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A Modern Day Viking Writer Among Us, Gary Ragnarsson, Arctic

Mariann Carroll’s Fathers Interview Blog

By Mariann CarrollPublished about a year ago 8 min read
Top Story - May 2023
Gary’s Photo Modern Day Viking

Gary Ragnarsson is a Modern day Viking who has written over 30 stories on Vocal. He is my first interview for my Father’s Day Vocal Blog Series. He has two beautiful children that he is very proud of. He have multiple jobs in the works. Sorry ladies, this 32 year old handsome Viking is already engaged. He recently Celebrated his birthday, May 17th. Here is his Vocal profile :

Mariann(New York) : Hi Gary, can I interview you for my Blog ?

Gary(Brentford, UK): Of course you can, I’d love that! I’m just about to get all my writing routine back in order too, so perfect timing

Mariann : Where are you from?

Gary : I was born and raised in Brentford, Middlesex, which is interesting because the name ‘Holdaway’ itself originates from those granted land under King Alfred’s ‘Dane-law’ way back in the viking ages.

Following the execution of the legendary Ragnar Lothbrok at the hand of King Aella, warrior tribes from Norway and various places around Scandinavia united and sailed to battle against Anglia (England) under the sons of Ragnar, or, if we’re to see Ragnar as a myth, we’d call those sons the heroes of their time: Bjorn Ironside; Ivar the Boneless; Uber; Fitzic; and Sigurd (snake in the eye.)

Long story short, this war ended by the granting of land—the hollow ways of Middlesex, specifically—under the King of Wessex & Mercia: Alfred The Great. Yes, this makes me a direct descendent of Ragnar Lothbrok, or at the very least, Uber Ragnarsson. And no, nobody ever hears the last of it!

You’ll see these viking influences coming through in my work across titles like the narrative epic poem: Blood Feud, and more lifestyle based posts like: What It Means To Be A Modern Viking.

Mariann: What is your goal in writing ?

Gary : My goal in writing is always has been, to illuminate, inspire, encourage and uplift. I approach every non fiction work with a singular mindset : if this helps to change or improve the life of even one person, the article is a success.

As for fiction works and the odd bit of poetry, they often exploration in the use of language and complex depths of human emotions. I am big on psychology and philosophy. The double edge swords that is love captivates me! It really much more like ancient torture devices where your souls is stretched, twisted, and wrung out , rather than a bike ride in the park while the sun shine down on your back.

Mariann : I heard through the grapevine you got engage ? How did that happen ?

Gary : Well, you know I’m crazy and impulsive. Yeah… that happened. I’ve had a difficult time with relationships. Develop walls and trust issues and all the rest of it along the way.

However, I am not getting any younger. While out on the town one evening with a couple of friends, acting like a twenty something on heat, I saw a woman and I know!

I am 32 years old , I ‘m dating to marry …. so why wait? We had strong feelings from the off and I thought to myself, “ Why the hell shouldn’t I give things a proper chance for once?” He who dares win and all that.

So, I proposed marriage, and we will remain engaged for a year and a day as per ancient custom as a trial marriage. So, far so good!

Mariann : What is your real life schedule and how do you fit writing in it?

Gary: Well I wake up somewhere between 5:30 am and 7am , drink 3-5 cups of tea, and the then go do some work.

Alarm clocks are rarely necessary and if ever I sleep beyond that time, it means I must certainly needed rest.

Currently, I don’t have much of a routine to be honest, writing is something I’ve consistently struggled to slot in anywhere. I’m ….lazy! When it comes to writing anyway.

I spend a couple of hours walking and settling dogs in the morning before heading off out to complete any of the jobs I need to do that day. Around 3pm , I go do more walks and settle the dogs for the afternoon.

Gary Dog Care BusinessPhoto

It’s dog boarding business is new, my relationship is new, a lot has change in recent months, and as such, a routine with writing, sketching and all my other hobbies has kinda gone out the window. But I hope to get that sorted out this week!

Gary’s Lucky dog in his care

Gary R. , one of his many drawings in color

Gary Ragnarsson’s Creation

Mariann: What did you first write about, Why?

Gary: Well that depends on how far back we travel? As a six / seven year old child I slaved over an innocent, naive, story for Jurassic Park 3( I called it Dino-Crisis, and thankfully-much like prehistoric Lizard, it has been lost to time.

