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Why Are Old People So Freakin' Mean?

One millennial's take on why the elderly lady in the coffee shop was so mean to her waitress, and what that says about humanity.

By Emily McCayPublished 7 years ago 3 min read

I am currently sitting in a coffee shop in suburban New Jersey, half-working, half-surfing the web, half-stuffing my face with a delicious piece of goat cheese topped multigrain toast. Like any normal human, I survey the people around me, casually ease-dropping. The shop consists of a handful of girls about my age (mid 20s), all sitting separately, typing away on their computers, a young couple chatting away with the barista at the counter, and a mother and a daughter sitting directly in front of me. The mother is probably in her 70s, daughter in her late 40s, early 50s, and the mother is a complete freakin' bitch.

Let me back up a little bit. I don’t even know this woman, right? Why am I being so judgmental? Old people are the cutest! Let's clarify the scene that enfolds in front of me.

Mother and daughter sit down. A few minutes later, mother complains about what is taking so long. (This is a privately own little mom and pop coffee shop, so the service is more personal, less rapid fire). Daughter tries to mute mother.

“She’s probably making it right now…” she says.

“Why don’t you go check,” the mother says.

Daughter begrudgingly gets up, asks the waitress about the food. Low and behold, the waitress had indeed forgot about the order being caught up in another order, and now begins to make the food. Daughter returns, explains the situation, mother huffs and puffs. A few minutes later, food arrives.

Mother hands coffee cup to waitress and says, “Could you bring me another? I’d like to have coffee with this and didn’t expect this to take so long...”

Doesn’t say please, doesn’t say thank you. Waitress kindly takes the cup, refills the coffee (for free, I might add) and returns to the table. Still no thank you, just sass. What. A. Bitch. I laugh out loud (easy, Danielle), and the wheels in my head begin to turn.

Yes, the waitress screwed up the order, and yes, the mother had every right to ask for more coffee/where her food is, but did she have to be so rude about it? Seriously, why the heck are old people so god damn mean? Literally, they just do not give a f*ck. What is it about getting older that causes people to lose patience with humanity? I have a few theories.

You’re tired.

First off, getting older means that you are physically in more discomfort that most young people. Your back aches, your feet ache, everything pretty much aches. Being uncomfortable does not lead to people being the most agreeable. Being tired is a common catalyst for being mean, even for young people, so it makes sense that they elderly would take this grumpiness to the next level. "You don't even know what tired is!"...sigh.

You’re impatient.

You’ve literally spent most of your life taking care of other people, waiting on them. You’re tired of waiting, god damnit! Between jobs, kids, spouses, grandkids, you’ve done more than your duty of being patient with people. So now, you want things ready ON TIME. Plus, your old, right? Who knows how much time you actually have left? Just kidding people (kind of...).

You’re bored.

For a young person, the idea of retirement sounds great. No work! All play! Except, if you didn’t have to go to work, or take care of your kids, or take care of anything really, do you know how bored you would be? Imagine now, you can’t drive, or do anything really on your own (see “You’re Tired” above), and you are bored out of your freaking mind. Sure, Judge Judy and The View occupy a few hours of your time, but what about the rest? Old people are bored, and boredom when unsolved leads to crankiness (in my own experience as well). By the time you DO get out of the house, you’re in such a bad mood everything pisses you off. Wonderful.

You just DGAF.

Seriously, old people just do not give a f*ck. And why should they? You’ve earned your stripes. You’ve survived. You do what you want, and anyone who doesn’t like it, too damn bad.

So, elderly woman inside Boonton Coffee, you indeed were a total bitch to that waitress, and to your daughter, but hey, you’ve kind of earned it. That just means when I’m old an Granny with grown kids, and a husband who sleeps all day, you best believe I’m going to be just as sweet! Thanks fam! <3


About the Creator

Emily McCay

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    Emily McCayWritten by Emily McCay

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