOL, because I can identify...that's just how I'd feel too!

D: I love it.

H: Me too!

D: Sorry for the derailment, what was Q2?

H: Uh...when did you find your passion for writing? I think?

D: Works for me, lol.

H: We get to make the rules, so that's what we'll go with.

D: I guess originally in second grade and then again in high school when I figured out that I could write my way out of just about any class.

H: I love that!

D: I loved courses with essay components! I got so buried in writing for school for so long though that it kinda killed my enjoyment and passion for it. Writing when I CAN is one thing...when I HAVE to is another.

H: Ah, yeah, anything you HAVE to do, even if you enjoy it can become a turn off.

D: Yep! So I guess I came back to the passion part of it a couple of years ago.

H: Oh, what sparked the return?

D: I used writing to process trauma and find myself again. I've written about it on Vocal before and I won't get into it much so we don't have to Content Warning this one, but I was diagnosed with PTSD after the birth of my first child. For quite awhile after that, I couldn't talk about it without having flashbacks (side note, I think people think of "flashbacks" as scary memories, which they are, but for PTSD, they are SO much more)....but I could write about it.

So I did write about it, and it helped! So did LOTS of therapy. But the writing was step 1 for me.

H: I do remember reading about it some before. I'm so glad that part of your journey to helping yourself has been writing.

D: Thank you! Then last year, my lifelong friend (Ahna again, haha) talked me into writing a dragon story and joining this writing site.

H: And I admire you for being able to do it (and publish it).

D: Thank you.

H: Aww, my lifelong friend is my biggest supporter.

D: It is so fun isn't it??


D: Ahna and I haven't lived in the same place in forever, but it is so fun to have this thing we do together, well...not together, but she does get stuck with reading many of my stories and poems first.

H: I love that so much. What a special friendship!

D: I love how many awesome people I have in my Vocal "circle" now, but there is just something about an IRL friend that hits differently...which is why we need a VOCAL writing retreat!

H: Absolutely :)

Okay, Let's go with one of your questions next! What is a small thing that annoys you way more than it should?

D: So this goes back to your first question. By the time I actually HAVE time to sit down in my fav cozy couch corner and write, there isn't much time left in the day...

H: I can see how that would be annoying.

D: So when I go unplug my laptop and get all comfortable and ready to go and I turn on my laptop and the battery is dead, I am ENRAGED, lol. And it happens often because my husband unplugs the laptop from the wall to plug in something else and leaves the laptop sitting there looking like it is plugged in and charging. But it's all a farce.

H: Oh snap! I hate when I think mine is charged but it's at like 15%.

D: Right?? It's like...well, might as well not even start writing since I can't finish it.

H: So true.

D: And yes, I could move to another place where my cord reaches an outlet....but that isn't my writing place so I can't do it, hahaha.

H: I so get it! You need your space or it doesn't work.

D: Exactly.

H: Speaking of which, I just had to move spaces. I was outside but the sky is turning black. We're supposed to get storms.

D: We have had some weird weather here too lately.

H: Ugh! It was supposed to get stormy here earlier, but I thought we dodged it.

D: I loved storms until I had kids, and now I just cross my fingers they don't get woken up.

H: Yes! Just let me know how you're doing with time or if you need to go. I will move onto the next question, if you're ready?

D: Ready.

H: Do you ever hide any secrets/easter eggs in your works that you think only a few people will find?

(I've never asked this question, but I'm always curious.)

By Ashley West Edwards on Unsplash

D: Hahaha, I have! Do you??

H: Yes!

D: It's fun! I think I'll start doing it more.

H: I love it! And I would have bet you did :)

D: Like even if they don't get noticed, it is still entertaining.

H: AHHH...I was just going to type the same thing! I don't care if anyone finds them. I just know they're there.

D: I think writing in easter eggs just for ourselves is valid too, haha.

H: Absolutely :)

(If I have to go suddenly, I apologize...just got a report we may get large hail and high winds!)

D: Oh dear! Eek!

H: It's fast moving. I just checked the radar, and I think it's going by in the next few minutes.

D: I just want to live in a very safe cave now. That sounds nice.

H: Yes it does. Ok, sorry! I think it's passed, so I am ready for the next question if you are.

D: How many times did you read My Side of The Mountain as a kid? (or adult) I kinda want to go read it right now, lol.

Are you a rereader too?

H: Oh yes, I've reread things 10 or more times.

D: It's like comfort food.

H: Yes! I have literally finished a series of eight books and just started them back over right away.

D: People rewatch movies and shows. It's the same thing for us!

H: Yes! I was just going to say that...which I also do.

D: Guilty as charged. I'd so much rather watch something that I know I like than risk being disappointed (or surprised by something distressing too!).

