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Working in Tandem

The incompatibility between us.

By KBPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Working in Tandem
Photo by Nathan Jennings on Unsplash

Incompatible. We are entirely incompatible. Complete opposites. Working next to each other each day, at the desk, in the field. Always butting heads. They say that opposites attract but in this case? Let’s just say there is no such saying that exists here. Grabbing the mini blue topaz stone on my necklace for comfort, for calmness. And boy, do I need it with him.

I used to not believe in horoscopes. I never fed into any of that astrological stuff. I had always relied on logic, on my gut instincts. I don’t have much time on social media, so I wasn’t open to any of those “relatable” posts. Never really came across them, it wasn’t even a unit in profiling at Quantico. Basically, I just entirely disregarded the whole thing. That was until I spoke to my friend Clarice about my problems with Mark. Mark’s the guy I work next to by the way, my “partner in crime” as you will. But anyways, Clarice had mentioned horoscopes and I figured it was about time to dive into it all, “If you want to understand Mark, start at the basics...horoscopes baby!” she exclaims. This stuff gets her all excited, almost as if it was a case she gets to be in on. A code that she can crack and I can’t.

His birthday is March 30th, I mean we’ve been partners for over two years…I’m supposed to have a good memory for my job. It means nothing that I remembered his birthday. Immediately upon telling Clarice, she puffs up her cheeks, “That is one big oof darlin’, this explains it all”. She couldn’t possibly figure it all out by just telling her his birthday, could she? She continues, “He’s an Aries, you’re a Capricorn. It’s science. Makes sense why you two butt heads all the time, how have you gone this long working together? Well I guess now that we know this, I can help”.

Clarice spells it all out, practically reading me to filth. I’ll spare all the embarrassing details and negatives but she definitely pinned the tail on the donkey. I’m logical, practical, resourceful, and driven...all female Capricorn characteristics. Also kind of explains why I’m so successful with this job in particular. Solving cases, moving to the next one, and all that jazz sort of thing. On the complete opposite side, Mark the Aries, can be competitive, aggressive, demanding, needing praise, and undisciplined. Without ever meeting Mark, Clarice gave me the exact description of him. No wonder we are in constant disagreement. I should point out that Clarice mentioned the good qualities Aries men can have, but you’re supposed to be on my side.

Surprisingly, with this in mind our dynamic started to become...easier to navigate. Just by a tad though. It made it easier knowing he needed the ego boost to thrive. It won’t do me that much harm to say “good job” once in a while, will it? Maybe my ego needed to come down too.

A few months went by and I started to...enjoy his presence? That irks me to say, the Mark I couldn’t stand suddenly became attractive? NO! Not attractive in that way, but in a way where I like being his partner. It is nice to have some banter when I’m staring at a computer screen for hours on end. I mean it improved our work too, we were communicating better when we were out in the field. We got everything done more efficiently and started to smile at each other? This was out of the ordinary for us. It seemed like our colleagues were starting to pick up on it too, just that there was a change and we weren’t fighting with each other all the time. I wonder if Mark has any idea what is different. Though he probably has no idea...he is an Aries.

I mentioned this to Clarice after these few months. Not to give in to her ego, but she was right. This is where she introduced “phase two”. Now that I can recognize and navigate all these negative traits, I need to look towards his positive traits…the positive traits that she mentioned months ago but I disregarded. She said I have to look at his characteristics in the same positive light as I see mine. Obviously, I chuckle, “Clarice, you’ve known me for 8 years and think that’s possible?” She grins but she goes on and on about how I must keep an open mind, especially since it’s already going so well.

She was right again. I had slowly started to recognize his positive traits. One day after work, he asked if I had any plans and if I wanted to go to the bar for a casual drink. I gave in and accepted. Not only did I go, I had probably one of the most interesting “dates” ever. I have never been on a first date with someone that I already know everything about. And I mean everything, nothing is under a lock up there, it’s all in a file or we eventually find out over time. This was different, it was actually really special. We were really enjoying each other. Seems like it wasn’t such a casual drink after all.

I guess you could say now, that I officially believe in astrology. Not only that, I actively do more research in it, it’s actually helpful at work. Opposites do attract after all, who knew? Thanks Clarice, me and my children owe it all to you.


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