Mariann : If you were a book, What would the title you give yourself and Why?

Gary: The Saint & Cynic: Dual Wielding Conflicting Paradigms Within The Fu**ed-Up Mind of A man-Child, I think it speak for itself, lol

Mariann: What does your typing space look like?

Gary: For now it’s most likely, I ‘m typing away on my phone while traveling between window cleaning customers or sitting at the kitchen table on my laptop.

Right now I am sitting on the edge of the bed on my phone, because that’s where I was when I felt the urge to type.

Mariann: Who are your favorite vocal writers and Why ?

Gary: Well, I don’t like to play favorites, and I’ve not frequented the community in a while, so it’s a tough question to answer!

What I will say is that I’m hugely inspired by Mike Singleton-MikeyDred, with his 1300 plus stories accomplishments.

I have enjoyed the works of tons of Vocal authors over the past couple of years. We have an amazing talented community.

Mariann: What Facebook group do you belong to?

Gary: I think all of them! Or all of the big ones at least. I had a hand informing the Vocal Social Society, but didn’t do much past the first couple of weeks of conception due to lack of commitment and sudden crisis of identity.

Mariann : If you can change the world, what would you change and why?

Gary: Now this is truly is a tough one!

I think if I really could get a message through to everyone on the planet at once, and have it actually sink in and stick, it’d be to get them to realize the massive impact their individual choices have on society and the world at large! We are all working cogs in a large eco-system, moving parts in a finely-tuned machine. Our mindset s, health, choices,values, activity levels, parenting styles, all of it , shapes the world. It all started in the individual. There is no way that what you do as a personal does not effect those around you and go on to shape an entire generation. So, never think you,re not worth it, because you truly are worth everything!

Mariann: Being a Viking and all, how do you handle things that angers you?

Gary Ragnarsson, Humorous Viking Photo

Gary: With great difficulty! It usually involves a lot of shaking and convulsing out of frustration, even tears sometime I bite back against a natural aggression. I ‘m the type of person where blood boils and rages like the sea.

Gary handle stress with humor Facebook post

As a youngster I was a bit of a nightmare. Always getting into fights, especially when alcohol was involved. But as I’ve aged I’ve tamed myself and channeled aggression into more positive outlets. I was a keen boxer, and I think learning to control the monster inside spoke volume in my life’s as it is today.

I’m still capable of violence, and I do have a natural anger and aggression that I keep under control. But it’s better to be a warrior in the garden, than a garden at war. When I train, I train hard and to failure. When I work, I work harder than everyone around me. I keep myself busy, I rarely sit still, and Inkeep myself busy and active.

Years of focusing on self development. Spirituality, philosophy and psychology have teased outa kinda ‘ Loveable-rogue’ persona. A kind bad boy. Utter confidence, but ultimately a protector over an aggressor.

I like it like this. As a man such as myself I feel you need to acknowledge and accept the beast that swells within, and then learn to control it and used to your advantage.

Mariann: Do you have kids? What does it mean to be a father to you?

Gary: I do have two children, lily who is 12 in September and James, who is 8 in December.

Gary Ragnarsson, favorite Photo

Being a father means everything! You become a key role model to the next generation of aspiring adults, and it’s important to have them see all the good and decent traits an adult person should have!

I always wanted children, and would have a ton more honestly. But logistically that’s difficult to achieve.

Saying that, I’ve always wanted to foster troubled teens at some point in the future, to maybe have a hand in their eventual success and happiness where before they may have only seen darkness and despair.

But for now, that’s just a pipe-dream, and I have enough work to do on myself and in the lives of my own children.

Mariann: What are you most proud of with your children?

Gary: My children are very grown up. They hold adult conversations, have smashing sense of hum-ours, and are creative beyond belief. My Lily is able to construct animals and creatures on paper that rival any drawings or sketches I see popular YouTubers create, and James is able to free-climb lampposts with his bare hands and perform flips, pull ups, push-ups, and various athletic feats at will.

They are both amazing children, and I’m not just saying that because they’re mine.

It’s always been important to me to teach them decent morals, and manners, and to treat them with the same level of respect as I’d expect myself. I speak to them as if they’re adults, I hide nothing from them, they are wise beyond their years and I feel that’s important because ‘hiding’ certain topics from children on shelter them from the reality of the world.