H: I totally agree.

Oh wait, before we move on...want to reveal an easter egg? I will too if you want.

D: Ooooh, haha no!! But I want you to! 🤣 No pressure, really though! I will say I sometimes repeat characters, like...even if I kill them off, lol, they get a new name and live to ride again!

H: I love that. He's ALIVE!

I will reveal one that is not a super difficult my piece A Man's World, the race horse's name is the name of one of my other poems :)

D: I love it!

H: It fit so well because the real horse's name was Winning Colors and my poem was Colors of Silence so I used it for the name of one of her offspring.

D: Did you plan it out way in advance like Taylor Swift style??

H: I would love to say yes, but my poem came out a few months before the story did.

D: It just worked out like it was meant to then.

H: Yes, I was so secretly pleased.

D: Do you write yourself into your characters much? Intentionally or otherwise?

H: LOL, I love how the tables are turning! I will answer if you answer the same question.

D: Haha, that's fair.

I definitely do, unintentionally mostly. Like around Christmas last year, I was really down and so my characters were too. I didn't realize it at the time, but looking back, I can see how I was feeling at a certain time based on how my characters navigated their lives.

H: Oh wow, that's so cool!

D: It's weird! Look back on some of yours and see if you have any line ups like that.

H: I know I do with poetry, but I'll have to look back at the fiction too.

D: Yes! Poetry for sure for me too. Most of my darker poems live in my drafts though. I just think I worry too much about worrying people, if you know what I mean.

H: I hear depends what emotions or experiences I'm drawing on. Fiction is less personal for me although I do like people that are sarcastic and funny, so someone like that usually shows up.

D: I love those characters. Give me all the sassy characters.

H: Yes!

D: Back to the reading so much thing, I also sometimes wonder what amalgamation of characters my characters are, so I think I write myself or people I know to avoid that possibility too.

H: Ooo, I can see that being a good method.

(How are you doing on time?)

D: I'm ok! Probably have another 15-20, but if you need to go I totally understand.

H: I'm good. How about one fun question and one final one?

D: Sounds good!

H: Great! If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

D: LOL, this one is supposed to be fun and somehow is so stressful. Option overload!

H: Oh snap!

D: I think I would go on an around-the-world cruise though. That's a cheat answer.

H: Wow, that's a lot of cruising.

By Georgy Trofimov on Unsplash

D: I've been lucky enough to travel a lot in my life, and I tend to want to go back to places that I loved. I think a trip where I HAVE to go to lots of new places would be awesome for me.

H: Like the draw of rereading...revisiting! So somewhere brand new to you!

D: I also don't want to have to be the one driving or planning hopping on a ship and having someone else in charge appeals.

H: That is definitely appealing.

D: Yes! I want new but I sure do crave the familiar.

H: I can see how hard it would be to decide.

D: I have such a desire now to stay home and safe and cozy while simultaneously being adventurous and seeing the world.

H: I hear that so much.

D: If you figure out how to do that, let me know!

H: I was more adventurous before kids.

D: Yep...That's the heart of it, I think.

H: It makes all the difference in mindset.

D: Yes, nothing is simple anymore or straightforward. What if what if what if what if.

H: I hear that loud and clear. It doesn't change with age, I'm afraid to say.

D: Lie to me, lol!

H: LOL! Well, we can't end on a stressful note, so I'll ask the last question. What would you like readers to know about you as an author?

D: Oooooh....that's a good one. Hmmm.

Probably just that whatever I write, I write honestly and genuinely, and that can vary day to day, hour to hour. I feel like I write such a bizarre range of stuff on Vocal and that I don't really have a style or signature voice or genre even. But whatever it is, it was me at that moment, haha.

H: That was such a wonderful response!

D: Oh thanks!

H: I can attest to the fact that your work feels authentic and honest.

D: That makes me so happy! Thank you.

H: You are welcome.

D: I'm really glad you didn't get a tornado siren or anything while we chatted though.

H: Me too! Although areas close to me were getting warnings to seek shelter in the middle or lowest level of the house. I hate that.

D: I'm picturing you hunkered down in the cellar with your laptop while the storm rages.

This was super fun! Thanks again for having me. I'd better start getting ready for bed though, 10pm is late for me these days. Thanks for doing this after my kids are in bed too. The chaos level is way lower.

H: Thank you for spending your very valuable free time with me.

D: It was seriously so fun.

H: It was.

~ The End, folks ~


I hope you enjoyed this brief look into Donna's writing life. I highly encourage everyone to check out her work and subscribe. I'm sharing a fiction piece that I absolutely adored! I hope you like it too :)

Chat interview conducted via facebook messaging on June 26, 2023.


