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Whoa, That's Cool

The Crazy World of Tech

By Thomas TerryPublished 11 months ago 3 min read
Whoa, That's Cool
Photo by NASA on Unsplash

We live in what is probably the fastest moving and most connected time in all of our planet’s history. If you are anything like me you probably have taken living on this planet for granted at least once and most likely don't really think about how amazing the things we have really are. If you are reading this you have an amazing life, one that probably surpasses most other human’s in our history. Yes, I know you most likely have struggles and hardships that you go through and your life is far from perfect. However, compared to what others in the past and even today go through you are very well off. Just think of it like this you are connected to the entire world within just a few presses of buttons and have access to any piece of knowledge you could ever need or want. Now think about if just one person had that kinda information 100 years ago. It would be mind-blowing, but now we don't even take the time to think about what we really have.

You are on some sort of device that's capabilities are way beyond the spaceship that landed on the moon. Your phone has more processing power than a spaceship that made it to the moon and back! Just let that crazy fact sink in. That is so insane to think about. We should take a second right now to be grateful for the amazing things we have access to and not take our privilege for granted anymore. The phones you and I have can store so much information and we have access to reach any piece of knowledge this world has ever known at our fingertips.

I am so excited about all the new innovations humans are making. I truly believe we are going to see some really crazy things be invented in the next few years. Just look at what people like Elon Musk have already done and have planned to do, things such as space travel, going all the way to mars, making learning easier by implanting chips on our brains, improving transportation with Tesla and the Boring Company. All of this innovation is just from one guy! This world may not even be recognizable in the next century if our knowledge and innovation continue to grow at the rate it currently is. Studies have said that 90% of the data we have on the internet has been added within the past 5 years and over 2.5 quintillion bytes (2.5 e+9 GB) of data is added each day to the internet. That number is so big it is hard to even imagine it. That is an insane amount of information we all have access to from our cell phones that can fit in our pockets.

However, we must be careful how we use this information because it could be used wisely and help grow us as humans or it can be used to destroy us and cause wars among nations. Thinking of this reminds me of a quote from Spiderman, "with great power comes great responsibility." We must remember that with all of this power we have through knowledge and information we must be careful to only use it for good. Misinformation continues to be on the rise and can create rifts between relationships and hurt people. We have found ourselves in a war with tech companies and free speech. How much fact-checking is okay and who should have the final say on what is true or not. Is it okay to let big companies have as much power as they do? This is kind of off topic but at the same time fits perfectly with this topic of technology and information. We must answer some of these hard questions if we are to keep the internet alive and growing in a healthy way.

We need to remember that within all of this advancement we are seeing we are still humans and we need to look after one another. It’s ironic that living in the most connected time we are furthest away from each other when it comes to our relationships. Maybe we need to take a break from social media and see the world with our own eyes. Put down our phones and hug and enjoy the presence of those who are with us. Create memories that will last even when technology fails us. We live in an amazing time but don’t let that distract you from what is really important, humans.


About the Creator

Thomas Terry

Hello, I like using poetry and music to help connect people and find the meaning of life. We all have our own unique stories and I want to share mine to hopefully inspire you to share yours!

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    Thomas TerryWritten by Thomas Terry

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