I don’t make fools of my kids, I’m making excellent adults out of them. That is the ultimate job of a parent: to prepare them to parent themselves one day when you’re no longer around.

Both of my children could get by without me already, socially in any case.

They are strong, they are wise, they are creative, and they’re resilient. I couldn’t be any more proud of either of them!

Mariann: Sorry, Gary. I was suppose to submit this on your birthday but got sick. Congratulations on your Engagement and your new business undertakings. You have lots of wisdom for a young modern Viking. It was a pleasure to interview you. You were very open on who you are and you never even try to sugarcoat who you are.

Belated Happy Birthday !!! 🎂 Advanced Happy Father’s Day 👨‍👧‍👦

here is one of Gary’s favorite story he wrote on Vocal while he was finding his identity:


About the Creator

Mariann Carroll

Proactive for positive change.Born in the City of Chicago ,Illinois.

Multi race .Studied in a foreign country .Fluent in several languages .

fascinated by diversity.A Romantic and a dreamer.Interest in healthy living

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Comments (23)

  • Queen Queenabout a year ago


  • C. H. Richardabout a year ago

    Great interview Marianne! I will have to check out Gary's writing. Enjoy this series ❤️

  • Naomi Goldabout a year ago

    Wow, I love this series so much Mariann! You keep introducing me to writers I’m not familiar with. You asked great questions, and I loved Gary’s answers. I like how we got a history lesson. I have Scandinavian ancestry, not sure if any Vikings were in the family tree, but I’m fascinated by it all the same. I too wake up very early without an alarm clock, and then drink lots of tea. I think having your own business working with dogs is very cool! And I fully agree with the concept of a quick engagement if it feels right, but spending a year and a day engaged as a trial marriage. That really is the way. Can’t wait to dig through Gary’s stories, I see some that look very interesting. Especially knowing he’s into spirituality, philosophy and psychology, my favorite subjects.

  • Saka Jamiu Olaniyiabout a year ago

    Great interview session, congratulations to you both. I believe my syorywil make the top story one day. Congratulation once more.

  • Heather Hublerabout a year ago

    I enjoyed learning so much about Gary! Congratulations on getting engaged :) And congratulations to you both on Top Story.

  • Ariba Abbasabout a year ago

    Amazed.....Read my articles also

  • JBazabout a year ago

    Thank you for introducing another wonderful and interesting author to all of us. This was a great read. I now have a new set of stories to fill my mind. Congratulations to both of you

  • Congratulations on your Top Story

  • Donna Reneeabout a year ago

    So interesting!! 😁

  • Melissa Ingoldsbyabout a year ago

    Awesome work here Mariann, love the interview! Congratulations on top story!!!

  • Gina C.about a year ago

    Wow! So great to learn more about Gary! I will have to check out his work! Awesome interview, Mariann! Congrats on Top Story!! 😍

  • Whoaaa, not only Gary is super talented, his children are too! I enjoyed reading this!

  • Antoinette L Breyabout a year ago

    Nice interview, really explored his personality

  • Tiffany Gordon about a year ago

    Very enjoyable interview! Nice work Mariann & Gary!

  • excellent interview from both of you

  • Gary Ragnarssonabout a year ago

    Thanks so much Marianne! This process was so much fun, and has really encouraged me to get back into sharing my thoughts through Vocal 😊

  • Dana Stewartabout a year ago

    Such a delight to be introduced to Gary. Great interview!

  • Caroline Janeabout a year ago

    Another wonderful interview. Great to see Gary on here! 👍

  • L.C. Schäferabout a year ago

    You do amazing work lifting up the writers on here. Going to nip across and subscribe to Gary now...

  • Deasun T. Smythabout a year ago

    Brilliant interview! Well done.

  • Babs Iversonabout a year ago

    Marvelous interview with a Modern Day Viking!!! Loved it!!! 💖💖

  • I have not read Gary's work before, Mariann. Thanks for introducing us to him. Now I've gotta go check out some of his stories. BTW, does that mean you were sick while conducting our interview? I hope you're feeling better.

  • I like this interview ❤️😉Thanks for sharing❗ I also subscribed and shared some love...

Mariann CarrollWritten by Mariann Carroll

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