About the Creator

Heather Hubler



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Comments (39)

  • Yanger Mollier12 months ago

    Wonderful interview!!

  • Kristen Balyeat12 months ago

    Absolutely loved this interview! Saw it come up a few days ago and had to save for when I could sit down a read through. Donna- I just love you and your writing, and I’m so happy to have gotten to know you a little more! You are such a delight and a ray of sunshine! Heather, amazing interview, as always!!! 💫💞

  • R.C. Taylor12 months ago

    Loved this interview! Wooo Donna, my Queen <3

  • JBaz12 months ago

    First off, you had me at “ ……a glass of cheap red.” Donna, I love your work and this helped put perspective on your writing. Heather, as always, great interview. ( I’m getting nostalgic thinking of ours). Such an open and honest interview, more like two friends shooting the shit. Eater eggs, I started to laugh, it is great that we do it, just for us. Congratulations to the both of you.

  • Ahamed Thousif12 months ago

    Good Conversation both of you... awesome work @Heather Hubler. Keep Going!

  • Heather and Donna, I loveeeeee manuals too! I have written on how to do things but they're just like one page so I don't think that counts as a manual, does it? Lol! Oh I remember Fucking Mike! He is the most horrible person ever! I feel so bad because I don't think I've found any of y'alls easter eggs 🥺 You'd expect a Swiftie to have mastered the art of spotting easter eggs. But this Swiftie could have easter eggs thrown at her face and still not know they're easter eggs 🤣🤣🤣 DONNA DONNA IF YOU SEE THIS, I WOULD LOVE TO READ YOUR DARK POEMS. PLEASE DONNA SEE THIS 💖 I enjoyed this interview so much!

  • Test12 months ago

    This interview was so much fun... and I am not surprised in the slightest! Donna is awesome – kind, considerate, encouraging and funny as hell! Well done on another well-deserved TS, Heather. xx

  • Donna has long been one of my faves, ever since the first piece of hers I read. She's incredible. Great interview, both of you.

  • Tiffany Gordon 12 months ago

    Donna has such a nice & bubbly personality! She is also a talented writer! Great Interviewing HH! Congrats on your TOP STORY!🎉

  • Gerald Holmes12 months ago

    Wonderful interview as always. It was great to get to know Donna a little.

  • Caroline Jane12 months ago

    That was great. The conversation flowed really well, loads of personality and authenticity. Great to get to know Donna better. Wonderful stuff.

  • Money insighter12 months ago


  • Lamar Wiggins12 months ago

    That was awesome! I used to go on a cruise out of Miami every year for about 10 years so I was surprised when that was Donna’s answer. Would love to try an Alaskan cruise next. Donna is a great writer. Two of my favorites from her were “welcome to flight” and the “distraction game” micro fiction. Looking forward to more from both of you. Congrats!!!

  • Leslie Writes12 months ago

    👏 Fabulous interview! I 💖 Donna. There are so many relatable answers here. The fear of parallel thinking on a challenge prompt is real! It’s so cool that you and Ahna are IRL friends! I also love the Easter Egg idea. I hope you didn’t get any damage in the storm. 💕

  • D. ALEXANDRA PORTER12 months ago

    Great read! One of my favorite parts was about Donna Renee's Creator Resource manual with the error. Congratulations on Top Story!

  • Mohammed Darasi12 months ago

    Great interview Heather! Donna is actually one of my favourite writers on vocal

  • Dana Crandell12 months ago

    Great job, ladies! Another terrific interview and an obvious choice for Top Story!

  • Jay Kantor12 months ago

    Dear Heather & Donna - What an enlightening expose' - I've always told my students to just read the instructions; don't just pick out the 'Juicy Parts' - Butt, do they listen - Nah - Jay Jay Kantor, Chatsworth, California Proud 'Senior' Author - Vocal Author Community -

  • Great interview loved learning more about donna

  • Melissa Ingoldsby12 months ago

    Congratulations on top story!

  • Heyyy Girls ✨💖😊Way To Go❗❗❗ Congratulations on Top Story🎉✨🎉I Enjoyed the Chat📝😁💖

  • Naveedkk 12 months ago

    Congrats Top Story!

  • Dana Stewart12 months ago

    Straight to the top, this one, rightfully so. Donna is a great writer, I can’t think of a single piece she’s written that wasn’t fantastic. Enjoyed getting to know her better. And I agree, a Vocal retreat would be fun! I’d have to bring my dogs, lol. Congratulations on Top Story!

  • Babs Iverson12 months ago

    That was fun!!! Super superb interview!!! Loving the conversation between you and Donna, we all have a lot in common!!! Loved it!!!❤️❤️💕

Heather HublerWritten by Heather Hubler

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